Open the coffin, directly put the bloody corpse in, and then put the coffin into the package, but the grid to be occupied by this coffin is two, the general item only occupies one grid, like the recovery potion, 99 only occupy one grid.

The player's wrap compartment is 160 without expansion, which is generally enough.

Put away the other coffin, then go back to the grass hut, get the coffin out again, put the bones in, and the extra bones can only be carried on their backs.

Although Jiang Nian Ming has tried his best to avoid the monsters, he still encounters a few, he can only put the bones down to kill the monsters, and then carry the bones on his back after killing, which is too slow.

"Woof!" When the monster appeared in front of him again, the little ash next to his feet screamed twice, and then his body suddenly became larger twice, his eyes were glowing fiercely, and his front legs were powerful, and he rushed towards the strengthened moon wolf, biting off the other party's full 100 points of blood, which surprised Jiang Nianning.

Before, the village chief said that Little Ash's combat effectiveness was very strong, but now when I see it, it really is so!

Little Ash in the battle state also has health points and health bars, Jiang Nian Ming looked at its state and found that its level was 20, and the upper limit of health was 1200 points, which was enough to kill indiscriminately in the surrounding area.

However, the monster killed by Little Ash cannot be shared with Jiang Nianming's experience.

Jiang Nianming didn't want to covet that little experience point now, he just wanted Xiao Ash to open the way, and he hurried back to hand over the task.

Twenty minutes later.

One man and one dog finally arrived at their destination, the village of the moon people.

Jiang Nianming carried the bones to the old village chief, and then got out the other two coffins: "The hunters are dead, I brought their bones back, their great revenge has been revenged, and I have successfully brought back Little Ash."

Looking at the coffin, bones and ash, the old village chief's eyes were moist, and his mouth kept sighing, and after a while, he said to Jiang Nianming: "Adventurers from another world, I thank you on behalf of the dead, you have done so much, you deserve more rewards." "


System prompt: You have completed the task [Find Pet Dog Little Ash], gain 2000 experience points, and get 12 gold coins.

System prompt: You completed the mission [Hunter's Revenge], gained 2500 experience points, and obtained 20 gold coins.

Two mission rewards, a total of 4,500 experience points, plus those provided by the monsters killed on the way back, Jiang Nianming's level has increased again, and now he is level 7, and his combat effectiveness has been strengthened by another wave, and he is still 1 level away from equipping that moonlight leather armor.

However, the experience points required to upgrade from level 7 to level 8 still require 7652 points, just killing monsters is too slow, and you have to rely on doing tasks to obtain a lot of experience points.

And Jiang Nian Ming is still thinking about that golden slime at the moment!

After all, after he completed the task and really got this only hidden profession, he didn't know if he could not return to this place.

Jiang Nianming took out the red blood bow and the already empty arrow pot and handed it to the old village chief: "The horror on the mountain has been cleared by me, thanks to this bow and arrow, it's a pity that the arrows have run out..." The old village chief took the red blood bow and the empty arrow pot

, and sighed deeply: "You come with me, help me bury these three bones." "

The system prompts: Do you accept the old village chief's request to help him bury the bones?

Another task?

Jiang Niannian naturally accepted it kindly.

Then went out with the bones and coffin, and Xiao Ash also ran out, Jiang Nianning dug three deep pits in a clearing in Yuemin Village according to the instructions of the village chief, and put the coffin and bones in turn, and the bloody coffin was in the middle position.

The tomb was erected, the tablet was offered, the old village chief hung the red blood bow and the empty arrow pot on the tablet, and after paying homage, Jiang Nianming's task was also completed.

The old village chief turned to him and said, "Thank you, young man, I should reward you." "

System prompt: You helped the old village chief and gained 500 experience points.

That's a lot, 1200 points less for a level 12 elite geek... Jiang Nianning was very satisfied.

The second task has now been successfully completed.

I saw the old village chief trembling and walking back to the house, and then took out the statue of Yue Lingwei, at this time, the statue emitted a dazzling light, and a powerful force was about to be reborn!


White light appeared, and in the light, it seemed that a giant had appeared.

When the light slowly dissipated, there was a boom on the ground, and Jiang Nianning also lowered his left arm that raised to block the light, looking at the tall divine guard in front of him who seemed to be summoned, this Moon Lingwei was holding a long spear that emitted moonlight, looking extremely threatening.

He is the protector of the village of the moon people.

Jiang Nianming tried to analyze his attributes.

【Moon Lingwei】(BOSS level) level



Physical Attack: ?

Physical Defense: ?

Magical Defense:?


Introduction: Yue Lingwei, the protector of the Village of the Moon, has extraordinary combat power, he once exhausted his strength to protect the Village of the Moon, and now he has gained new power and has been reborn.

I can't analyze anything, I can only see the introduction of the basics, it seems that this Yue Lingwei is indeed strong, which can also indirectly prove how terrifying those enemies who came to destroy the village in the first place are.

Yue Lingwei's eyes glowed silver-white, and standing in the room, he had already seen the situation outside clearly.

"The village has been destroyed..." Yue

Lingwei's tone was heavy.

The old village chief sighed and said, "Yes, how many people have left their homes, and now there are only a few of us left here, it is this adventurer from another world who collected the moonstone, so that I can wake you up."

Yue Lingwei looked down at Jiang Nianning.

"It's you... You are the Luna Messenger... No, you are not an official Lunar Envoy, is it, it seems that you have come to participate in the test, I admire your courage and hope that you can succeed.

Jiang Nian Ming laughed dryly: "Borrow your good words." "

Now only the last of the three must-do tasks remains, that is, to challenge the Moon Warriors.

The point is, where to find the Moon Warriors?

Jiang Nianming turned her gaze to the old village chief again, and after telling him her thoughts, she hoped that he could help.

And the old village chief told him that the moon warriors in the village sacrificed a lot, and the rest also escorted the villagers away, and now there are no moon warriors in the village, and he can't help with this.

At this moment, the Moon Lingwei on the side said: "If you want to become a real Moon God Envoy, you really need to launch a challenge to the Moon Warrior, since there are no Moon Warriors in the village, then let me come, although my strength has not fully recovered, but to complete your trial, I think I am qualified."

Jiang Nianming: "??? "

You coming?

I can't see your level, you tell me that your strength has not fully recovered, is it qualified? You're qualified, I'm not enough!

Jiang Nianming waved his hand again and again: "Don't say goodbye, I think there should be Yuemin warriors outside, I'll look for it."

Yue Lingwei stopped him: "I know that you haven't really become a Lunar God Envoy yet, so you won't use all your strength to fight you now, I only give out one-tenth of my strength, if you can hold out for five minutes, I will admit that your trial is successful, how?" "

Jiang Nian Ming thinks, one-tenth of the strength, five minutes?

Doable, definitely doable!

The system should not arrange too many NB opponents for him, as long as he is careful, he should be able to survive it.

Jiang Nianning looked at the recovery potion in the package, there were 13 primary ones, enough to use, if it really didn't work, use that intermediate one, as long as it could complete the trial task.

"Okay, I promise you." Jiang Nianning said.

"Then you come with me, let's go outside."

Yue Lingwei walked out with steps, followed by Jiang Nianning.

Coming to a clearing, Yue Lingwei crossed his hands, his body slowly shrunk, only normal people were tall and low, that is, their physique was relatively thick, and the spear in his hand was shortened in the same proportion, and he had suppressed his strength.

Jiang Nianning looked towards him, and at this time she could also identify his attributes.

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