At nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Nianming went offline and casually pulled two mouthfuls of food, and then continued to kill monsters and do tasks.

In the dead of night, in the Flame Forest, the archer mentor really came, she walked to the big tree in the middle of the forest, took out a dark heart, and said in a low voice: "There is really nothing wrong with refining this heart with the help of the blazing flame of the Flame Forest, I can perfectly absorb its power without being disturbed by evil qi."

And just when she opened her mouth to bite the heart, as if sensing something, stopped the movement of her hand, but suddenly went to take the longbow behind her, and then bent the bow back to take the arrow, slowly moving up.

"Slow down! Slow down! There was a sound from above, and then Jiang Niannian Ming peeled off the leaves and showed his head, but he didn't expect that this NPC archer mentor had such a keen intuition and found him!

Jiang Nianming jumped down from the tree and slowly stepped forward: "Mentor, it's me, I went to the transfer guild today to take up the task." The

archer mentor sensed the familiar power again and recognized him: "It's you, you are an adventurer in the Eternal City, why are you spying on me secretly, moreover, there is a force in you that makes me feel familiar..."

Jiang Nianming immediately remembered something: "It should be related to my profession, I am the moon god messenger!" Hearing

the three words "Lunar God Envoy", the archer mentor was suddenly shocked in his heart, and his face changed, and when he looked at Jiang Nian Ning, he felt very incredible: "You are the Lunar God Envoy... That's right, it's this power, very similar to the power in the princess! "

Princess?" Jiang Nianming's mind spun rapidly: "Could it be that the princess is the Moon God Guard?!" The

archer mentor looked at him and said in a deep voice: "That's right, the princess of our Eternal City is bleeding the blood of the Luna God Guard!" She is the glory of our Eternal City!

Jiang Nian Ming was overjoyed: "Then can you take me to meet her, although I am a moon god messenger, but there is no one to teach, and I can't stimulate all the power in my body, I want to ask the princess for advice!" The

archer mentor thought for a moment and nodded: "I can take you to the palace to meet the princess, but you have to tell me first, why are you peeping at me here, if you can't say a word, you can find a way yourself."

"This... This..." Jiang Nian Ming was a little entangled, but after thinking about it, don't be fooled, let's be honest, so he said bluntly: "It's like this, I heard that you have the heart of a dark creature on your hand, and I'm also quite interested in this thing, so ..." The

archer mentor snorted, pinching the heart in his hand: "Then how do you know that I have this thing in my hand?"

"I know, it must have been Aaron who told you, hmph, this guy has been thinking about this dark creature's heart for a long time, but I won't give it to him, and you don't dream."

Well, the mission is not done.

Jiang Nianming can't help it, if people don't give it, you just grab it hard, and you can't beat it!

Let's put this matter back, first find a way to get close to the princess.

"That... Mentor, can you please take me to meet the princess now? Jiang Nianming asked.

The mentor looked at the sky: "It's so late, the princess should have rested, if you want to see it, it's tomorrow morning." "

Although Jiang Nian Ming is a little impatient, but... There is no way, wait, tothree nights is another sleepless night, fight more monsters, upgrade more!

So, he slaughtered the fire spirit monkey that had just appeared in the Flame Forest.

Levels jump from 11 to 12 to 13.

At this time, it was already half past two in the middle of the night.

"I'm not going to come here tomorrow to brush monsters."

Jiang Nian Ming sighed, although he had risen to level 2, the explosion rate of the monster was too low, and there was nothing to fish at all.

Moreover, there are no enhanced monsters in the entire forest, let alone elite monsters, as his level increases, this place can no longer meet his needs for leveling.

Jiang Nian Ming counted, from the day to the second half of the night, he got less than 30 gold coins.

No, no!

Just as he was about to go offline to rest, the friend list flashed, and a prompt to add friends came.

When I opened it, I saw that there was no moon to return.

Forget it, let's agree tomorrow, Jiang Nianming is really tired, hang it first, in case you agree to the other party and then nag for a long time, you really don't have to sleep tonight.


After going offline, I didn't see the girl, it is estimated that she had slept, and Jiang Nianming also closed her eyes and rested well.

This sleep lasted until 10:45 a.m.

The main thing is that Jiang Nianming subconsciously felt as if he still had something to do, so he woke up all of a sudden, or he could sleep for a few more hours this sleep.

After waking up, he saw Jiang Yiming sitting opposite him looking at him, and the two of them stared wide-eyed.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Fortunately, I killed too many monsters yesterday and tired people, but fortunately, I have been upgraded 3 levels in a row, and I will continue to do tasks today."

Jiang Yiming brought a bowl of fragrant egg noodles: "You don't have to eat instant noodles today, eat this." Jiang

Nianming was hungry, so after taking the noodles and pulling them, he went down to wash.

Well, the order seems to be reversed.

But it doesn't matter.

After washing, continue the game.

This is the fifth day of the game.


After Jiang Nianming went online, she immediately agreed to last night's friend application.

However, after agreeing, he did not take the initiative to send messages from the other party, and the avatar of his friend who had no moon to return to was also dark, and it was clear that he was not online.

Go straight back to the Eternal City to find the archer mentor and prepare to enter the palace.

With NPCs leading the way, the guards guarding the gate of the palace did not obstruct, and the archer mentor did not take Jiang Nianning to the palace hall, but to the garden on the east side.

"You wait here first, I'll go in and make a report."


After Jiang Nianming came down, he saw the archer mentor enter the garden, and after five minutes, the mentor came out of it and said to him: "Okay, my task has been completed, the next step is up to you, if you want to get the princess's approval, show your own ability."

"Okay, thanks mentor."

"You're welcome, goodbye, adventurer."

The archer mentor left, and next came Jiang Nianming's performance moment.

He walked into the garden, saw the princess sitting in the pavilion at a glance, and quickly walked over, getting closer, he saw the princess's name and appearance.

Ning Tong.

The name is not bad, but the dress is different from what Jiang Nianning imagined.

Jiang Nianming originally thought that the princess with the bloodline of the Moon God Guard would be a person who advocated force, and she should be dressed as a heroic commander or general, but now...

Moon white gauze skirt, pavilion and jade, pure and flawless, very beautiful, in her face can not see a trace of sharpness, but the closer she gets, the more she can feel the gentle power, making people's restless hearts can gradually calm down.

"Your Royal Highness, I'm coming." Jiang Nianming stepped forward and said with a fist.

Ning Tong smiled, making people feel like a spring breeze: "Your body really has a similar power to the Moon God Guard, but this power has not been fully discovered by you, you need to constantly improve your strength, so that you can better contribute to the Eternal City and the Terran race in the future."

Jiang Nian Ming said yes again and again, and then he was embarrassed: "It's such a princess, although I have the power of the Lunar God Messenger, but I don't have a mentor, I can't even learn the most basic skills, do you see any powerful skills and magic that can be taught to me?" "

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