The sixth day of the game.

Jiang Niannian did not go offline.

In the room, Jiang Yiming sat on a stool, holding her chin with both hands, and staring at Jiang Nian Ming on the bed with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

"It's been so long and it's been so long and it's not offline... It must have been to kill the boss. Obviously

, she also had a number in mind.

I got up and boiled a pot of hot water, poured myself a full cup, and drank silently, old brother, old brother, I wish you well.


Jiang Nianming did not go well.

His mother was dying of exhaustion, and the operation was about to be deformed.

If the game's weapons and equipment were durable, he felt that he would be fighting a rose naked right now!

Damn, the blood is too thick.

As the evening approached twelve o'clock, Jiang Nianming finally saw what the BOSS's talent endless growth was.

System prompt: Despair Rose's HP is less than 35%, automatically triggers [Endless Growth], every 10% decrease in HP, level +1, attack power and defense power increase with level, and health remains unchanged.


In other words, to the end, the bronze boss of level 15 can be upgraded to level 18, and the difficulty is greatly increased.

Jiang Nian Ming wanted to cry without tears, but fortunately, the amount of health in this boss upgrade would not change, otherwise he would be cold.

But even so, it is still sad.

When Despair Rose's HP is left by 25%, Jiang Nianming will lose at least 350 HP for each attack, and the boss's attack power will increase by about 50 points.


The seventh day of the game.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

The boss HP is pressed to 3%!

Jiang Nianming was panting, but there was light in his eyes, he saw the hope of victory, and roughly looked at the potion in the package, there were 20 red potions left, and only 7 blue potions left.

Thanks to these potions, he was able to entangle with the boss until now.

The light thorn floated in his left hand, and Jiang Nian Ming launched a rapid attack again, and the time of death of the Despair Rose arrived.

An hour.

Two hours.


The Despair Rose's HP was pressed to only 1001 points.

Laugh at!

After one shot, the vine broke, the HP dropped another 60 points, and after the level was increased, the physical defense of the Despair Rose also increased a lot, but it didn't help.

Jiang Nianning is still in a state of full blood, no way, the newly learned miracle light is too good to use.

Bright red blood appeared on the petals of the dying desperate rose, and a strong smell of blood spread, and then a thin layer of blood mist covered Jiang Nianming.

This is the last skill of Despair Rose: Red Blood!

At present, the effect is unknown, but the big move that was released in the end is obviously not weak.

Jiang Nianning tried to dodge, but the coverage of the red blood was too wide, suppressing his entire body, and then, those blood mist turned into blood-red steel needles, piercing Jiang Nianning's body in bursts.


Jiang Nianning shouted in pain, this Nima, it hurts so much, the amount of blood is straight off, and the blood bar is falling rapidly.

Bang bang!

The blood in his body seemed to explode, Jiang Nianming's face was distorted, and three numbers appeared on his head in a row.






Four consecutive outputs, enough 1440 HP points, this BOSS output is indeed fierce enough, Jiang Nian Ming desperately used the blood bottle to add blood to himself, and then a burst of output!

The blood bar of the Despair Rose was finally emptied.

System Tip: You killed the Despair Rose (Bronze boss), gained 39,000 experience points, and gained 10 skill points!

The petals and vines of the Despair Rose quickly withered, the huge body shriveled, and the bud in the middle turned dead gray, without the slightest vitality.

The rose did not disappear, and a lot of gold coins and props were spilled from its body, as well as some equipment.

Pick them all.

However, he didn't look at the number of gold coins, as well as those props and equipment, and he felt that the most important thing now was to rest offline.

Let's take a good look after it goes live!

The original underground line, the boss is dead, this is also no monster, no scruples.

When he came out of the game world, he first took a heavy breath, did not look at Yi Ming on the side, and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Jiang Yiming was speechless.

This brother should not stay for a long time.


Confused and didn't know how long I slept, Jiang Nianniing only heard a warm breeze in her ears: "Hey, brother, wake up, get up and cook!" "

Get up! Get started!

In the haze, Jiang Nianning waved her hand, feeling weak.

"Hey, brother, dumplings, dumplings!"

Jiang Yiming was still shouting in his ear, annoying Jiang Nian Ming very much, so he directly reached out and pinched her face fiercely.

"Don't bark!"

Jiang Yiming: "..."

The eighth day of the game.

Jiang Nianming finally opened her eyes, very tiredly stretched out, md, this sleep is comfortable.

"I think I heard someone shouting dumplings in my ear?" Jiang Nianning raised her hand and rubbed her temples, as if she remembered something, she should be dreaming.

Then, he saw Jiang Yiming coming over with a bowl of clear soup, and his right face was red, as if he had been squeezed by someone.

"Yiming, your face?"

Jiang Yiming's lowered eyelids lifted slightly, you are still embarrassed to say....

"What is it?"

Jiang Nianming got up and looked at the bowl she was holding in her hand and the clear soup in the bowl.

"Dumpling soup." Jiang Yiming said.

"Just have Yuki dumplings?" Jiang Nianming looked up at her and asked.

"Yesterday there was, today there is none." Jiang Nianming said in a very calm tone.

"So, this soup, also yesterday?" Jiang Nianming asked.


"You're ruthless!"

"Love to drink or not, don't drink and feed the dog."

Seeing that Yiming's mood was not quite right, Jiang Niannian immediately decided: "Drink!"

After Gollum finished the soup, Jiang Nian Ming casually threw the bowl to Yi Ming, who took it very skillfully and turned to go to the kitchen.

Arriving at the door, Yiming turned to look at him: "Brother, you can't get used to this problem."

"Hey, you're in trouble, go, go."

Jiang Yiming still went.

Came back a few minutes later, took off his shoes, sat cross-legged on the chair, and asked: "I haven't been offline for a few days, I must have gone to kill the boss, how do you feel?"

Jiang Nianming's face was bitter: "Don't mention it, the BOSS has a high blood volume, level fifteen, 600,000 blood, if I hadn't prepared a large number of red and blue potions in advance, I'm afraid I would have a life to go back."

"That means, success?"

"But of course!"

Jiang Nianming said with a smile: "Thanks to the high attributes of all aspects of this hidden profession, it is really difficult to say whether it will win or lose."

"If nothing else, this should be the first bronze boss in the whole server, I haven't seen anything exploded, wait for the next online to see."

"Uh-huh, brother, today is the eighth day of the game, don't forget to exchange cash, give me a game spar, or the same as before, I play gun guard!"

Jiang Nianming thought for a while: "Gun guard... In fact, my profession is to use guns, I think you don't have to choose a gun guard, it's good to choose a priest, one attack and one milk, unparalleled in the world!

Jiang Yiming glared: "Let me give you milk?" Wait for the next life!

"You're really my good sister..."

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