System tip: The energy of the teleportation array is only used once, after transmission, it will not be able to return to the village of the moon people, please choose carefully, whether to transmit?

Jiang Nianning took a step back and walked out of the teleportation array.

Looking back at the old village chief: "The energy of the teleportation array is only enough for once, if I leave, I won't be able to come back, what should I do if I want to come back in the future?"

The old village chief said: "Brave adventurer, the village of the moon people is not worth your nostalgia, after going to the main human city, don't come back."

Jiang Nianming: "But... My professional skills or something, who to learn from, I don't even have a mentor..." The

old village chief said: "In this case, you can only go to the Eternal City, which is the most powerful of the five main cities, and the city lord is the Lunar God Guard."

"My mentor is Luna Guard, the city lord of the Eternal City?"

Jiang Nianning was shocked.

The old village chief said: "I am afraid that you will not be able to contact a big person like the city lord now, but you can go to the city and walk around, and if you have the opportunity, try to contact people close to the city lord." "

It is worthy of a hidden profession, and it is difficult to find a mentor.

Jiang Nianming herself intends to go to the Eternal City, compared to its other four main cities, the overall strength of the Eternal City is stronger, and the competitiveness is stronger.

Jiang Nianming walked up the teleportation array, and when she was about to leave, Little Ash ran over from a distance, her eyes staring at Jiang Nianming, with gratitude in it.

Jiang Nian Ming waved his hand at it, goodbye, the village of the moon people; Goodbye, old village chief; Goodbye, Ash!

As the light of the teleportation array enveloped Jiang Nianning's body, his figure slowly disappeared.

Next stop, the Eternal City.


As the most powerful of the five main cities, the layout of the Eternal City is undoubtedly top-notch, divided into two floors, the lower floor is the realm where the player walks, and the upper floor is a mysterious hall, its name - the Eternal Temple.

What exactly is inside the temple, I am afraid that only the designers of the game know, and players are not qualified to go there at the moment.

The palace of the Eternal City is located on the first floor, which is convenient for players to enter and exit to receive tasks.

Of course, there are not many players who can enter the palace to take on tasks now.

The place where Jiang Nian Ming appeared was the large square in the center of the Eternal City, and the teleportation array of the Village of the Moon People directly teleported him here, looking around, there were countless players, swordsmen with long swords, warriors with swords in one hand and shields in the other, spearmen with spears on their backs, and beautiful priest girls, mages, archers...

Jiang Nianning glanced at it roughly, the level of these people is level 10~12, and there are very few players at the high level 13, 14, and 15.

Jiang Nianming is only level 9, and now he doesn't even turn on the communication system, he can't even add friends, and the lists are not opened for him.

Let's go to the task to do first and upgrade to level 10.

Before that, find a place with a lot of people and sell something first.

It seems that there are quite a few people in this place where he is staying now.

"Skill book! Skill book! Super NB skill book, come on! Slow hands!

Jiang Nianming squatted on the ground and shouted around, he believed that the skill book would definitely attract a lot of players to come and buy it.

Sure enough, he shouted less than three times, and there were no less than fifty players around him.

"Brother, have you typed out the skill book?" A level 11 gun guard asked before approaching.

Since Jiang Nianming was also holding a spear in his hand, he felt that Jiang Nianning was also a gun guard, and the skill book he played should also be related to this profession.

Jiang Nianming looked at him and said: "It is indeed a skill book, level B, swinging blade, swordsmen and warriors are available, causing 135% of the damage of physical attacks on the enemy, if you want, you can bid." "

Swordsmen, warriors?" The gun guard looked at Jiang Nianning and asked, "Can the gun guard be used?"

"Can't." Jiang Nianming shook her head and said.

"Okay." The gun guard sighed, if you can't use it, then it's exempt, and it's useless to buy it.

At this time, a female gun guard with the ID "No Moon to Return" walked out from the crowd and spoke: "I want this skill book, 40 gold coins." Jiang

Nianming glanced at her, tall and tall, carrying an iron gun slightly lower than her, a gun guard...

"I can't use this skill book, gun guard." Jiang Nianning said.

"I know." Wuyue can return and say, "Can't I buy it for my friends?"

"Okay! Of course! But isn't 40 gold coins a little too low..." Jiang

Nianning pondered, he predicted that this skill book would also get at least 100 gold coins, 40... It's kind of a contempt.

Not far away, a swordsman said with a smile: "Although it is a B-level skill book, 40 gold coins is really not much, and it will cost 50 gold coins to learn a C-level skill from the mentor."

Saying that, he raised his hand and said, "I paid 60 gold coins to buy this skill book." "

I'm out of 70..." "I'm

out of 75..."

One voice after another shouted out, leaving Jiang Niannian speechless, and finally he simply said his psychological price: "Less than 100 gold coins are not sold!" The highest price wins! "

This time the voice of the shout is less, 100 gold coins, that is 1,000 yuan, for ordinary people, this price is not low.

Jiang Nianming smiled and looked at Wuyue Ke Return: "Bid, sell if it is suitable."

Wuyue Kegui snorted softly: "Good, 130 gold coins!"

Jiang Nianming looked around: "130 gold coins, is there any higher, without me I will sell this skill book to this young lady." "

No one spoke again.

Jiang Nianming handed the skill book to Wuyue Ke Gui: "Congratulations." "

Cut." Wuyue Ke returned and gave 130 gold coins to Jiang Nianning at the same time, and he was somewhat unhappy in his heart.

And just when she got the skill book and was about to leave, a scene that shocked her appeared: "Skill book! The exact same skill book as the previous one, with a reserve price of 120 gold coins, the highest price gets!


There is no moon to return and many players are confused.

Some players even pulled Jiang Nianming's arm: "Excuse me, is the skill book a cabbage?" "


In the end, the second blade was taken by a new swordsman for 150 gold coins.

Subsequently, Jiang Nianning sold the helmet of a black iron miner that had been beaten before for 30 gold coins, and was about to collect the stall and leave, but was caught up by Wuyue to catch up and block his way.

"What for? I want to rob!

Wuyue Ke Hui asked, "Where did your skill book burst out?"

Jiang Nianming: "I can't tell you this."

"Why? I can't buy it with money, give me the address information of the skill book, and I'll give you two thousand gold coins.

Jiang Nianming said: "Look at you like this, it doesn't look like a person with two thousand gold coins..." The corners

of WuyueKegui's mouth twitched, your uncle's, chatting with girls like this? Dead straight man!

"You don't have to worry about this, anyway, just tell me the address, and I'll give you two thousand gold coins."

Jiang Nianning actually didn't want to pit him, after all, the place in Yuemin Village really couldn't go.

"It's not that I don't tell you, it's that even if I tell you, you won't find that place."

Wuyue Kegui obviously didn't believe it: "Are you unwilling to tell me, I'll add another thousand gold coins, as long as you say the name of that place, I will give you three thousand gold coins."

"Can't go." Jiang Nianning said.

"What can't go?"

"That place can't go, it's already forbidden."

"I don't believe it." Wuyue Ke Gui said: "Four thousand gold coins, you don't need to send me the address, just tell me what the place is called, whether you can enter or not, that's my business, and it has nothing to do with you." "

There is no way, she gives too much, and her attitude is so resolute....

Jiang Nianming's original intention was good, and she couldn't bear not listening to the advice.


It's so brainless.

"Okay, let me tell you, that place is called the Village of the Moonpeople."


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