Little Ash bit Jiang Nianning's pant leg and pulled him back, and Jiang Nianning immediately understood its intentions and wanted him to take away the two corpses.

Jiang Nianning walked to the corpse and reached out to touch it.

[Hunter's Corpse]: He was one of the best hunters in the Village of the Moon People before his death, and he never returned when he went up the mountain to hunt, no one knows why he became like this, if anyone finds out, take him back and give it to the head of the Village of the Moon People, maybe you can get an unexpected harvest.

System tip: Receiving the corpse requires props [coffin], if you walk on your back, then your mobility will be greatly reduced.

Obviously, you can't walk on your back, Wan has encountered powerful monsters again and again, let alone dodge, it is difficult to attack.

No way, let's go find the coffin first... Well, I don't know where to get it, and I don't know if the straw mat will work.

"You watch here, I'll go find the coffin and wait for me to come back." Jiang Nianming instructed Little Ash, and regardless of whether it understood or not, he walked towards the outside of the house alone, and Little Ash really did not follow, presumably remembering his words.

Coffin...... Coffin....

Jiang Nianning walked around the grass hut and circled around a few times, but she didn't find this thing.

However, he accidentally found a mountain path hidden behind a grass hut.

After walking through the trail, there is a small flower garden with green plants, and a fresh fragrance comes to the face.

The village chief said before that there were a large number of exotic flowers and plants on Lingyue Mountain, but he did not find it along the way, but found a small flower garden here, and it seems that the village chief's information is not completely accurate.

Just as Jiang Nianning was about to step forward to pick those flowers and plants, suddenly his back was cold, and a killing intent struck.


This sense of oppression was much stronger than the enhanced monsters he had encountered before.

Did the boss really appear?

It's fake to say that he is not nervous, now he has 18 recovery potions left in his package, and the boss ability is too strong, and he can only withdraw while fighting.

Revenge for the hunters explained by the village chief is only a side quest... The important thing is to take Ash back.

In just this moment, Jiang Nianming thought about so many things.

And when he turned around, he found a giant bat holding a purple-black steel fork in his hand, but flashing moon-white light, staring at him with eyes full of endless murderous intent.

The first time she saw this bat, Jiang Nianning felt that she was finished.

Today, I am afraid that I will die!

Flying monster, what he is good at is speed, can he run, can he fly faster than bats?

Damn it!

Look at the attributes first, you really can't beat it, then die, if you dare to kill me, you dare to die!

[Moonlight Bat] (Elite Monster)

Level: 12

Health Points: 5450 Physical Attack: 145~160 Physical

Defense: 70

Magical Defense: 45

Talent: [Moon Guardian] Form a protective shield under the light of the moonlight, and any damage you receive will be reduced by 8%!

Skill: [Continuous Charge]

Introduction: The demon beast guarding the flower garden of Lingyue Mountain has good combat power in itself, and with the blessing of the power of moonlight, its strength will go to a higher level, and if you kill it, you must be mentally prepared to be counter-killed.


After reading the attributes of this monster, Jiang Nianning got good news and bad news.

The good news is that this big bat is not a boss.

The bad news is that even if this bat is not a BOSS, its attributes are completely higher than Jiang Nianming's expectations.

Looking at his physical defense of less than 60 points, Jiang Nianming's guts are almost frightened, if this is a fork stabbed down, then it is not possible to directly hit 120+ damage, if there is another critical attack, he will not have to finish directly, surrender will be finished, convenient and fast.

And...... Now it was night, there was a moon in the sky, and the moonlight fell on the big bat, and the talent obviously worked.

8% injury-free, nearly half less than his Luna Veil, but not bad.

At this moment, Jiang Nianming only hated that he was not a mage, and the other party's magic defense was too low.

Oh no, if I were a mage, then I would definitely have lower physical defense and HP, and I would have been stabbed to death with one shot.

While thinking, the moonlight bat had already raised the steel fork to kill, its speed was too fast, Jiang Nianming just turned sideways to dodge, there was a burning pain in his left arm, the moonlight bat's steel fork scraped violently, bringing up a large piece of blood, and at the same time, flew behind him.

Jiang Nianming glanced at the system prompt, and this fork directly killed him 126 HP points.

MD, tough enough!

Jiang Nianning was not used to it, the black iron gun raised violently, and when he raised his hand, he slammed and swept in the air.



The blood bar of the moonlight bat decreased a little, which made Jiang Nianning inevitably a little desperate.

It is worthy of being an elite monster, ten times stronger than the enhanced monster!

The point is that the amount of blood is large, especially more, and it is too difficult to kill.


The moonlight bat also gave him a sweep, followed by a backhand, and the two attacks made Jiang Nianming so painful that he couldn't speak.

Three attacks, enough to kill 376 HP points, two more times to cool through.

At the same time as Jiang Nianming counterattacked, he quickly took out the recovery potion and swallowed, one bottle is not enough, two bottles... Three bottles!

After the amount of blood was pulled, he also shook his spirits and fought with this big bat.

Of course, at this moment, his gaze is aimed at the aisle behind the moonlight bat, he doesn't really want to fight, he wants to take the opportunity to run!

At this moment, he finally understood why the three hunters died on the mountain, this monster is indeed terrifying, and there are ghosts if they are not killed.

The attribute gap is too big, and the operation can't really make up for it, not to mention, Jiang Nianning feels that he doesn't have much operation.


The first hand shot, Jiang Nianming stepped out and rushed up, and the moonlight bat screamed, and the fork in his hand emitted a dark purple light, which seemed to become more fierce!

"Not good!"

Jiang Nianming immediately realized that it was this elite monster who was about to unleash his skills.

He quickly came with a sliding step, closed the gun and slipped away, and also hit a yarn!

However, the moonlight bat did not give him a chance to escape at all, and it had a complete advantage in speed, and it was bound to kill this uninvited guest!

Under the charge, the steel fork mercilessly left two deep blood marks on Jiang Nianning's back!

100% real feelings, Jiang Nianming suddenly felt that life was better than death, his whole person fell to the ground in pain, and even the idea of fighting back was gradually dispelled.

At this time, the blood bar was greatly reduced again.

Jiang Nianning gritted her teeth and took out two blood bottles to add blood, and then reached out to touch her back.


It seems to have touched something.

Take a look in your hand.

Oops! It's an arrow! Red Blood Arrow!

"How did I forget this stubble!" Looking at the glowing red blood arrow, Jiang Nianning immediately realized that it was time for this thing to come in handy.

Quickly take out the red blood bow.

At this time, the red blood bow also glowed red, and it seemed to have been inducted by some kind of induction.

Jiang Nian Ming took the bow and aimed the arrow at the left wing of the bat: "Go and die!" Cao Nima! This

kind of player we usually call "low-quality player."

Of course, it can also be caused by emotions.


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