Jiang Nianning bought good medicine, left the Eternal City, and came to the Yanzhi Forest outside the city to level up, four hours... Eight hours, you can't waste it.


As soon as he stepped into the forest, a large fireball came towards him, Jiang Nianming dodged sideways, the fireball grazed the leather armor on his side, but he was still hit, and an amazing number appeared on his head.


"Boom! So fierce! "

Although he doesn't have any equipment to add magic defense now, the natural growth attribute is not low, 6 points per level, plus the spiritual attribute that was added before, the magic defense also has 66 points, can play such a high-damage magic monster, the magic attack must have at least 200 points, after all, he still has 15% damage-free, which is not only for the physics department, but also effective for the legal system."

Looking forward, the attack on him was a flame monkey, this monkey cocked its tail, particularly arrogant, the claws have condensed a second fireball thrown towards him, Jiang Nianming seized the opportunity to shoot, dodged, this fireball exploded behind him, and the thick trunk of the big tree behind him was blown out of a hole.

Jiang Nianning waved his gun to meet him, and at the same time saw through the opponent's attributes.

[Fire Spirit Monkey] (Common Monster)

Level: 14

Health Points: 2400

Magic Attack: 195~225

Physical Defense: 75

Magic Defense: 90

Skills: [Fireball Art]

Introduction: A magic monkey that often haunts the Flame Forest, has a strong magical talent, and can still condense magic empty-handed without using a staff and magic book, It is a monster that threatens the people of the Eternal City.

"It seems that today I am going to eliminate harm for the people." Jiang Nianming thought in her heart, has rushed to the fire spirit waiting, the spear waved, continuous output on the fire spirit monkey, the general physical defense of the French monster is not very strong, and the melee combat ability is mostly average, after being close, there will not be much resistance ability.

Jiang Nianming's output is quite impressive, and every shot can easily take away the damage of this monkey 70+... Well, barely considerable, after all, he attacks much faster than monkeys.

After the continuous assault, the fire spirit monkey basically has no ability to resist, but this thing is really troublesome to kill, the monkey's speed is fast, if it retreats sharply, Jiang Nianming must follow immediately, otherwise there is a risk of being pulled.

On the whole, there is not a big problem, the 15% injury-free of the Luna veil is too easy to use, I just don't know if I can grow, add to 20% or 30% ...


The last shot fell, and the first fire spirit monkey was successfully killed by Jiang Nianning.

System Tip: You kill the Fire Spirit Monkey and gain 540 experience points.

Don't you really say, this monster gives quite high experience points, in addition to the extra 50%, there are 360 points, which is a lot more than the fangs miners over there in the Moon Village.

It's that this explosion rate is really too low, the first monkey only gave 26 copper coins, and the equipment potion did not explode anything.

Jiang Niannian Ming just thought at first that maybe he was not very lucky, although there was an 11 lucky value, but sometimes this thing may not work, but when he gradually increased the number of monsters killed in the forest, he gradually understood that the monster explosion rate here was really ugly.

It is a world away from the village of the moon people.

"It seems that this is the normal explosive rate in the game, and the village of the moon is a special map."

Jiang Nianning is a little lucky, thanks to getting a little more gold coins over there, otherwise I don't know what to do when I get to the main city, kill a monster and give a dozen or twenty copper coins, it's really pitiful, a bottle of red potion also has 50 copper coins!

After killing for more than two hours, Jiang Nianning's level was successfully raised to 10.

At this time, the system also gives prompts one after another.

System tip: Congratulations on reaching level 10, the communication system has been opened, you can add game friends, make text and voice calls, the system does not support video chat.

System tip: The Eternal City's level leaderboard and equipment leaderboard are available to you.

System tip: Please increase the level to 20 as soon as possible, open up new ways to play, and have a good game.

Finally promoted to level 10, Jiang Nianming has been looking forward to this moment for a long time, before what leaderboards, friends and so on were not open to him, proper single-player games, now the situation is much better, as for what level 20 is to play, he is looking forward to it even more.

Let's take a look at the newly opened level leaderboards and equipment leaderboards.

Level 1

: Golden Legend, Lv17, Swordsman 2: Flower of the Other Shore

, Lv17, Mage 3rd: Night Song, Lv16, Mage 4th: Floating Goose Sunken Fish

, Lv16, Mage 5: One Table Talent, Lv16, Gunguard 6th: Burning Chest Hair, Lv15, Warrior 7th: I'm Not a Killer, Lv15


Assassin 8th: Hit the little and dirty

, Lv14, Swordsman Ninth: Moe Face Monster

, Lv14, Assassin 10: Sparkle, Lv14

, the tail of the gun guard crane are all level 14, most of the mages in front of the row are mages, this is normal, after a turn of level 10, the mage's brushing speed is quite faster, and then there are assassins....

Summoners, priests, the possibility of being on the list in the early stage is too low, after all, there should be no NB summoning beasts in the early stage, the words of the priest... It's hard to put into words.

There is no hidden profession on the list, and his hidden profession is currently only level 10, anyway, the few ID names on it are quite judgmental.

After reading the level ranking list, after basically having an understanding, Jiang Nianning looked at the equipment rankings again, the top six are all black iron tools, the highest is a three-star black iron staff, which has not yet burst out of bronze, nothing to see.

Don't say anything, continue to add 55 points of strength stamina, and then learn his long-awaited AA-level skill [Light Spur]!

Take out the skill book and learn directly.


A cold light flickered and melted into his body.

System tip: Congratulations on successfully learning the skill [Light Spur], click the skill bar to view the detailed explanation of the skill.

View first.

In addition to the basic introduction, there should be skills plus something.

[Light Thorn] (Level AA): After release, a light thorn dagger with 100 energy will be transformed into the empty palm.

Each blow you hit deals 180% of the damage to the enemy's physical attack and reduces your energy by 10 points.

The attack after 1.5 seconds of condensation of the dagger will inevitably cause critical damage to the enemy, after the critical hit, the energy value will consume 25 points, and each time the dagger is transformed, it can only deal critical damage to the enemy once. This skill costs 100 blue points and has a cooldown of 3 minutes.

Lv: 0, skill points are needed to Lv1: 10

Jiang Nian Ming is only 5 skill points now, 5 points away from upgrading skills, and honing skills is really a troublesome matter, and now he doesn't know how to get skill points... The previous 5 points were also obtained by mistake.

Not wanting so much, Jiang Nianning continued to kill the fire spirit monkey, and by the way, try the power of his light thorn skill.

Soon the target appeared, this time it was two, Jiang Nianming swung his gun to meet the attack, and the spear stabbed repeatedly, leaving blood marks on the fire spirit monkey.




As soon as he got closer, he immediately unleashed the Light Piercing Skill!

At the same time, there is another cyan energy bar under the blue bar above the head, and the energy bar has 100 points.

A dagger with a cold light appeared in the left hand, this dagger was moderate in weight, and you could feel a bone-chilling coolness in your hand, and the dagger stabbed down obliquely, consuming 10 energy points, cutting the throat of the fire spirit monkey on the right.


The damage is unusually considerable.

This is not over, Jiang Nianning raised the light thorn dagger, condensed the qi for 1.5 seconds, suddenly felt that the dagger was sharper, the dagger was sharper, and the next second directly tore the skin of the fire spirit monkey, revealing the bones.


After condensing the qi, it was bound to be a critical attack, and the fire spirit monkey screamed, and blood flowed all over the ground.

"It's worthy of being a double A-level skill, it's really powerful."

Jiang Nianming glanced at the light thorn in her left hand, and was particularly satisfied with the damage it caused, and immediately struck again, launching a fierce attack on the two fire spirit monkeys.


System Tip: You kill the Fire Spirit Monkey and gain 504 experience points.

System prompt: You kill....

Four hours later, Jiang Nianming's level was successfully raised to 11.

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