After Ning Tong heard this, she immediately understood what Jiang Nianning meant, she glanced at Jiang Nianning and said: "Your current strength can indeed learn some skills about the Lunar God Department profession, since you don't have a mentor, then let me be your mentor."

Jiang Nian Ming was waiting for this sentence.

"Thank you, Princess."

"Don't worry." As soon as Ning Tong waved his hand, a new panel appeared in front of Jiang Nianming's eyes: "You can learn the above skills now, but each skill is not free, do what you can."

Jiang Nianming looked at the skills on the panel, and her heart was quite excited.

Basic Luna Skill:

[Ascending Moon Gun] (Level A): Release the skill, pour the power of the Luna into the long gun in your hand, show the momentum of the rising moon, and deal a powerful blow of 150% physical attack on the enemy, if you cast the Sinking Moon Gun within 1.5 seconds and connect to the Rising Moon, you can form an S-level combined skill [Ascending Blood Moon], which will cause an additional 300% physical attack damage to the enemy. Learning requires 200 gold

coins [Gun of the Sinking Moon] (Grade A): The introduction is basically the same as above. Learning requires 200 gold

coins for basic Luna

magic: [Miracle Light]: Unleash magic and instantly restore 10% of the maximum health of the magic, which cannot be upgraded. A special secret skill that requires 200 gold coins is required to learn

: [Evil]: Unleash a skill blessing weapon, each attack deals 2x damage to dark enemies, this skill cannot be upgraded. (Please communicate directly with the princess if you need to study).


These skills and magic are a little expensive, but they are very used, Jiang Nian Ming did not grind, gold coins were spent, and skills were learned.

However, he had some doubts about the last evil curse, so he first asked Princess Ning Tong: "Your Royal Highness, what is this so-called special secret technique?"

Ning Tong said with a smile: "The skills you are learning now are all about the Lunar God system, and the last evil skill is the skill I have comprehended myself, no one else can learn it except me, of course, you can, but you have to help me solve some problems, I can let you learn." "

Jiang Nianning listened, isn't this taking the initiative to send a task!

Princess Ning Tong really took care of me, and sent tasks and skills....

"Okay, no matter what the princess orders, I will definitely give down, and if there is any task, I will do my best to complete it!"

Jiang Nianning immediately swore a promise.

Ning Tong was very satisfied with his attitude, so he gave the task: "Two months ago, dark creatures appeared in the Necromancy Cave located in the northwest of the Eternal City, and the palace priest Tartar led people to investigate, and has not yet returned, I am a little worried, you go to the Necromancer Cave on my behalf to investigate the situation, it is best to find the Tatar Priest and bring him back safely." "

System prompt: Do you want to accept the mission [Necronomicon]?


System prompt: You have accepted the mission [Necromancer Cave] (difficulty 550), please go to the investigation immediately.

The difficulty of the task is not low, and you must be prepared when you go.

Ning Tong said: "I hope you can go as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the Tatar priests."

"I will, please rest assured princess."

Jiang Nianning said that he was about to leave, but he stopped just after taking two steps, as if remembering something, he turned around and asked: "Next time I come over, do I need to go to the professional guild first to find that archer mentor?" Princess

Ning Tong shook her head and said, "No need, I will instruct the guards outside, you can come to me directly after completing the task, they will not embarrass you."

"Thank you."

Jiang Nianming left the palace and went to buy the potion for the first time, this time not only to buy the red potion, but also to buy the blue potion, after all, there are two new skills, and there is also a blood returning magic, lack of blue is not good.

And now Jiang Nianming can't look at those red and blue potions that return 100 blood and 100 blue at a time, and in the prop shop of the Eternal City, although there is no super recovery medicine, there is a high-grade potion that returns 500 blood and 500 blue once.

A bottle of high-grade red potion is 10 silver coins, and the blue potion is 15, which is cheaper than the primary potion in the hands of the old village chief of Yuemin Village!

If it is bought in groups, the price is cheaper.

A set of potions is 10, under normal circumstances, 10 high-grade red potions are 1 gold coin, and 8 gold coins is enough to buy a group at a time.

The same goes for the Blue Potion, a group of 10, one group at a time is 12 gold coins.

Jiang Nianning directly bought 20 sets of red potions and 30 sets of blue potions, which were initially estimated to be enough to complete this task.

Leave the Eternal City and head northwest to the Necronomicon.

Halfway through, Wuyue Ke returned to the line and sent him a message: "Brother, what you gave me is a fake address, I asked someone to look for it for a long time, but I haven't found it until now." Jiang

Nianming smiled immediately after taking a look at the news, Xiao Zhen'er, I have long told you that it is useless, you have to ask for hardships, spend money, and finally get nothing, why bother.

In order to do a good job in after-sales, he gave Wuyue a message back: "Sisters, I have already mentioned to you before that the fund woke up, this place is not easy to find, you don't believe it, this is no wonder to me, but I didn't force you to pay." Wuyue

didn't reply to the message for five minutes, Jiang Nianming thought she was dead, but just after five minutes, she saw her new message: "I know what's going on, you got a hidden profession and teleported to a special map, so you luckily burst the skill book, you guy... Blame me for not thinking about this before!

Jiang Nianming looked at the situation in the friend list.

No Moon to Return, Level 13, Gun Guard.

The friends list shows ID, level and class... And it is through this that Moon Nothing to Return learned that he is a hidden profession.

Jiang Nianming tried to hide his information, but found that he couldn't, and others couldn't see his profession, but once he added friends, these three points definitely couldn't be hidden.


"Forget it, anyway, sooner or later you have to be known, you can't stop adding friends because of a hidden profession."

Jiang Nianming thought very clearly, the only hidden profession has reached his hands, even if he becomes level 0, the hidden profession is still his, hiding a bird, there is no need.

"That's right, I got this most NB hidden class at the beginning of the game, envy it?"

Wuyue Ke Gui is also very tough: "There is nothing to envy, although the hidden profession is good, it is not without shortcomings, at least that many times the upgrade experience is enough for you to drink a pot!" "

Multiple upgrade experience???

How did she know?

Jiang Nianming's curiosity was immediately hooked, and she asked as she walked: "Do you have a friend who has also obtained a hidden profession?"

Wuyue returned with a smiley face symbol followed by the words: "Of course."

"Recommend it, give me acquaintance, multiple friends and multiple roads, I sell fried noodles, and I can give you two a discount when I meet in the future!"

There is no moon to return: "Get out of here!" I still sent you two fried noodle money, you originally had a chance, but now there is no chance, bye! "

It's over.

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