Now Jiang Nian Ming didn't have a dime on him, and he didn't even dare to think about the 20 silver coins of the primary recovery potion.

There are still quantities of potions, alas! It seems that it is really not so easy to complete the task of this hidden profession.

Bidding farewell to the village chief, Jiang Nianning walked out of the village of the moon people, and the outside was also gray, and she could vaguely see that the mountains were all around, and this small village of the moon people was surrounded by many mountain ranges.

In the upper right corner is a large map, where players can see their location and the surrounding terrain.

Jiang Nianming analyzed the map first, well, at present, the only village that can be seen is the village of the moon people, and the map is also covered with a large area of fog, which needs to be explored to reveal its true face.

But there is no doubt that the farther away from the Village of the Moon People, the more powerful the monsters encountered, and the more dangerous it is for Jiang Nianming, who is now only level 0.

Can't die, can't die, die once, this task will be directly over, waste time, get nothing, this is not the result he wants.

Anyway, there is no time limit for the task, just brush it slowly, and everything is stable!

Jiang Nianming was looking for monsters in the mountain forest closest to the village of the moon people.

Not far away, a one-eyed wolf immediately caught his attention.

Single monster, target determined, it's you.

Before killing monsters, of course, you must first analyze the attributes.

[One-eyed Moon Wolf] (Common Monster)


: 3 Health Points: 190

Physical Attack: 19~22 Physical

Defense: 14

Magical Defense: 3

Introduction: A fairly common monster wandering near the village of the Moon People, it is said to be the descendant of the Moon Wolf King, after a few eras, its strength has been greatly degraded, but it still maintains a strong ferocity, if you meet, Don't be careless, or you'll die.

Compare your attributes, damn it, almost completely crushed!

But don't panic, the player's subjective initiative is very strong, killing a wolf, it is certainly not difficult!

That's it.

Holding a wooden gun, Jiang Nianming runs at great speed, this game does not seem to have agility and speed, all rely on the player's own action and reaction ability, that is, very good operation. Of course, if you have good equipment, you can definitely increase the upper limit of speed, such as a pair of awesome combat boots under your feet, but unfortunately there is no now.

Still that sentence, an inch long and an inch strong, the spear mercilessly stabbed at the skin of the one-eyed moon wolf, splashing a small piece of blood, the one-eyed moon wolf snorted, it hurt, but only a red number of -5 appeared on the head.

The hurt is somewhat touching.

No matter how much, pick, stab, sideways, backhand and stab.





High luck is good, the fourth backhand stab hit a critical hit, there were not many things introduced on the game poster before, and it was not said that the critical hit hit hit several times the damage, now it seems that it is 3 times, the damage value of the normal attack is basic red, and the critical hit becomes a dark red, like thick blood, it looks very real, and the viewer may even cause discomfort.

But Jiang Nianming did not have this uncomfortable feeling, after all, when he was young and frivolous, he also went to online games, although he was only in an Internet café.

Being there, making him even more excited.

Hey! Hey! Kill!


The lone wolf moon wolf is not a seed, taking advantage of Jiang Nianming's excitement and not knowing what to do, a paw scratched over, and just when its claw fell, the surface of Jiang Nianming's body glowed with faint moonlight, and this claw was also right in its abdomen.



In the mountains and forests, there was a scream like killing a pig.

"Groove! Groove! It hurts! What level of pain does this Nima feel?!

Jiang Nianming was stunned all of a sudden, just when he was about to look at the status bar, the one-eyed moon wolf pounced again, he couldn't look at it, hide first and then say, kill this wolf and then look at the state!

Laugh at!

The sound of breaking wind sounded, and the claws of the one-eyed moon wolf swept in front of Jiang Nian Ming's belly, and did not hit, and when Miss floated up from his head, Jiang Nian Ming had already launched a crazy counterattack.

The spear was used as a stick, and it continuously slammed into the body of the one-eyed moon wolf!

Bang bang bang....





The last shot was particularly powerful, and once again it delivered a critical hit, but only 9 damage.

The head of the gun did not stab the opponent, so the health value taken away was not very much, but fortunately, it was just a convenient counterattack, frequent attacks, and could repel the opponent and forcibly pull the distance between the two sides.

The one-eyed moon wolf was beaten very badly, it was already scarred, and when it attacked again, Jiang Nianming could clearly feel that its speed was a little slower than before.

It's because of the injury.


This one-eyed moon wolf originally had a health value of 190, but now the blood bar is nearly a third less, and it is no longer as fierce as before.


The body was slightly sideways, and once again missed the opponent's attack, Jiang Nianming's confidence skyrocketed, counterattack, counterattack!

After a series of attacks, the one-eyed moon wolf's health value is only 20%, and during this continuous attack, Jiang Nianning's blood bar also fell very quickly, after all, although the opponent's attack is not frequent, the attack is fierce, the one-eyed moon wolf can make frequent mistakes, but as long as it hits once, it is enough for him to drink a pot.

After losing 62 HP, he killed the first monster entering the game.

System Tip: You killed the One-Eyed Moon Wolf (a common monster) and gained 39 XP!

System tip: Congratulations on successfully killing the first monster and gaining the corresponding experience points, killing monsters is one of the fastest ways to increase the level, if you want to travel the god world, you must increase your level and increase Oh, the experience point introduction system has been opened, you can click to view, adjust your monster killing strategy according to the actual situation.

Introduction to experience points... Does this thing still need to be introduced?

Open it and see what it's all about.

Don't say, there really is.

Experience points introduction system, mainly introduces three points.

First: Different career levels require different experience points to level up. Hidden class upgrades require twice as much XP as normal classes, and only hidden classes require three times as many XP as normal classes.

Second: the amount of experience points obtained. When the player is at the same level as the monster, killing the monster will earn you 100% experience points for that monster; When the monster level exceeds the player's level 1, after being killed, the player can gain experience points based on × experience points (1+10%), when the monster level exceeds the player's level 2, after being killed, the player can get experience points based experience points × (1+20%), and so on....

Third: Team experience point distribution. When there are only two people in the team, after killing the monster, each person can get 75% of the basic experience points, when there are three people in the team, the amount of experience points obtained by each person is 70% of the basic experience points, and the unified amount of experience points for more than three people is 65%!

Boss-level mobs do not assign experience points as described above.

The details are as follows: when two people team up, the boss is given the final hit, gaining 80% of experience points, and teammates get 60% of experience points.

When three or more people team up, the boss who strikes the final blow will receive 70% of experience, and the rest of the teammates will receive 40% of experience.

Seems to be reasonable.


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