"The village of the moon people..." muttered these words in his mouth, and Wuyue Kegui glanced at Jiang Nianming: "I hope you didn't lie to me." Saying

that, he gave him four thousand gold coins.

Jiang Nianming waved her hand and said, "Anyway, I told you, I told you before, you didn't believe it, now I told you, you don't believe it, what's the trouble?" Jiang

Niannian took four thousand gold coins for nothing, but he knew very well in his heart that if she could collect four thousand gold coins without opening the exchange system, either she was lucky enough to kill the super boss, or she had killed a special monster, just like he killed the golden slime.

It is also possible that she is the head of some great guild.

"Add a friend." There is no moon to return to.

Jiang Nianning spread out her hands, shook her head helplessly and said: "Forget it, I can't add it, I'm not yet level 10, and the communication system hasn't been turned on."

"Less than level 10, so how did you come to the main city... Oh, I see, you were killed by a monster while playing the skill book. Wuyue Ke Gui said with a smile.

Jiang Nianming looked at this "big cleverness", and she had no mind to complain.

Even if he is knocked out of level 9 from level 10, it is impossible to close the system that has been turned on, that is, he has not reached level 10 at all.

Sure enough, this moonless person is not a smart person.

Jiang Nianming walked away, he didn't know that Wuyue had already written down his ID.

"Let's go to the transfer guild first." Jiang Nianming thought in her heart, although he is already a hidden profession, but now after all, he has not learned any skills, if he wants to take on a little task from NB, he has to find NPC, and the NPC mentor in the transfer guild is undoubtedly a good choice, if he does not perform well, he can also reward a skill book.

Thinking so, Jiang Nianming soon came to the transfer guild, there were not too many players in the guild at this time, Jiang Nianming's eyes were looking at the priest mentor, a white-robed female priest was tall, her face was young and beautiful, and those eyes were full of tenderness.

This should be the best NPC to talk to.

Jiang Nianning stepped forward to greet her: "Hello mentor, do you need anything?" "

Priestess: "??? "


She looked at Jiang Nianning and said: "Your profession is very special, I can feel a very strong force from the search, I really want to give you what I have learned, but you can't learn, sorry, I can't teach you anything."

Jiang Nianming said with a smile: "Actually, I am not here to learn skills, I am here to do tasks, you see if there is anything I need help with, I can do it."

The priestess immediately laughed when she heard this: "Really? Would you like to do me a favor?

Jiang Nianming nodded: "Yes, if you have any problems that you can't handle, just leave it to me, I promise to do it beautifully."

Jiang Nianming's words made the pastor mentor very useful, so she said: "Well, please go to Along's house and help me find that holy light crystal that can cultivate spiritual power!" "

It's not about killing monsters.

Just looking for something.

This task should not be very difficult.

Jiang Nianming immediately chose to accept, and then asked the pastor mentor to rest assured, and he promised to bring this thing.

"Along's house is on West Street, you can find out if you inquire." Before leaving, the tutor gave him some tips.

Jiang Nian Ming went out.

However, the transfer guild was lively.

The archer mentor, dressed in exquisite leather armor and with a red longbow on his shoulder, looked at the gentle-eyed priest mentor and said disdainfully: "I want to get the spiritual power crystal, I haven't even gotten it more than ten times, it's really interesting to let others get it this time, do you think he can succeed?"

Immediately, he muttered in a low voice: "But the breath on this guy's body is really a little strange, it seems to be very similar to Her Royal Highness..."

The mage mentor, who was dressed in a black robe, even covered his head, and only showed a pair of eyes, also said sarcastically: "The face of an angel, the heart of a devil." "


Jiang Nianming heard about Along's home on West Street, he walked directly in without knocking, and at a glance he saw Aaron who was sitting in front of the table drinking tea, and stepped forward to communicate with him: "Brother, I heard that you have a holy light crystal that cultivates spiritual power here, and the priest mentor of the professional guild asked me to bring it over, you see..." As

soon as his words fell, Along slammed the teacup heavily on the table, splashing all over, and then he heard her say disdainfully: "This woman has been thinking about my holy light crystal for a long time, But I told her that she would never want to get this crystal in her life, let anyone come the same, and get out of here before I get angry!

"Lean! So crazy!

Jiang Nianning did not expect the other party's attitude to be so resolute.

It seems that it is not easy to complete this task.

Jiang Nianming said: "Give you money, let me bring the Holy Light Crystal back, okay?"

Along turned to look at him: "How much can you give?"

Jiang Nianning saw the drama and quickly said: "200 gold coins!"

He felt that this amount was already quite a lot, but Along smiled disdainfully: "If you really want to get the Holy Light Crystal, then give me 20,000 gold coins!"

"How much, you say it again?!"


Jiang Nianning thought that he had misheard at first, but now he found that he had not heard wrong, it was indeed twenty thousand.

That is, 200,000 cash.

Damn, it's too dark.

The task is not to do this, you can't put the rest of your life into it in order to please the female mentor, it's not....

"I don't have 20,000 gold coins."

"If not, don't talk." Aaron didn't give him face at all.

"Lean!" Jiang Nianning really wants to kill this guy, of course, this is not in line with his principles of being a man.

"Big brother, I'm an adventurer, can I give some face?"

Aaron: "Your face is worth a few bucks!"

Jiang Nianming: "??? "



In desperation, he was ready to leave, and just as he reached the door, Along spoke again: "In this way, seeing that you have begged me so sincerely, then I will show you a clear way with compassion."

Jiang Nianning stopped, there was a play!

It seems to be a serial mission.

He quickly walked up to Along and asked, "What are the orders of the eldest brother?"

The corner of Aaron's mouth hooked a sneer: "You came on the order of that priest mentor, indicating that you have been to the professional guild, then you must have met that beautiful and charming archer mentor, right?"

Jiang Nianming wanted to say that he didn't pay attention to how beautiful the archer mentor was, but he seemed to know what Aaron wanted to do.

Still, pretend not to know.

"Yes, I saw that beautiful archer mentor, what do you want to do?"

Aaron was still smiling so cheaply, casting Jiang Nian Ming with a look that you know.

The two looked at each other, and then, they both laughed, their expressions quite lewd.

"That archer mentor was transferred from the palace, she went out to kill a dark creature three days ago, and got the heart of that dark creature, I need you to help me get that heart."

Jiang Niannian thought that this guy was going to let him do something evil, that's all?

"Okay, I promise you." Jiang Nianming also fought hard to complete this task.

"In four hours, go to the Flame Forest outside the city to find the archer mentor, she will appear there."

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