Soon, Jiang Nianning found that the people around him had disappeared one by one.

Then, even he himself was gone.

But a few seconds later, he appeared again, but it was not the same place before, and a mysterious force forcibly transferred him here.

Then, the girl disappeared.

Sugar candy is gone.

Qingqing Ziguan is also gone.

There is also the moon that is missing.

Jiang Nian Ming was stunned for a moment, and then there was a system prompt: the allocation is complete, your position is the third floor of the Sunset Tower, please note that all five layers of tasks must be completed to enter the sixth layer, and if one of them fails, it is determined to be a failure for all.

System tip: Countdown 4 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds....

The countdown begins.

Jiang Nianming thought in his heart that this exploration is really a little disgusting, several people must complete the task, one is indispensable, he is not worried about himself, it is the others...

Sugar candy and green green seeds are okay, the girl can't do it, the double defense is too weak, and Xiyue... Although there is a sunset sky eagle, but her own blood is pitiful, the monster in this tower should not be too weak, although it has not appeared yet.

First contact a girl and them, the personnel dispersed, the team was automatically dissolved, and now they are all single.

Jiang Nianming hadn't sent a message yet, and the girl sent it: "Brother, what layer are you on

?" "The third layer, what about you?"


Nianming looked up... Understood, the girl is on the fourth floor.

"Do the task well, remind you to see it, but don't hold me back, or I'll turn around and beat you." Yi

Ming: "You're finished, go back and burst for you."

Jiang Nian Ming was silent.

"Didi, leader, I'm on the first floor, where are you?"

Jiang Nianning replied, "The third layer... Lying groove, I think the first floor is the most stable. Sugar

Candy: "No, you're wrong, I encountered a level 55 monster on the first layer. "

Level 55, MD!" Jiang Nian Ming felt a chill in his heart.

"I haven't moved forward yet.

"Then you try, I don't think you will hold back."

Jiang Nianming: "..."

Then Xiyue, this girl is the most unlucky, she ran to the fifth layer, according to the convention, in addition to the sixth layer, the fifth layer should be the most difficult.

Jiang Nianming didn't want to say anything more, and replied: "Do your best." "

Then the last Qingqing Zi Guan is in the second layer, for this beautiful and elegant female paladin, he has nothing to worry about, the blood is high and the defense is high, and the attack is not weak, it must be no problem."

Now is the first step.

Jiang Nianming took a step and looked around, this layer of the tower... The surrounding walls and buildings are all gray, giving people a very melancholy and gloomy feeling, he does not know what the task is, if it is just to kill monsters, it will be too boring.

However, there are no system prompts either.

Not far away, Jiang Nianming sensed the danger, and the lights began to flicker around, and then those rays landed into eight humanoid warriors with guns, not the guardians before, these warriors were all wearing white helmets with a white feather inserted in the helmet, which looked cool.

[White Feather Warrior] (Enhanced Monster)

Level: 55

Health Points: 28000

Physical Attack: 2250~2450 Physical Defense: 1500

Magic Defense: 1350

Talent: [Armor Breaking] Increases armor-breaking ability skill by 15%

: [White Feather Cold Gun].

Introduction: The soldiers of the White Feather Army, under the leadership of the commander, accidentally entered this tower, and have never gone out again....

They are all level 55 enhanced monsters, their attributes are quite good, and they are all the kind that will actively attack, obviously, he is already regarded as an intruder in the tower.

Jiang Nianming flew forward, swung his sword to cut the oncoming white feather warrior, dodging the opponent's spear while slashing at him, a sword slashed at him, taking away more than a thousand of blood, not bad, after all, the physical defense of this white feather warrior is also quite good, but this fight is too slow, after he rushed out of the encirclement, he directly took out the level 4 thunder talisman and threw it out, bang bang, and caused 1000 damage to the nearest three white feather warriors, this wave of luck, and an additional splash damage, 200 points。

"Good. Jiang Nianming saw that this talisman can indeed kill the monsters, and his heart is also happy, after all, this is the fruit of his labor, but this thing alone can't do, the opponent's HP is 28,000, the level 4 talisman alone costs 28 pieces, and can only kill up to 3, he is not so wasteful.

Throw out all the level 4 talismans in the package, only 3 were killed, and the rest still had to be cut with a sword, fortunately, after the death of those 3 white jade warriors, no new monsters appeared, and Jiang Nianming, who is now only level 47, when he killed a monster 8 level higher than himself, he gained 22,500 experience points, which is just a monster.

In other words, a strengthened monster provides him with 12,500 experience points, which is very cool, the experience bar has increased by 5%, kill them all, and the experience of this level can increase by 40%!

When he was happy, he didn't watch out for a shot that stabbed him in the shoulder, taking away 892 blood volume, not high, with the blessing of the priest's spirit seal rebirth, his blood volume was raised by 3,000, and now it has broken 8,000 blood, and any miracle light can add 800 blood, quite domineering.

A few monsters were cleaned up quickly, but unfortunately there was still a 2% experience point upgrade left, but no monsters were refreshed.

There were a lot of things on the ground, in addition to a large amount of gold coins, there was also a little blood bottle, no equipment, but broken parchment and other things.

A total of 3 tablets exploded.

Jiang Nian Ming picked them all up and looked at them.

[Broken Magic Scroll]: After collecting 10 pieces, give it to the old man in the tower, and she will give you instructions for the next step.

Jiang Nianming looked around, but did not see any old people... Forget it, continue to walk forward, where there are strange kills, sooner or later you will meet, moreover, the space of this layer of the tower can not really be said to be small, there are two intersections on the left and right, turn around, there should be strange killings.

As he expected, there was a wave of the same monster in front, or 8 strengthened white feather warriors, because there was no scroll, it was more difficult to fight, the previous wave took about 20 minutes, this wave took about 30 minutes to kill, but the level finally rose to 48, in addition, the broken magic scroll only received two, even if it was a fantasy with the wind, it could not burst more, but there were three more pieces of equipment on the ground, a two-star white feather helmet, the attributes were average, now Jiang Nianming can no longer look at it, one is a white feather gauntlet, the same as the white feather helmet, it is also a two-star silverware, and the third is a white feather spear, added 295 maximum attacks, can't do ah.

However, three pieces can already trigger the suit effect, but this equipment attribute is actually not good, even if it is a set, now on the leaderboard, it is only eighth, really can't do.

Jiang Nianming walked to the fork in the road, turned left without hesitation, and continued to slaughter monsters, the first wave, burst a scroll, the second wave, burst another one, at the end, met the old man in the scroll prompt.

This is an old woman with silver hair, her body is transparent, there is no doubt about the soul body, squatting in the corner in front, the monster does not seem to see her, floating on her head with the name: Ah Lei!

Jiang Nian Ming went up to talk to her: "Grandma, do you need my help?"


an adventurer from the Eternal City. Jiang Nianming only said this.

Ah Lei just snorted: "Adventurers of the Eternal City, my magic scroll is lost, can you help me find it, if you find it, please return it to me, I will give you a lot of rewards."

Jiang Nianming nodded: "Don't worry, I will be able to find it for you soon!" "

Thank you, young man, by the way, the scrolls are likely to have turned into pieces, you can find them all, and then return them to me, I can restore them."

Jiang Nianming nodded, then turned around and went to the intersection on the right, continued to kill monsters, and soon burst out the last three scroll fragments.

After collecting ten of them, go to the end of the left passage to find Alei and turn everything in.

Ah Lei was excited: "Young man, I really didn't see you wrong, this is exactly the scroll fragment I was looking for, in order to express my gratitude to you, I will give you this." "

Ding! System

prompt: You have obtained Ale's reward, experience points of 50,000 points, 800 gold coins, obtained [Wizard Spirit Seal Magic Source], and obtained [Lanhai Danfang].

This reward was really a bit rich, so Jiang Nianning was even more curious about how awesome that magic scroll was.

But don't be curious, because that doesn't belong to you.


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