System prompt: Do you accept the task [Star Wheel Awakening] (

task difficulty 2000)? "The difficulty of this task is really a bit big..." Jiang Nianming saw the task appear, did not feel very happy, but a solemn face, the difficulty of the task will decrease with the increase of the number of team members, but now the team of five people, there is still 2000 difficulty, indicating that the danger level of this task is not generally high, the risk is very large.

However, it is still necessary to accept, after all, risk and reward are directly proportional, and the higher the risk, the greater the reward.

After acceptance, the task page appears.

Task Name: [Star Wheel Awakening

] Task Content: The first stage [Collect Star Wheel Energy Fragments] The power of the star wheel is dispersed, turning into a large number of energy fragments, which seriously affects the order of the Star Picking Tower, please collect these energy fragments first.

The second stage [House of the Star Wheel] enters the House of the Star Wheel with the collected complete Star Wheel fragments, finds the chaotic Star Wheel, and throws the fragments into the vortex.

Stage 3: Note: Killing monsters during the mission gains an additional +20% of experience points! Note:

The overall level of failure in the first stage of the mission is reduced by 3, the overall level of failure in the second stage of the mission is reduced by 2, and the overall level of failure in the third stage of the mission is reduced by 1! Mission

time: 3


"Depend! The punishment for failing this task is a bit harsh!" After

reading the task introduction, Jiang Nianning immediately realized that something was wrong.

But this is all connected, there is no need to run, let's start.

"Where are the Star Wheel fragments?"

the girl asked immediately.

Jiang Nianming pointed to a floor: "Go to the top, I will go to one myself, sugar candy to one, Xiyue follow Zi Guan, sister, you also find one to go, be careful." Yi

Ming nodded: "Then I will go to the east one, rest assured, I have a shield, the defense is very strong

!" "Well, come on!" Several

people immediately split up, Jiang Nianming went to the south floor, "Oh oh oh", the pace accelerated, after crossing the stairs, Jiang Nian Ming came to the second floor of the Star Picking Building, his eyes looked ahead, it was a huge space, and at the end was a closed room, there was a sign on the door, a black five-pointed star symbol.

"This is the House of the Star Wheel?" Jiang

Nianming walked away, but before he could get there, the light of the stars turned into monsters and attacked him again.

This time there are two kinds of monsters, one is a star warrior and the other is a star archer, long-range melee cooperation, a little difficult.

Jiang Nianming turned on the brave fearless, the light of the left hand shone out

, and the killing was over! The

first target is a star archer with only 7,000 HP points, a typical attack on a monster with high defense and low health, a few knives can hack one to death, very simple, after killing the first star archer, the first energy fragment really exploded.

Jiang Nianming picked it up to check the attributes of this fragment, and also got effective information.

[Star Wheel Energy Fragments] (mission items): 450 Star Wheel Fragments are collected, and the energy is collected.

450...... The number is not very large, it depends on the burst rate.

It turns out that the chance of this monster bursting out of the star wheel energy fragment is really not very high, even if Jiang Nianning now has 11 lucky points, it is still difficult to burst out, killing an average of four monsters to be able to burst a fragment, the first time is really lucky.

It took forty minutes to clean up the monster, Jiang Nianning's level was also successfully increased to 52, and then look at the task items, 129 have been collected, the monster has not been refreshed, Jiang Nianming contacted others to ask about the situation.

Sugar Candy said: "I have collected 98 energy fragments here, and there are probably ... There are more than fifty monsters, and there should be quite a few bursts.

"The monsters on our side have been cleaned up, and a total of 108 pieces have exploded. "This is a message from Xiyue.

The girl did not return, she should still be killing monsters.

Jiang Nianming counted carefully, the sum of his side and the sugar sugar side and Xiyue was a total of 335, and there was a difference of 115, how can the sister say that there must be 80 pieces?


There are still 24 pieces left.

"Go, gather to help Sugar

Candy kill monsters!" It's not that Sugar Candy kills monsters slowly, on the contrary, she kills monsters quickly, which can be called the fastest monster killing speed among several people, but the number of monsters is too much, this is behind, wait until Jiang Nianming and they gather, three times five divided by two to clean up all the monsters, and collect 26 fragments, which is already considered to have exceeded the task.

Look at the level at this time.

Jiang Nian

Ming level 52, this level experience value 33%; Sugar sugar level 49, this level experience value 56%! Yi Ming level 54

, this level experience value 42%! Qingqing Zi Guan 51 level, this level experience value 55%!

Xiyue level has also increased rapidly, already 79%

of level 52, about to rise to level 53.

The monsters here give a lot of experience points.

"The fragments are collected, but where

is the Star Wheel House?" Yi Ming frowned, except for Jiang Nian Ming, everyone else looked at each other, they were only responsible for killing monsters on various floors, and did not see the Star Wheel House.

"Come with me. Jiang Niannian walked to the south floor: "It's above." Soon

, several people came to the closed house.

Yi Ming tried to go up and push the door, but the door was imprisoned by a powerful force and could not be pushed open.

"Give me all the star wheel fragments. Jiang Nianming said.

Everyone also realized something, and immediately handed over the collected star wheel fragments to Jiang Nianning, and the 450 fragments were gathered, emitting dazzling starlight and turning into a complete star crystal.

A beam of starlight rushed out from the crystal and poured into the five-pointed star symbol on the door, and the powerful force that sealed the door was impacted, and everyone saw the door tremble violently, and then slowly opened.

The house is full of lights.

The Star Wheel Crystal fell from mid-air and was caught by Jiang Nianning's hand.

Several people walked into the room.

The tasks of the second phase began.

When Xiyue, who was walking at the end, also entered the house, the door suddenly closed automatically, and several people looked back, and Xiyue even pushed it with her hand, but unfortunately, it couldn't be pushed open.

"Lock it, or smash it?" "

Don't, it's a mission going on now, maybe something will happen, don't act rashly yet." Sugar Candy said.

Jiang Niannian thought deeply.

Turning around, his gaze fell on a five-meter-high iron shelf directly in front of him, this iron frame has been rusted after hundreds of years of baptism, but the framed round star wheel exudes a good power, and the brilliant starlight illuminates the entire room, making everyone feel like they are in the starry sky.

The star wheel glowed blue, the energy suddenly became manic, and monsters jumped out of it, this time not archers and warriors, but star wizards.

[Star Wizard] (Normal Monster)

Level: 58

Health: 5500

Magic Attack: 3899~4099

Physical Defense: 1675 Magic Defense: 3075

Skill: [Starlight Eraser] [Same Return].

Introduction: The wizards who guard the House of Stars are guided by the power of the star wheel and awaken, and they cannot get close to the star wheel without defeating them.

"Heavens... More than four thousand magic attacks!" Seeing the attributes of this star wizard, even Qingqing Ziyun was a little shocked, this was terrifying.

And at this moment, the three star wizards released their skills at the same time, they did not have staffs, they could release magic with their hands, and a large area of starlight gathered between the raised hands, and then burst out with a bang, and the first to be beaten was Jiang Nianming, and the girl and Qingqing Ziyun on the side were also uncomfortable.





Don't let them unleash a second skill.

Several people moved in unison, and all the attacks were greeted on the Star Wizard, but the wizards who were close to them were not afraid at all, and some even sneered, which made Jiang Nianming, who had just hacked a monster to death, feel bad.

Suddenly, a star wizard figure on the right turned into a streamer and suddenly pounced, fearlessly grabbed Jiang Nianning's thigh, and the ugly face twisted, almost spitting it out disgustingly.

The situation was not good, the star wizard who grabbed his thigh exuded terrifying energy, and after 1 second, it exploded with a bang.

Jiang Nianming was directly blown up and spat out a mouthful of blood.

The damage numbers floating on the head really startled everyone.



"This fucking self-detonation!" Jiang

Nianning quickly used skills and blood bottles to add blood to herself, and the girl had already inquired about the battle information: "The Star Wizard released the skill [Tonggui], at the cost of his own death, he severely damaged the enemy, how much blood he had, how much blood the enemy should lose after the explosion!"

Jiang Nianming looked at the experience bar, although the other party is self-destructing, but can still get experience points, so the speed of obtaining experience points is still very fast, that is, his mother's is a little unbearable, now he is only 8000+ HP, bear once is almost the same, the second time will be cold.

No, the amount of health had just increased to 6,000, and another Star Wizard grabbed his thigh, smiled at him and blew himself up.


System prompt: You killed the Star Wizard and gained experience points....

Jiang Nianning was suddenly loveless.

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