Jiang Nianning also thought that something was wrong with her brain, although the scarlet belt was a three-star bronze weapon, but if it was about attributes, it was definitely not as practical as the Chiyun Warframe.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, come to the North Gate to trade, safe area, you don't have to worry about me attacking you."

Jiang Nianming replied, "Cut, I will be afraid of you?"

"Then you come."


After chatting, Jiang Nianniing discussed with the sister, Yiming had no opinion, since the other party was willing, then change, anyway, they would not suffer.

When she came to the north gate, Jiang Nianming saw a silver-armored girl leaning against the city wall with a sword in her hands, and her cloak fell to the ground, which was quite heroic.

"Hey, here we are." Jiang Nianming shouted.

Sugarcoat opened his eyes, looked at Jiang Nianming with smart eyes and winked, and immediately took two steps forward: "Where is the belt, show me."

Jiang Nianming took out the scarlet belt.

"That's right, that's it."

Icing immediately recognized it, and then took out the armor and handed it to Jiang Nianming, asking him to see if there was any problem.

After confirming that there are no problems, I clicked on Trade.

Jiang Nianming couldn't understand it very much: "The attributes of this belt are what you need, and you actually exchange such good armor, moreover, how did you know that killing the boss would burst the belt?" And, how can I be sure that this thing is in my hands? The

sugar coating was immediately equipped with ornaments, the scarlet belt was tied around the waist, and the filament drooped, exuding a faint murderous aura.

Then answered Jiang Nianming's question: "I squatted in Chiyun Mountain for so long, in order to add 9 points of spirit, it is exactly what I need for this profession, moreover, the belt is a rare item, the armor I wear is much higher than the Chiyun armor, and there is nothing rare, so it's better to change what you like."

"Moreover, I have already asked for information in advance, the first to kill the belt that will burst BOSS100%, as for whether it is in your hands, I don't know, tentatively asked, the result is clucking."

Jiang Nian Ming threw the armor to Yi Ming, and it happened that level 15 could equip her and improve her attributes by a wave.

"After the transaction is completed, I will leave first if there is nothing to do."


Jiang Niannian stopped him.

Sugarcoat turned around and asked, "What, what else do you want to say?"

Jiang Nianming asked: "This Chiyun armor was exploded by killing the boss, besides this, have you snatched anything else?"

Icing smiled: "You want to get something from me?" "

Just ask." Jiang Nianning said.

"Yes, but I can't give it to you, I'll use it myself."

"Okay then."

Sugarcoat took two steps, stopped again, and suddenly turned back and asked: "How is your profession of the Lunar God Envoy playing?"

"Okay, where's your Light Ranger?"

"It's okay."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Enjoyable game."


After the sugar coating left, Yiming looked at her departing back and said to Jiang Nianning: "Hey, brother, this sister is so good-looking, even I am moved."

"You're no worse than her."

"Oh yes?"

"Yes, don't lie to you, you like women?"

"No, I think someone is going to trouble you."

Say what's coming.

Just sent one away, the floating goose sinking fish here began to be unhappy again, directly came to the voice call, Jiang Nianning originally did not plan to answer, but after thinking about it, it seems that it is not very generous not to answer, or see what she wants to say.


As soon as the words fell, the voice of the floating goose sinking fish came over: "What a good means, I actually arranged for someone to ambush me together, even I was calculated by you, and suffered a big loss!" "

Jiang Nianming is very innocent, the girl called sugar-coated was not arranged by him, it can only be said that it was a coincidence.

He explained, but the floating goose sunkenfish did not believe it.

"How many pieces of equipment did you take?" Floating Goose Sinkfish asked.

"Me? I don't know. "


"Okay, I'll take two."

"I don't believe it, I see that you are two people, it is impossible to take away two pieces of equipment."

"Three pieces." Jiang Nianning said.

"Hmph, at least four, right?" The floating goose sunken fish asked rhetorically: "If you add that guy who fell from the sky, you will take at least six pieces!"

"Impossible, the bronze elite boss can burst so much equipment?" Jiang Nianming didn't believe it.

Floating Goose Shenyu said: "If you kill the elite boss first, there is a 70% probability that 8 pieces of equipment can be burst, I only took 2 pieces here, or 2 pieces of not very good quality, good things have fallen into your hands, don't you plan to say something?"

"I don't know what to say."

"That's the end of the matter, forget it."

"Actually, it's not you who should cry the most, it's the troubled generals and gods and demons."

"I want to kill you now!" Floating Goose Shenyu said: "The gods and demons and the troubled generals don't know that you are coming, and the two of them have now transferred their hatred to me, thinking that I snatched the boss and I am innocent." "

I didn't get the good things, and in the end, I had to carry the black pot..." Jiang

Nianning said helplessly: "Then who let you start robbing other people's things."

"Hmph, I didn't grab it in the end!"

"However, I got a skill book here, do you want it?"

Jiang Nianming suddenly became interested when she heard it.

"What skill book?"

"Boss Death Axe, 185% physical attack bonus damage, right?"

Jiang Nianning looked at the axe in her hand, and she was a little interested in her heart: "Say a price."

"1000 gold coins, friendship price, eighty-eight discounts, if I sell it to the troubled generals, at least 1500 gold coins."

"Then why don't you sell it to him?" Jiang Nianming asked.

"First, I'm not short of money; Second, I don't want to help my own enemies.

"Oh, then it seems that you don't treat me as an enemy." Jiang Niannian said with a smile.

"That's natural, how, consider it?"

“OKOK。" Jiang Nianming agreed, isn't it 880 gold coins, take it.

The two agreed at the gate of the city, Jiang Nianming is now in this place, no need to move, just wait for the other party to come.

Soon, the floating goose sinking fish came with a magic staff, although there was a bit of resentment in his eyes, but there was really no hostility.

"This time you picked up a big bargain." She spoke, "Skill book, 880 gold coins."

After making sure that there was no problem, the two traded directly, and then the floating goose Shenyu asked: "When I establish a guild, do you want to consider joining, the benefits are generous."

Jiang Nianning did not immediately refuse, but just said: "It's not so easy to establish a guild, killing a level 50 golden boss will have a chance to burst out to build a gang order, I estimate that it will take at least a month."

"Even, not necessarily a guild appears in two months."

"You don't care about this, just say you won't come, right?"

"This... Up in the air. The

floating goose sinking fish gritted her teeth, she wanted to eat the guy in front of her, but now, it is not such an easy thing, a high-ranking hidden profession, if it is poached by others, it is not a fortunate thing.

Now that he couldn't figure out what Jiang Nian Ming was thinking, the floating goose sunken fish felt the need to test it.

"Do you plan to set up a guild on your own to fight the world?"

Jiang Nianming immediately realized that this woman was testing herself.

He was about to speak, but Yi Ming took the lead and said: "Yes, our two brothers and sisters will definitely be able to create a world in the game!"

"Little sister, ambitious."

I don't know if the floating goose sunken fish is praise.

In short, the friendship is not very deep, and it is difficult to understand the other party's personality and what she thinks in her heart.

There was nothing to talk about, and the floating goose sunk left.

And Jiang Nianning, who is holding the skill book, is thinking about whether he wants to learn, to be honest, he is not short of skills now, and the skill points are small, it is not easy to master a skill, the more you learn, it is even more difficult to master.

"Forget it, sell this skill book, it's not bad to make a difference."

After opening the skill bar and pondering, he had this idea.

At this moment, he noticed that the number of skill points under his status bar had increased, which used to be 15, and now it has become 35, a full increase of 20 points.

This...... What's going on?

Suddenly, he realized something, and quickly looked through the battle record, and there was a system prompt inside: You killed the giant axe spirit general (bronze-level elite boss), gained 67,500 experience points, and gained 20 skill points!

Sure enough....

Last time you killed Despair Rose... This is just an ordinary boss, you have gained 10 skill points, this time you killed the bronze elite boss, you directly gained 20 points, doubled.

In this way, if you kill a bronze enhancement boss, you will probably get 15 skill points.

Anyway, this wave is a big profit.

After 55 points of strength stamina, tap the skill light spur and select to add points.


The light spur has been upgraded again.

[Light Spike] Lv2, damage changed from 190% to 200%, blue consumption changed from 90 to 80, from Lv2 to Lv3 requires skill points 40, now there are 30 points left, not enough, wait for next time.


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