After the upgrade, Jiang Nian Nington felt full of strength, and the blood bar and blue bar were instantly full.

Select View Status Bar, and the properties will change after the upgrade.

ID: White Qing

Phase Level: 1

Health Points: 210/210 Blue Amount: 210

Physical Attack: 17~22 Physical

Defense: 16 Magic Defense: 16 Lucky

: 11


After reading the status, the system gives a new novice tip: after the level is raised, the player will get 10 points, you can choose to automatically add points by the system, or the player can add points by himself, is the system adding points on his behalf?

Jiang Nianning immediately chose no, the system added points... Forget it, this kind of thing, or it is more reliable to come by yourself.

There are four items of strength, physical strength, intelligence, and spirit.

Power affects physical attacks.

Stamina affects health caps and physical defenses.

Intelligence affects the Magic Attack and Blue Cap.

Psychic effects healing volume, blue return speed, magical defense, and controlled time.

Specific 1 point is equal to how many actual attributes, this game poster does not say, after entering the game can not be found, but it is said that after the player changes at level 10, he will get a career introduction manual, which should have some recommendations or something, but Jiang Nianning is different, he was the only hidden profession at the beginning, and, for the time being, there is no mentor, moreover, he does not have any career introduction manual, everything has to be explored by himself.

These 10 points, try to add it.

Add 1 power first.

Then review the properties.

Physical attack changed from 17~22 to 18(+0.2)~22(+0.2).

Jiang Nianming: "..."

calculated it, 1 point of strength plus 1.2 actual attack power.

Try something else.

Add 1 stamina.

Stamina affects maximum health and physical defense, and when added, health goes from 210 to 225, and physical defense from 16 to 17+ (0.2).

So, 1 health is equal to 15 max health and 1.2 physical defense.

Intelligence is exempt, he is not a magic attack, the blue amount is automatically added enough, but the mental aspect should pay special attention to it, this attribute affects too much.

Add 1 point of spirit to try.

Magic Defense suddenly changed from 16 to 18, 1 point of spirit, equal to 2 points of magic defense, heh! The magical defense of this class is particularly good.

As for the blue return speed, controlled time, these temporarily cannot see the effect, the amount of treatment, this will have to wait to see if his profession can have healing skills.

He tried to add lucky points, but found that this aspect of the attribute could not be improved by adding points, and could only rely on important items.

At present, it still focuses on the addition of strength and physical strength.

So, of the remaining 7 points, 5 points are allocated to strength and 2 points to physical strength.

The full point is completed, and the final properties are as follows.

Health: 255/255

Physical Attack: 24~28 Physical

Defense: 19

Magic Defense: 18

System Tips: The first bonus point is fully completed, your bonus point method is 6 strength, 3 stamina, 1 spirit, do you save this bonus point method, the next upgrade will automatically add points?

Select No to make adjustments.

7 strength, 3 stamina, save, the next upgrade is directly added like this.

Let's look at the experience points required for level 1 to level 2, 600 points.

Double it, it doesn't matter, just kill the monster seriously.

After the comprehensive improvement of attributes, the one-eyed moon wolf was no longer put in Jiang Nianning's eyes.

Find another trainer.

Soon one prey appeared in the woods, no, two ... One on the left and one on the left and right, all coming out from behind the tree.

This time, it was replaced by the other party taking the initiative to pounce.

"Good to go!" Seeing the one-eyed moon wolf coming left and right, Jiang Nianming's fighting spirit boiled, and he shot up to meet it.


The spear poured into the abdomen of the one-eyed moon wolf on the left, instantly taking away 21 points of health, and the one-eyed moon wolf on the right took advantage of the situation to attack, but saw Jiang Nianning actually swing his fist to meet it.


The heavy fist fell on the wolf's head, and the powerful force directly knocked the one-eyed moon wolf out, taking away 16 HP points, and these two attacks perfectly resisted the opponent's attack to attack and attack!

The skyrocketing attack power made Jiang Nianming's confidence double, and the spear swept one after another, and the two one-eyed moon wolves that were hit were powerless, and they were many times easier than before.

Soon, the two wolf monsters were killed, but this time each wolf monster only gave him 36 experience points, and the level increased, and the experience points obtained decreased accordingly.

This is undoubtedly telling Jiang Nianming to look for higher-level monsters to kill.

After pocketing 1 gold coin and 16 silver coins, and picking up the moonstone on the ground, Jiang Nianming decided to be bold and walk a little farther forward, and he would definitely encounter new monsters.

As expected, 460 meters from the village of the Moonman, a second type of monster appeared.

【Porcupine】(Normal Monster)


: 4 Health Points: 244

Physical Attack: 23~26 Physical

Defense: 22

Magical Defense: 4

Introduction: A monster covered with spikes, with a very strong defense, it is a more dangerous monster than the one-eyed moon wolf.

Just by looking at the attributes, the porcupine has indeed suppressed the one-eyed moon wolf in all aspects, and the physical attack is equal to the current Jiang Nianming, and the physical defense is even higher, but the difference is not much.

It's done.

It's still a sweep and a stab.







This wave of luck, two critical hits, instantly beat the porcupine to half blood.

The porcupine let out a scream, and the whole body shrank into a ball, and the spikes stood upside down, shining, like a steel needle, rolling and jumping up and piercing Jiang Nianming's body.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Nianming felt bad.

As expected, 2 seconds later, there was another pig-killing scream in the mountain forest.

And then there are the triple grooves!

Jiang Nianming's blood volume has dropped!

From 255 to 212, he was stabbed twice, and his neck and chest were bleeding profusely.

This damn porcupine is really fucking ruthless!

Kill! Kill! Kill and it's over!

There is no fancy, because there is no skill, it cannot be fancy for the time being, the general attack will do, it is nothing more than sweeping, throwing, stabbing and picking several means.

Either way, as long as you can kill the monsters.



The final crit sends away the first porcupine.

System Tip: You kill the porcupine to gain 49 XP.

In other words, the basic experience point of a porcupine is more than 38 points, which is 8 more than the one-eyed moon wolf.

Moreover, this wave burst out two moonstones, gold coins did not, and silver coins had 12.

Like, there is less money ....

"Let's gather the moonstones first."

Look at the mission items in the package, there are only 9, which is far from it, kill monsters and kill monsters.

500 meters away in front of the Village of the Moonman, there are only two ordinary monsters, wolves and porcupines, as long as you are careful to operate, you can't die if you want to.

After more than two hours of work, the 50 moonstone was finally collected, and Jiang Nianning's level was also increased to 3, and it took 1050 experience points to reach level 4.

Take the mission items and go back to the village chief, talk to him, and hand in the moonstone.

The old NPC village chief was very excited: "Oh! Warrior! You really succeeded, you brought new hope to the Village of the Moon, this is the reward you deserve, please accept it! "

System prompt: You completed the mission [Collect Moonstones], gained 800 experience points, obtained 10 silver coins, and obtained the equipment [Moon Citizen Boots].


Jiang Nianming heard that something fell into the package, it should be the pair of moon people boots, but I didn't expect that the monster that had been killed for so long did not burst any equipment, but finally got it from the old village chief, which is a beautiful thing.

Such a name, it should be very NB equipment.

When I took it out, I saw a pair of plain black boots, and the boot on my right foot had a hole in my mother's body.

It's embarrassing.

In order to reward him, the old village chief also took great pains.

But broken is better than nothing.

Take a look at the properties.

【Tsukimin Booties】(★ Black Iron)

Physical Defense

: +8 Speed: +1

Level required: 3


Damn, a black iron is also given stars, did you make a mistake?!

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