After Jiang Nian Ming and Wuyue Kegui finished communicating, they went to the Necromancy Cave, ran for twenty minutes, and finally came to their destination, but there were five players just in front of the entrance of the Necromancy Cave, two swordsmen, an assassin, an archer and a priest, who should have come in a team, and it seemed that they had been abused.

"Hey, brother, brush the Necromancer Cave? We just lack a gun guard here, can we team up together? The swordsman at the head sent an invitation to Jiang Nianming.

Jiang Nianning waved his hand at him: "No, I still like a single brush, and what you lack is not a gun guard, but a mage, and in this place of the Necronomic Cave, the fire method should be more delicious." "

Haha, that's right, but the monster level in this cave is at least 18, which is really difficult to brush." The swordsman continued.

Jiang Nianming's eyes lit up when he heard it, obediently, the minimum level of the monster is 18, and he is only level 13 now, which means that the minimum can get an additional 50% of experience points, which is really a good place to level up.

Then you can't team up, isn't it fragrant to brush alone?

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm used to it." Jiang Nianming walked in alone, and the swordsman just smiled bitterly and shook his head without saying anything, there are really everyone in this year.

The few people encountered in front of the cave were just a small episode and did not cause any conflict, and Jiang Nianming carefully walked towards the depths, looking for the Tatar priest.

An oncoming cyan flame caught his attention.

And lights?

When Jiang Nianning was thinking, the cyan flame suddenly conjured a human face, and when he opened his mouth, he spit out a mouthful of flame and smashed it on him.



It's not a lamp, it's a new type of monster with super powerful attacks!

Jiang Nian Ming swung his gun and rushed forward, while analyzing the attributes of this cyan flame, it was no surprise that it was a magic attack.

[Doom Flame] (Ordinary Monster)

Level: 18

Health: 2000

Magic Attack: 215~235

Physical Defense: 60

Magic Defense: 120

Introduction: Common monsters in the Necromancer Cave, usually levitate and swim in the shape of flames, but this is just its disguise, once it enters the attack range, it will show its true face, Attack uninvited guests who enter the Necronomicon.

This uninvited guest said that it was Jiang Nianning.

The spear pierces straight and outputs continuously.





The attack did not stop, Jiang Nianming released the skill Ascending Moon Spear, with a low drink, the spear emitted a moon-white light, Jiang Nianming's arm sank, the tip of the spear provoked a silver light from the bottom up, and shot a round of bright moon on that doom flame, cold light!


Immediately continued to output, with the help of the momentum of the Ascending Moon Spear wanted to hit the Sinking Moon Gun, and then completed the S-level Ascending Blood Moon, the spear fell, but the moon mark on the Doom Flame disappeared, still a damage value of 125, but did not trigger an additional 300% of the damage, obviously this wave of Ascending Blood Moon failed.

The Doom Flame screamed and quickly retreated, and after opening the distance, it spewed out flames again to attack Jiang Nian Ming, but both attacks were dodged sideways by Jiang Nian Ming.

Jiang Nianming stepped three steps in a row, flew forward and continued to output.

A few minutes later, the Doom Flame screamed and disappeared into midair.

System Tip: You killed Doom Flame (a normal monster) and gained 720 XP.

There are still 16 copper coins on the ground, pick them up, although less, but it is better than nothing, since coming to the main city, the money given by killing monsters is not much, think that the novice village side should be more pitiful, no wonder the players began to complain on the first day.

Jiang Nian Ming continued to walk in the cave of the dead, killed the monster when he saw it, the doom flame was cleaned up by him in three hours, and the level was smoothly increased from 13 to 14, take a look at the experience bar, in fact, the upgrade is quite fast, and now it is 46% of the experience point of this level that is 46% away from rising to level 15.

In three hours, he punched a total of 46 silver coins, two whiteboard equipment, and a three-star black iron robe.

【White Light Robe】(★★★ Black Iron)

Physical Defense: +49

Magic Defense: +57

Physical Strength: 5

Level required: 12

Occupation required: Mage, priest, moon god made Jiang

Nianming's expression change: "What a high double defense!" "

The three-star black iron is not a little stronger than the two-star black iron, and the two are afraid that they cannot be compared at a level.

In addition, the mages and priests themselves have poor defense, and if this equipment is sold, it will start at 300 gold coins.

However, he will not sell it, and the back of the equipment shows that the Luna Envoy can be equipped!

Sell SB!

Directly replace it with new equipment, the attribute is raised by a lot, and the magic defense has risen sharply, and it has broken 130 points!

Coupled with 15% damage-free, the damage caused by the Doom Flame to him can be said to be minimal.

However, what made Jiang Nianning feel even happier was that he found that the moon god made this profession very magical, and he could equip him with guns, and he could also equip the magic robes used by priests and mages, which belonged to the dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

Open the equipment and other rankings to see, not surprisingly, the white light robe occupies the first place, with a score of 47, and the second place three-star black iron staff has a score of 44, just 3 points lower, obviously this staff is also good, but the third-place two-star black iron is not very good, the score is only 29 points....

Sure enough, some clues can be seen from the score alone, and the two-star black iron can not be compared with the three-star black iron at all.

Now what appears in front of Jiang Nianning is a fork in the road, the left and right sides are pitch black, and it is impossible to see what is inside, but intuition tells Jiang Nianning that it is right to go to the left, and then he walks over according to his intuition.


Two arrows were confronted by two arrows, inserted into his left arm and right chest.



The arrow was shot from the opposite side, Jiang Nianming saw two archers in black leather armor, after identifying the attributes, found that the name of this monster is called Necromancer, the level is 19, 1 level higher than the Doom Flame, pure physical attack, the HP is 2100, the physical defense is not high, and it is not difficult to kill after close range.

Before flying forward, the spear stirred, first solve the necromancer on the left, the Ascending Moon Spear and the Shen Moon Spear were more handy under a few hours of training, I just don't know why I can't connect, hit the 300% extra damage, to be honest, Jiang Nianming is a little expectant and anxious, but it's useless to be anxious, kill slowly!

After the two necromancers knelt, they gave him a total of 1680 experience points, which is very good.

Kill all the way, solve a dozen archers on the way, and it is 1% away from rising to level 15, but coincidentally, this road has come to an end, unfortunately, his intuition is wrong.

However, on the stone wall at the end lay a corpse, and there was a black arrow inserted in the heart of this corpse, and from the wound, the arrow should have exploded when it hit his heart, blowing up his flesh and skin, looking a little disgusting.

Jiang Nianming reached out to touch the corpse, trying to get some useful information from it.

[Palace Warrior]: It's a pity that he is dead.


At this time, the sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded from behind, and it was an arrow again, and the cold wind grazed Jiang Nianming's side and flew out, and the arrow that emitted electric light was fiercely inserted into the stone wall, and exploded there, and there was an explosion shallow pit on the stone wall.

Fortified monsters or elite monsters?

Jiang Nianming looked back and saw an archer in black soft armor holding a large long bow, his eyes looking at him, and the afterglow in the corners of his eyes was full of contempt and disdain.

"Another one to die?" The archer glanced at the corpse in front of Jiang Nianning and smiled contemptuously: "No need to look, he died under my thunder arrow, and your end will be the same as him."

Jiang Nianming seemed to notice something, he looked back at the armor symbol on the corpse, there was a sword-shaped badge on it, and then looked at the soft armor worn by the archer, there was also a similar mark, but the badge changed from sword shape to bow and arrow shape, roughly the same.

So, this archer is also from the Eternal City Palace?

The attribute identification made Jiang Nianming affirm the guess in her heart.

[Fallen Marksman Los] (Elite Monster)

Level: 22

Health: 11500 Physical Attack: 385~415 Physical Defense: 145

Magical Defense: 160

Talent: [Accurate] Increase 10% Hit Rate

Skill: [Thunder Arrow] [Fallen Magic Arrow]



Marksman from the Eternal City, The soul is polluted by touching something evil and becomes the current degenerate, if you have the power to free him, please intervene.


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