The prompt given by the system still made Jiang Nianming hesitate for a moment, the completion of the task has reached 70%, according to the system, he has been able to go back to receive the reward.

However, looking at the dead Tatar, Jiang Nianming felt that it was still necessary to find out the truth of the matter, which was actually the real purpose of the princess who let him come here, to explore the cave of the dead and find the source of darkness.

There is no doubt that there must be a big boss after the teleportation array.

"I used to see all the enhancement monsters and elite monsters, but today I am lucky enough to meet the real boss."

Jiang Nianning took a look at her attributes.

ID: White Qing Phase

Level: 15 Health Points: 1995

Blue Amount: 1050

Physical Attack: 230~243 Physical

Defense: 254 Magical Defense

: 211


To be honest, this attribute is already very powerful at present, even if the top three players on the leaderboard beat him, he is not afraid, and the super high double defense gives him the ability to fight more than one.

Check the potion inside the package again, there is still a lot of it, don't be afraid at all.

As long as the boss can't kill him in seconds, he can consume it to death, and with nearly two thousand HP, the boss should not be able to do it in seconds!

No longer hesitate, transfer directly through the teleportation array.


Reappearing, he had arrived in a dark space, the sky was cloudy, and the sky ahead was filled with thunder and lightning, as if it were an ominous omen.

And under that thunder and lightning, there is a huge black rose slowly blooming.

This is the BOSS?

Jiang Nianming identified the other party's attributes.

[Despair Rose] (Bronze Boss)

Level: 15 Health: 600000

Physical Attack: 440~465 Physical

Defense: 185 Magic Defense: 195

Ice Magic Resistance: +10% Fire Magic Resistance: -20%



[Endless Growth]?

Skill: [Thorn of Despair] [Protective Dark Light] [Red Blood]

Introduction: The flower of evil entrenched in the cave of the dead, it comes from hell and brings the living beings to hell...


Sure enough, it's the boss.

And it's not black iron level but bronze level, this attribute is really a little terrifying, Jiang Nianming feels that he may be finished, after all, the other party is not 60,000 blood, there is an extra zero behind, it is 600,000.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the level of this boss is not high, and it is not even as good as the mobs in the cave!

This shows that the boss's suppression of him in terms of level is not so terrifying.

As for the talent of endless growth, I don't know what it is, unlike the talent of the strengthening monster and the elite monster, the talent of the boss can only see the name, and the specific ability cannot be seen.

Just do it, come here, you can't just retreat.

Jiang Niannian raised his spear and began to attack.


A figure was pumped out.

It was Jiang Nian Ming.

Rubbing his aching chest, Jiang Nianning's face was purple, I leaned on... This thing's attack method turned out to be vines!

A black vine that stood up was like a stick with spikes, and it hurt terribly when it hit down, Jiang Nianming looked at the system prompt, just now that dropped 299 HP points, the problem is not big, but... Not small.



The skill is turned on, the cold light flashes above the spear, the cold half moon rises, the pace keeps up, the black iron gun provokes, and then a heavy moon gun!





The damage is very touching, but fortunately it can be hit with damage.


A long vine suddenly came out on the left, strangling Jiang Nianming's right leg, and hung his whole person with a "whoosh".

"Snap, snap!"

Another long vine, crazy attack, Jiang Nianming can only keep screaming.

Blood volume whizzes down.

Damn, it's miserable.

After being beaten for four or five times, Chang Vine let go of him, fell to the ground and dropped another 20 HP points, poor Jiang Nian Ming immediately took the blood bottle to add blood, and then released the light thorn and pounced, this time the target was not the rose, but the vine that bore him!

Poof! Poof!

Two knives go down and take away 260 HP points.

Suddenly, the buds of the roses bloomed, and a thick black thorn with a sharp head rushed down, and Jiang Nianning could not dodge and was pierced through the chest.


Jiang Nian screamed in pain, this Nima...

He glanced at the system prompt, and the Despair Rose unleashed the skill Despair Thorn, causing him a large amount of damage, which translates to 1.7 times.

Jiang Nianning did not use the blood bottle again, but added blood with the miracle light, nearly 200 points at a time, which was very comfortable.

"I'll give you a punch too!" Jiang Nian Ming flew forward, the light thorn in his left hand condensed his strength, and after 1.5 seconds, he poked down at the flower bud.

However, at this moment, a faint red light appeared on the entire huge body of the Despair Rose, and the light thorn still fell, but the damage was only 200 points!


Just when Jiang Nian was stunned, Chang Teng rolled him up and fell to the ground fiercely.

Although the damage is only 50 points, the pain is really painful.

"What's going on? This Nima... How can there be only 200 damage?! "

After the light piercing condensation, it must be a critical hit, the damage should be around 390, but the result is only more than half, he quickly looked through the battle records, only to find that it turned out that Despair Rose used the skill Talisman Dark Light, enough to offset nearly 50% of the damage, this skill is a bit terrifying....

Jiang Nianning knew that this was a protracted battle, and he didn't plan to kill this boss in a short period of time.

However, he personally feels that this battle still has hope to succeed, thanks to his foresight, he bought a large number of blue bottles before coming, his mana can be said to be too much to use, as long as you are careful, most of them can consume this boss to death.

An hour passed.

The boss's health bar has not changed significantly.

Another two hours passed... Nor has much changed.

Three hours.

Five hours.

The boss HP has been reduced by 10%!

Jiang Nian Ming was also tired.

Damn, killing the boss in the early stage is really not a job that individuals can do, it is too tired and risky.

However, Jiang Nianming also found a very important point, that is, this boss will not move, will not dodge attacks, and does not seem to speak, so he attacks and attacks again without consciousness, and as long as he operates properly, it is easy to dodge the opponent's attack.

Consume it slowly.

Jiang Nianning is now in a combat state and cannot go offline, if he leaves the battle, the boss's HP will quickly recover, which is equivalent to fighting for nothing in these hours.

It seems that there is no food to eat today.

I hope you will understand.

Well, this girl who usually likes to play games, seeing that he has not been offline for so long, must be able to understand that he is killing the boss!

Just keep going.

Three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

The boss's HP has been reduced by 15%!

And it has not yet shown its talent, what is the so-called endless growth?

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