After brushing a wave of monsters, several people went deep into the hinterland of the Sunset Plain, where new monsters appeared, and white-armored humanoid warriors roaming nearby like guards with scythes in hand, there were many of them, and they looked very difficult to deal with.

Jiang Nian Ming immediately probed its attributes, and it was indeed quite extraordinary.

[Guardian of the Sunset Tower] (Local Monster)

Level: 50

Health Points: 15500 Physical Attack: 2250~2420 Physical Defense: 1200

Magical Defense: 1050

Talent: [Double Slash] Each attack will deal two equal damage.

Skill: [Harvest Blade]

Introduction: A mysterious guardian wandering the Sunset Plain, guarding the Sunset Tower and ensuring that it is not invaded.

"How can the attack power of these monsters be so strong, stronger than the Sunset Skyhawk!" "

I don't know ah rub! Almost 2500 physical attack, indeed nb." "

What is the Sunset Tower?" asked Xiyue like a curious baby, this is the Great Plain, the scenery in all directions can be seen clearly, and there are indeed no buildings such as towers.

Jiang Nianming said: "It's not clear for the time being, but maybe the answer lies in these monsters, by the way, have you killed local monsters before?"

Everyone shook their heads, this is the time they have seen native monsters, the attributes are indeed not weak, especially the amount of health, especially prominent, of course, the physical attack is also quite strong.

Jiang Nianming has killed, the previous Alba monster is that these native monsters will only appear in a fixed place, and the appearance of these sunset tower guardians on the sunset plain can only mean that they have indeed approached the so-called sunset tower.

Intuition told him that the answer lay in these monsters.

"Go on, clean it up, level 50 monsters must give a lot of experience points. "

Jiang Nianming took the lead, first went up to respect, clicked two swords, his left hand condensed light thorn, and stabbed down fiercely at the neck of the guardian of the Sunset Tower in the front, and suddenly blood sprayed out, the guardian of the Sunset Tower was also afraid of pain, after a loud roar to vent, he brandished the scythe to cut Jiang Nianning's head, but before the scythe fell, it was blocked by a white light, and the long sword was everywhere, shaking its weapon away while taking away more than 3,000 HP.

With the blessing of the Essence Spirit Seal, the attack power of Sugar Candy has also increased a lot.

"These monsters have high blood and kill together. Sugar Candy smiled, firm with dashing, for a moment Jiang Nian Ming fascinated, but now is the time to kill monsters, you can't just look at the beauty, after all, there are already five sunset tower guardians rushing over together.

Qingqing Ziyun wants to protect the summoner Xiyue from being hacked to death, and can't launch an onslaught too unscrupulously, but Xiyue's summoned beast's attack power is really terrifying, the sunset sky eagle can kill the opponent with thousands of blood, the demon tiger and the demon leopard impact at the same time, and the three summoned beasts kill a guardian, which is only about ten seconds.

In order to kill monsters faster, Yi Ming cooperated with the old brother and sugar candy to attack a monster together, and a critical attack can take away two or three thousand HP, even if the guardian has 15,000 HP, it is not enough to eat.

The guardian of the Sunset Tower is indeed fierce enough, and his own talent blessing is also strong, as long as he hits once, he can deal two damage.

Fortunately, Jiang Nianning's Origin Spirit Seal greatly improved his physical defense, and the enemy's two combos killed him with more than a thousand HP, which was not worth mentioning, and it was added back at will.

Yi Ming shot the heart of the guardian of the Sunset Tower, and after the latter trembled a few times, the blood-stained scythe in his hand fell to the ground, and his body exploded into fragments and disappeared in mid-air, but right where he died, more than a dozen gold coins appeared, and there was a transparent irregular fragment.

Jiang Nianming picked up the fragment and observed, and the fragment also reflected a colorful luster, like the color of purple and red mixed together.

And at this moment, Xi Yue's voice also sounded behind him: "Little brother leader, do you see what this is!" Jiang

Nianning turned her head and looked at Xiyue in surprise: "What do you call me?"

No problem, it's just a little incredible. "

It's really exciting enough.

Jiang Nianming looked at the girl, before she went back with Xiyue, she must have said something on the way.

I saw Xiyue step forward and said, "Don't worry, although your approach makes me very unhappy, I have a lot of adults, and I won't see it with you."

Jiang Nianning: "Ah, yes, yes, don't see me in general."

"Oh, look, what is this!"

Xi Yue handed the same irregular fragment to Jiang Nianming: "It exploded after killing that monster."

"I have this too.

Jiang Nianning took the fragment of Xiyue, and then compared it, but the irregular shape was different.

[Mysterious Fragments] (Special Items): After collecting a specific number of fragments, it may have unexpected effects.

It's the same as not saying.

I don't know exactly how much that particular amount refers to, mysterious fragments... I don't know what the pieces are.

Anyway, just kill the monsters.

"Keep killing, this monster gives a lot of experience points, and the equal score is more than 3,000." "

Well, continue!" The

speed of killing monsters is very fast, after each Sunset Tower guardian dies, a mysterious fragment will burst out, and an hour later, Xiyue has upgraded, and it can already turn twice, killing monsters for ten minutes again, and the number of mysterious fragments has reached 642!

Jiang Nianming thinks that it is necessary to kill enough 1000.

It turns out not, just kill enough 888.

After the number of fragments reaches 888, the team receives a system prompt: please note that the Sunset Tower will appear after 10 seconds, this time lasts for five hours, after five hours, if the corresponding mission is not completed, the Sunset Tower will disappear and will be banned from opening for three days.

After prompting, the ground began to tremble wildly, and also made a rumbling sound, as if it was about to split, 5 seconds later, the front really cracked a ten-meter-wide gap, almost completely separated the left and right sides, an ancient yellow giant tower, from under the big gap

, slowly broke the ground! "I lean! This is how it appeared!" As

soon as Jiang Nianming sighed, the mysterious fragments in the package automatically flew out, and then entered the tower.

The light fell and reflected on the tower door, which was six meters high, and after trembling for a while, slowly opened, as if welcoming the arrival of several people.

"Let's go, the special weapon we are looking for must be in this tower."

Xiyue's face was excited: "Interesting tasks!" "

Follow me in the future, there are many such interesting tasks."

Jiang Nianming was still here and loaded.

Everyone walked into the tower, the door behind them closed, dark in an instant, and bright in another moment!

System prompt: Your team has entered the Sunset Tower, and the number of people detected is 5, which meets the criteria and can be tested.

System tip: The tower has a total of six floors, and the sixth layer can be unlocked by clearing all the first five floors, and the following is randomly assigned.


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