The power of the light spur that has been upgraded to level 2 has increased by 10% again, and the blue consumption has been reduced by 10 points, that is, the cooldown time has not decreased, but Jiang Nianning is also quite satisfied with this.

"Yiming, after killing the boss, did you get skill points?"

Yiming opened the system panel to see that it was still 0 o'clock, shook his head, and said: "No, I haven't seen this thing until now, the data stops at 0, it's uncomfortable." Jiang

Nianming verified his conjecture, whoever kills the boss with the last blow will get the corresponding skill points, it seems that he will have to find more bosses and eat more last blows in the future.

When the level came to 18, Jiang Nianning took out the seeking ring and put it on, slightly improving a wave of attributes.

Yi Ming's eyes were full of envy after seeing it: "Your equipment is complete, isn't it time to take care of me?" "

You can wear two rings in one hand, two on each hand, that's four rings, and now it's only one, it's far from it." Jiang Nianning said.


The next thing is to contact the skill book, and the currently known professions that can equip axes are warriors, moon messengers... Well, another berserker should be added, and these classes are naturally the ones who can use this deadly axe skill.

Berserker ....

A thought flashed in Jiang Nianming's mind, isn't the troubled general a berserker, and the weapon he takes is an axe, this guy can gather a large number of players to help him kill the boss, which means that he is not a master who lacks money, and the floating goose sinking fish has also said before, if you sell this skill book to him, it is not just as simple as 1500 gold coins.

But if he really sold this skill book to the troubled generals, wouldn't it be too lacking in morality...

Isn't this creating trouble for the floating goose sunken fish?

It's so lacking in virtue.

Just do it.

Get in touch with Night Song.

"Hey, bro, do you want good stuff?"

Ye Ye Sheng also returned quickly, and sent a "? ", obviously a little confused.

Jiang Nianning sent the picture book of the Death Axe Skill Book over, and added a sentence: "Ask the troubled general, if he wants this thing, if he wants it, he will discuss it with me with sincerity, if he doesn't want it, I will sell it to others."

Ye Ye Shengge was probably a little dumbfounded after reading the skill book, and only replied to the message after a minute: "Okay, you wait, I'll ask right away." Two

minutes later, the troubled general took the initiative to add Jiang Nianming's friend.

After clicking Agree, the Troubled General directly contacted by voice call.

"What, or else?" Jiang Nianming asked.

"Yes, this skill book can only belong to me, if you dare to sell it to others, I will hack you to death with an axe!"

Jiang Nianming: "Your uncle's, only Laozi has always bought and sold strongly, don't jump, be careful not to sell it to you later!" "

If you kid dares to sell to others, I will immediately gather a hundred players to block you to the ends of the earth."

"Stop talking nonsense, give a price, sell it if it is suitable, I don't think you are a master who lacks money." Jiang Nianning said.

After thinking about it, the general of the troubled world said a price: "1200 gold coins."

"Don't sell, 1800 gold coins for you." Jiang Nianming had already estimated the price.

In troubled times, the teeth of the courtiers itched, but Jiang Nianming said: "This skill can be said to be the divine skill of the axe skill in the early stage, level 0 has a 185% physical attack bonus, to the full level, I estimate that there must be at least a 225% physical bonus, originally the axe weapon attack is high, with this skill, it is simply destroying, 1800 gold coins, can not buy a loss, can not buy to be fooled, if you hit this skill in the later stage, this price has to be 10 times higher!" Decide quickly. The

troubled generals over there gritted their teeth and decided: "Okay, 1800 is 1800, where to trade?" "

North Gate."

"Okay, wait for me, I'll be right there."

This is a good deal, just wait for the other party to give the money.

The troubled generals attached great importance to this skill book, and rushed over non-stop, and after less than 5 minutes, 1800 gold coins were served, and left with the skill book.

However, he just walked a few steps and seemed to react to something, looking at the axe Jiang Nianning was carrying in his hand and the skill book in his own hand, and immediately woke up.

"You kid snatched the boss?"

Jiang Niannian was careless and forgot to put away the weapon, but he could pretend to be stupid and stunned: "What boss, I don't know."

"Don't know? So where did you get this axe?

"No, you tell you."

"Where did this skill book come from?"

"You guess."

"I'm a grass mud horse!"

The troubled general now held not the original axe in his hand, but a sword, when his weapon was burst out, and the floating goose sunken fish took it away for him.

"Roll Nima's!"

Jiang Nianning was naturally not used to him.

"Okay, you NB."

The troubled general stared at the valley axe in Jiang Nianming's hand, and then looked at the skill book in his hand, and only felt a flesh pain.

These things should have been his, but as a result, the things belonged to others, and he had to spend money to buy them, and what was even more hateful was that he had lost all his weapons!

Lost the lady and broke the army!

"Grass!" With a mouthful of spit, the troubled general turned and left.

"This guy probably exploded." Yi Ming shrugged helplessly.

"Leave him alone, let's go buy potions, and then go brush monsters to upgrade."


Jiang Nian Ming is now level 18, Yi Ming is level 15, I have to say that the speed of upgrading ordinary professions is indeed fast enough.

This time, the location chosen by the two was the Maple Cloud Woodland, where level 28 monsters were infested.

Located in the south of the Eternal City, the Maple Cloud Woodland is currently rarely contacted by players, after all, the level of 28 monsters, the level is really not low, if you encounter a strengthened monster or elite monster again, it is not an exaggeration to say that the general five-person team can really not solve it.

Inside the woodland, there are many warriors with long swords walking back and forth, they seem to have lost their original will, and they are dangling in the woodland like the walking dead.

[Maple Forest Swordsman] (Normal Monster)

Level: 28

Health: 3250 Physical Attack: 365~385 Physical

Defense: 225

Magic Defense: 185


"Hmm, the attack power is so high!"

"That's of course, nearly thirty level monsters, but not more than ten or twenty level monsters can compare." Jiang Nianming had already slashed with a giant axe as she spoke.


The Fenglin swordsman is not stupid, seeing someone rushing over, his eyes suddenly glowed red, raised his sword and launched a counterattack, the sword and axe collided, producing a huge impact, but the Fenglin swordsman obviously could not bear the impact of the giant axe, was shocked back two steps, Jiang Nianming stepped out, approached forward, the big axe slashed obliquely, slashed fiercely on the left shoulder of the Fenglin swordsman, and suddenly the flesh and blood blurred.



This axe attack is fierce enough.

Jiang Nianming looked at the number that appeared on the other party's head, and then looked at the axe in his hand, this weapon, except for the focus, there was no shortcoming.

Keep chopping!

Bang bang!

Every time the sword and axe are staggered, it is Jiang Nianming who gains the upper hand, and the Fenglin swordsman is forced back step by step by him, and after a few axes, the first Fenglin swordsman is ruthlessly hacked to death, and Jiang Nianming lost more than 300 HP before and after.

System Tip: You kill the Maple Forest Swordsman and gain 1260 experience points.

Very good, the experience point has doubled, although it is divided equally between the two, but still get more than a thousand points!

As for Yiming, it will only get more.

Looking back, Yi Ming was not idle, the hunting gun in his hand continued to stab, the blazing gun... The ice gun was released one after another, the poor level 28 monster was overwhelmed by a level 15 player, but Yiming's defense was low, and she pulled two monsters at a time, very confident in her position, but sometimes there are still mistakes, a sword falls to break 300 dozen HP, level suppression is too powerful, there is a hidden damage bonus.

But overall the problem is not big, when it is dangerous, Jiang Nianming will add a miracle light to her, and she also bought a large number of blood bottles when she came, if there is no BOSS, it is probably no problem to sweep this map clean today.

Laugh at!



The light thorn cut, and another Maple Forest swordsman was killed, and in addition to the burst of gold coins, a rusty bracelet was dropped.

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