
The arrow with a crimson light shot out, like a meteor penetrating the left wing of the moonlight bat, the hot breath floated, the blood qi spread, and a red -1000 number jumped out of the bat's head, this injury really scared Jiang Nianming, the effect was amazing!

So much so that he couldn't believe that repeatedly looking at the blood bar of the moonlight bat was indeed a big bit missing!

Look at the system prompt: you use the red blood bow and arrow to attack the moonlight bat, the effect is outstanding, the moonlight bat's health is reduced by 1000 points, and the speed is reduced by 30%!

Not only has the amount of blood decreased, but even the speed has decreased.

When Jiang Nianming looked up, she found that the moonlight bat seemed to have broken its left wing, its whole body was not so balanced, and it could fall to the ground at any time, and in this state, it obviously could not have the same powerful speed as before.

The threat was suddenly reduced by more than half!

Not to be outdone, the moonlight bat raised the steel fork to attack Jiang Nianning again, and this time its trajectory was completely seen through by Jiang Nianning, because the speed was too slow, not as good as before, Jiang Nianning predicted its next move, lightly dodged sideways, immediately retreated a few steps, and shot the second arrow with a bow again!

The moonlight bat in its peak state failed to dodge the red blood arrow, and now it is even more impossible, so the second arrow also hit it mercilessly, and it was the right wing!

Another 1000 HP points!

Now the moonlight bat has more than three thousand points of blood left, and its speed has dropped by 75%, and it can only stumble on the ground, and it can't fly at all!

The threat has dropped again!

Jiang Niannian still had the last arrow left.

This arrow is aimed at the eyebrows of the moonlight bat!

One arrow through!



System prompt: The moonlight bat was hit by the door, the body was paralyzed, and it could not move, for 20 seconds!

Golden opportunity.

Jiang Nianning put away the red blood bow, changed back to the black iron gun, and began to punch the moonlight bat on the ground!

Bang bang!







In 30 seconds, the moonlight bat has been destroyed, and when it recovers, there are less than 1500 HP left.

Jiang Nianming saw the hope of victory, this elite monster's little life he is bound to accept tonight, kill this guy, you can go back to sleep well, it is estimated that you can laugh in your dreams.

The moonlight bat is obviously no longer good, and it is only a matter of time before it is killed, and even the recovery potion cannot be saved, because Jiang Nianming can easily dodge its attacks.

The two wings were still bleeding, and the heavily damaged moonlight bat looked extremely pitiful at the moment.

Of course, if it weren't for the red blood bow and arrow to make great achievements, it was Jiang Nian Ming who was abused at the moment, and it can only be said that luck, good luck!


After a flurry of fighting, the moonlight bat could only accept the arrangement of fate and knelt on the spot.


System Tip: You kill the Moonlight Bat (Elite Monster) to gain XP 2040.


Jiang Nian Ming has been upgraded, the level has been increased to 6, the attribute has been raised again, and the extra points are still added according to strength and physical strength of 55, and the amount of attack and defense has developed in many aspects.

The moonlight bat is 7 levels higher than him, that is, 70% more experience points, in other words, the basic experience point of this elite monster itself is 1200 points, and a level 12 enhancement monster is only 400 experience points in the sky, and even not to this number, the elite monster is several times higher.

Moreover, the elite monster is not only high in experience points, but also in terms of its high explosive rate, and the things that burst out should also be relatively rare.

Jiang Nianning went to touch the corpse excitedly, hoping to get a bronze artifact in hand!

Of course, before that, he was more than happy to pick up gold and silver coins scattered on the ground.

Elite monsters are elite monsters, a burst is a big explosion, there are 31 gold coins alone, and 57 silver coins, which is quite impressive.

In addition to this, there is a bottle of recovery potion.

"This red potion bottle looks bigger than what I bought from the old village chief..." Jiang

Nianming glanced at it, sure enough, this is not a primary recovery potion, but an intermediate recovery potion, the kind that adds 300 blood at a time, the effect is 3 times, but the primary recovery potion has the advantage that it can be drunk uninterrupted, there is no cooling time, how much you want to drink, and the intermediate recovery potion is different, There is a cooldown of 0.02 seconds in between, and although this time is very short, even negligible, it can sometimes play a critical role.

Especially the game between masters and masters, maybe the difference is that 0.02 or even 0.01 seconds, and the other party will not even give you the time to drink the potion.

Of course, Jiang Nianming didn't think that she could become such a master, but Yiming could.

Jiang Nianming pulled the corpse again and found a leather armor with a moonlight color.

【Moonlight Leather Armor】(★★ Black Iron)

Physical Defense: +21

Magical Defense


Level required: 8


Very powerful black iron tool, still two-star, but unfortunately now Jiang Nianming's level is too low, can not be equipped, so I have to put it away first, now level 6, there is still a gap of level 2, brush the monster for a while.

In general, the first time to kill an elite monster, the gain is relatively large.

After solving this bat, Jiang Nian Ming has no scruples, directly into the flower garden, maybe he can pick some exotic flowers and plants, if he uses it himself... Well, add 10000 blood in seconds! Or a furious flower, the kind that adds 1,000 powers in 30 seconds.

Thinking about it, Jiang Nianning's mouth almost laughed crookedly.

The imagination is beautiful, the reality is always cruel, when his palm touches those exotic flowers and plants, it is indicated that it can be picked, but after picking, it is found that it is not usable... If you want to cry without tears, since you can't use it, what is the use of picking it? Occupy the parcel lattice!

Just when Jiang Nianning was about to throw away these useless things, he suddenly thought that what could not be used for him might be of great use to NPCs, and the village chief of Yuemin Village must be interested in these flowers and plants.

Therefore, everyone who can move away may be able to exchange some benefits.

In the end, 111 plants of exotic flowers and plants were successfully picked, the names were too complicated, there were too many varieties, anyway, Jiang Nian Ming himself could not be used, so it was directly unified as "exotic flowers and plants".

After cleaning up the flowers and plants from the flower garden, Jiang Nian Ming looked around here for coffins, not to mention, in the depths of the flower garden, there were really two coffins, as if they had been prepared for a long time.

And just when Jiang Nianming went to collect it, he found that in front of the coffin, there was still a white bone sitting!

Step forward and touch it.

[Hunter's Red Blood Bones]: The most powerful hunter in the village of the moon people, he is the pride of the village of the moon people, but unfortunately he fell here, people are embarrassed, take him back, give his bones to the old village chief, you will be rewarded.


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