After reading the distribution of experience points, Jiang Nian Ming pushed back, he is now level 0, the wolf monster he just killed is level 3, and he has obtained 39 experience points, that is, the basic experience value of this wolf monster is 30 points, well, I am indeed an excellent math master, 30 points, right?

Generally speaking, the first monster will burst some copper coins, and the equipment does not need to be thought of, it is impossible.

However, to Jiang Nianming's surprise, what seemed to lie on the ground was not a dull copper coin, but a ... Gold coins, yes, gold coins!

In addition to the gold coin, there is a stone with a light silver sheen that is only the size of a thumb.

Bend down to pick up the stone, and then check its attributes, if nothing else, it is the moonstone needed for the mission.

[Moonstone]: A quest item, a stone containing the power of a thin moon, which alone does not play a role, if there are piles of moonstone, it may be able to restore the inner energy of something.

One moonstone has arrived, and there are still 49 pieces left.

What made Jiang Nianning excited was not the mission items, but the solid gold coins.

Jiang Nianming was afraid of death, so he did not continue to walk further, but immediately went back to find the village chief and buy 5 of the only 32 recovery potions he had in his hand.

"How about young man, I didn't lie to you, those monsters outside, but they are worth a lot!" The old village chief said with a smile.

Jiang Nianning gave a thumbs up and praised: "You are still knowledgeable, and the kid admires."

"It's nothing, if you can find that special monster that wanders near the village of the moon people, you can get a lot of gold coins."

"Special monsters?" Jiang Nianming immediately grasped the point in the words, it should be that the money was spent too much, so she set up a little useful information.

Seeing Jiang Nianming continue to ask, the old village chief continued: "Yes, special monster, please allow me to explain to you what 'special monster' is, if you are troublesome, I can also skip it directly."

Jiang Nianming raised his hand: "Don't, it's really a blessing to be able to listen to your old teachings, please speak."

The old village chief was very satisfied with the attitude of the young man in front of him, so he began to explain: "The so-called special monster is a monster that is different from ordinary monsters.

Jiang Nianning: "..."Listening

to Jun's words, like listening to a table.

"How? Can't you understand my words? The old village chief looked at Jiang Nianming, whose face changed slightly, and asked.

Jiang Nian Ming coughed dryly: "This... The boy is stupid, you always talk about it, what a special law.

The old village chief continued: "The special monster is that they may not be high-level, but a certain attribute must have something very special, and it is not easy to kill them, but if you really kill them, you can get a lot of rewards." "

There are many kinds of special monsters, the most common of which are the two most common, namely the Money Monster and the Experience Monster, and the Money Special Monster is... After killing, you will drop excessive amounts of gold, and the experience special monster is that after killing, you can get excess experience points.

"So that's the case, then may I ask the village chief, how can I find these two special monsters?" You're knowledgeable, and you know where they live! Jiang Nianning continued to set up information.

But the old village chief no longer eats this set: "Although I traveled to thousands of rivers and mountains when I was young, I have never seen the special monsters that live together, they always appear one by one, and the places where they appear are extremely secretive, ordinary people can't find it at all, this special monster, not only your adventurers in the other world like it, but also the warriors of this world, and even, the monsters also like it, after all, killing them can greatly improve their strength."

"And under this high-intensity chase, these special monsters have developed special skills, and even the hiding place is not fixed, in short, it is too difficult to find them."

"But I know that there is indeed a special monster near the Village of the Moon People, and whether you can find it or not depends on your own luck."

All right...... Since the old village chief said so, it must be found!

The main thing is not to like money or experience points, it is just curiosity, simple curiosity.

Get out of the village of the moon people, go out and continue to brush monsters.

However, before brushing the monster, Jiang Nianning did not forget to look at his status bar, and there were still 88 HP left, barely able to resist the four-stroke attack of the one-eyed moon wolf.

And what makes him care so much is the pain.

When entering the game, the system did not prompt him to adjust the pain percentage, and in the setting interface of the character's state, the synaesthesia percentage was displayed as 100%, that is, exactly the same as the real world, no wonder the wolf scratched the abdominal pain to death.

Jiang Nianming tried to adjust, but found that she couldn't adjust it at all.

Many attempts were fruitless.

Maybe it's too many times, the system directly gives a prompt: in order to let the player immerse themselves in the scene and perfectly experience the thrill in the game, the state mode is unable to adjust the state, if necessary, please look forward to the next version update.

No way!

Can't adjust!

It's also called immersive! Perfect for experiencing pleasure!

Groove Groove Groove!

What a crime!

I'm still looking forward to the next version update, God knows when the version will be updated, and I haven't given an exact time.

It hurts, it hurts so much.

Remembering the pig-killing scream last time, Jiang Nianming couldn't help but shiver.

Forget it, endure it.

There is no complaint interface, or the whole complaint can be directly complained.

Sighing, Jiang Nianming continued to go to the old place to kill monsters.

In order to reduce the beating and reduce the pain of being hit hard, he can only keep honing his position and operation, and he should be forced.

After killing six one-eyed moon wolves again, he got 4 gold coins and 20 silver coins, and his experience points also rose to 273 points, and the ordinary class level 1 100 experience points can be upgraded, but the moon god requires 3 times the experience, that is, 300 points, to make this only concealment.

Kill another one-eyed moon wolf and you'll be done.

There were still 3 primary recovery potions left, and it was obvious that those six one-eyed moon wolves did not torture Jiang Nian Ming less.

But, it doesn't matter.

The monster of the upgrade has appeared, and it regards Jiang Nianming as its prey, but as everyone knows, the identity between the prey and the hunter has long been doomed.

The spear starts in hand, sweeping the stab.





Another crimson critical attack, the one-eyed moon wolf gritted his teeth and rushed towards Jiang Nian Ming...

Five minutes later, he fell to the ground.

System Tip (Newbie): You killed the One-Eyed Moon Wolf, gained 39 experience points, the experience bar is full, congratulations on leveling up, the overflow experience points will be automatically provided to the next level of experience bar.


Jiang Nianming's body shone brightly and completed the transformation from 0 to 1.

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