Seeing that one by one the star wizards pounced as if they were desperate, everyone could only smile bitterly, trying their best to weaken each other's blood volume, so that even if it was a self-explosion, it would not lose too much blood, but the number of star wizards with the self-explosion, not only did not decrease, but increased.

At the beginning, there were only nine, but after self-detonating a group, it became nineteen!


bang! In the house of stars, there were continuous explosions, even if Jiang Nianning couldn't bear it with the brave fearlessness, the cold moon shield couldn't support it, Qingqing Zigen's defensive talent could barely be supported, but even so, a large number of star wizards still ruthlessly sent away two people

! One is Xiyue, and the other is a sister!

This is the second time that the girl died in the mission, and she also burst the shield, Jiang Nianming was quick and fished up the shield, and she would give it to her when she went back.

Due to the 20% increase in experience points, each person has gained more thieves, and after a large number of wizards self-detonated, Sugar Candy and Qingqing Zi have each upgraded one level.

Unfortunately, the self-detonating monster seems to have a particularly low explosion rate, except for some gold coins and potions, there is nothing else, equipment, props, these are not there.

"I finally learned why the Floating Goose Sinkfish failed in the mission. Jiang

Nianming looked tired and helpless, this kind of high-intensity monster self-detonated, who is it at this stage, I am afraid it is difficult to bear.

Sugar Candy said: "Her mission did not fail, otherwise how to open the copy, I think, it should be the second stage of the task completed."

"Hmm. Jiang Nianming nodded, deeply impressed.

Now there are no monsters, Jiang Nianming took out the star crystal and walked towards the huge iron frame, there was indeed a fiercely rotating vortex on the star wheel, and Jiang Nianning threw the crystal directly into it.

Woohoo! The vortex is absorbing the power of the crystal.

The power of the stars gathered in all directions, the room was illuminated, and after a few seconds, everything became calm, and the whirlpool gradually became smaller until it disappeared.

The second phase of the task is considered complete.

Jiang Nianming went to see the task prompt, originally the task of the third stage was not displayed, there was only a "?" sign, but with the completion of the second stage task, the task content of the third stage also appeared.

[Third stage mission]: The power of the star wheel has returned to calm, but the disaster of picking the star tower has not ended there, the soul of the great wizard is bound by some mysterious force, and it cannot be freed for hundreds of years, please help him clear that power....

Mission Tip: There are two Star Guards at the end of the House of the Star Wheel, and they have revived and are coming towards you.

After reading the task prompt, Jiang Nianming only felt a cold breath rushing to his face, there was a rumbling sound in his ears, reflexively raised his head, and everywhere his eyes went, he saw two tall armored men walking towards this side, the one on the left with a sword, the one on the right with a spear, their speed is very slow, but every step is full of oppression.

This is the last type of monster in the Star Picking Tower, Star Guard.

[Gun Star Guard] (Gold Elite Monster)

Level: 60

Health Points: 1600000 Physical Attack: 4888~5666 Physical

Defense: 4500 Magic Defense: 4500

Talent: [Star Scar] Ignores 30% of the enemy's physical defense, and each hit has a 10% chance of tearing the enemy's equipment and reducing its attributes


: [Gun Explosion] [Star Shadow Gun] [Red Eye] Territorial Aura: [Starlight Bath] (Powerful) Bathed by powerful starlight, the combat effectiveness of himself and his companions has been improved, physical attack +15%, physical defense +15%, magical defense +15%, explosion rate +15% Introduction:

Once the left and right arm of the Great Wizard, but for some reason suddenly uncontrolled, the power disorder, the death of the Great Wizard may have something to do with him.

[Sword Star Guard] (Gold Elite Monster)

Level: 60


The attributes of Sword Star Guard are not much different from those of Gun Star Guard, the double defense is the same, the attack power is less than a hundred, and the overall attribute is very strong.

"It's not a boss, I don't have much HP, but this pair of defenses is too terrifying. "

Jiang Nianming people are almost numb, the monsters killed before, the highest physical defense did not exceed 3000, even 2800 is rare, this suddenly appeared two 4500, and the physical attack was as high as more than 5600... Damn, coupled with talent and territorial aura, he really understands why the floating goose sunken fish hangs.



seems that it was a message sent by the girl, and Jiang Nianming didn't have time to reply, because the two star guards had already rushed over, the three quickly dispersed, and Sugar Candy spoke: "I lead away that gun star guard, you two go to kill the sword star guard!"

Normally, the attack speed of the gun star guard must be slower than that of the sword star guard, the sugar sugar body is agile, just to deal with this kind of monster, Jiang Nian Ming turned on the brave fearless to kill another one, the cold emperor knife fell, and a pitiful number appeared on the head of the sword star guard.


! Bang!

Qingqing Zijian's sunset spear stabbed down, and only took away less than 700 of the opponent's health, this damage, too chilling, fortunately, these two star guards originally did not have much blood, otherwise they would hit the year of the monkey.

"Wind fantasy!" Jiang Nianming tried to use the second talent to confuse one of the star guards, but there was no doubt that he failed, the other party was too much higher than him, this talent originally had a not very high chance of success, and failure was normal.

Jiang Nianming uses light thorns to kill, Qingqing Ziyun also keeps changing skills to attack, two to one, although the attack of Sword Xingwei is strong, but as long as it is not a critical attack, it is difficult to kill either of Jiang Nianming and Qingqing Ziyun, on the other side, Sugar Candy relies on flexible body and position to turn the gun Xingwei around, although the damage is low, but fortunately the attack speed is fast, occasionally a critical hit, especially comfortable.


, Jian Xingwei's arm waved, and the sword in his hand transformed into a cyan afterimage and fell towards Jiang Nianming, the speed of the sword became faster, one dodged and was hit, and the armor on his body burst into flames, and it was torn abruptly.

System Tip: Sword Star Guard uses the skill [Meteor Sword], which deals you 3442 damage, your armor is torn, physical defense drops by 86 points, and magic defense drops by 75 points.


Damn, I have to go back to repair the equipment!

Jiang Nianning's blood volume was suddenly reduced by more than a third, but after the miracle light recovered, he continued to fight.





Over there, Gun Xingwei released a gun explosion, which did not hit anyone, but pierced the ground, and the power was extremely strong.

Jiang Nian Ming glanced at the amount of sugar candy, and it didn't drop much, obviously, her body was so agile that her opponent couldn't easily hit, and the light ranger's defense was actually not very strong, once hit, it was almost half a life.

Fortunately, the scales of victory are now tilting in their favor.

When Jian Xingwei's HP dropped to 30%, suddenly stopped and did not move, Jiang Nianming and Qing Qingzi looked at each other, they were very puzzled, what is this guy doing? Before the enemy did not move, they did not dare to act rashly, suddenly, the Sword Xingwei raised his head sharply, and the eyes that were wrapped in the helmet and only exposed on the head suddenly turned red!

System prompt: Jian Xingwei used the skill [Red Eye], the physical attack increased by 20%, the critical strike rate increased by 15%, and the physical defense decreased by 15% , 30 seconds

! Yes! Attack power again!

It's really numbing.

So, Jiang Nianming said to Qingqing Zigen: "Ziyun, you block the front, I will also let him taste it!"


said so, but she went anyway, and then, she was beaten very badly.

Jiang Nianming didn't say anything big, he directly released the skill that he had not used, level 4 drinking blood!

The cold emperor knife cut through the skin, it was very painful, and the amount of blood was suddenly reduced by 3,000, but in exchange for 20% of the improvement of physical attacks and skill effects.

The effect of the light stabbing skill has also been improved, and a critical strike directly kills 5643 HP of Sword Star Guard.

This four-digit stunned Qingqing Zi was shocked: "Team leader, what is this output..."

Jiang Nianming pointed to the blood bar on the top of his head: "Look at my blood volume." When

Qing Qingzi looked at it, he found that it was a few thousand less.

"Quickly add blood!"

"Can't add it, this skill is called Drinking Blood, lasts 10 seconds, greatly increases physical attacks and skill attacks, but needs to exchange health points." Jiang

Nianming's attacks did not stop, and with the blessing of drinking blood, he could only attack at the fastest speed to maximize its effect.

With the last second left to drink blood, finally, the red-eyed Sword Star Guard was killed, and a large number of items were also exploded.


tip: You killed Sword Star Guard (Gold Elite Monster), gained 38,888 experience points, and gained 35 skill points.


Qing Qingzi glanced at the battlefield on the other side of Sugar Candy, and the situation was not optimistic: "Team leader, I'll go help Sugar Candy first, you pick up items."

"Good!" Jiang

Nian Ming was not pretentious, Qing Qingzi went to help, he put away all the things on the ground, of course, he didn't look closely, because this task has a time limit, now there are less than an hour and a half, you must speed up, the blood volume of the gun star guard is still 60%, can not slow down.

With Jiang Nianning also joining the battlefield, the last star guard could not turn over any big waves, and it was quickly destroyed, the last blow was naturally obtained by sugar candy, and the victory was not surprisingly upgraded by 1 level, compared to the first star guard, the items and equipment that this star guard burst out were quite limited, but still not few.


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