Jiang Nianming was selling the Berserk Spirit Book while sending messages to her friends.

He thought about it, the first thing to find was naturally sugar-coated, the strength of this light ranger must be good, the profession is there, no matter how bad it is, moreover, this woman is bold, last time he directly squatted halfway up the mountain to grab the boss, if he didn't shoot fast, he really let this woman rob.

Send her a message and ask first.

"Hey, sisters, do you want to do the big task?"

Jiang Nianming intercepted the content of the task and sent it to her.

Then wait for her to message back.

There are also people here to ask the price of silverware, Jiang Nianming stretched out two fingers, the lowest is 2000 gold coins, of course, not to say that this number is sold, this is the reserve price, whoever adds the price is higher will sell to whom.

"Friend, can you show the attributes first, I have a partner on my side who may need it." A warrior in the crowd spoke, Jiang Nianming glanced at him, and then said: "I'll tell you about the attributes, you can just remember it."

Then, Jiang Nianming told everyone about the attributes of the Berserk Spirit Book and the characteristics used as props.

"No treatment?" Someone is curious.

"Mages can't use it, only priests can? Don't attack yet..."

"2,000 gold coins, I don't think it's worth it."

Some people say this, after all, the value of the priest is to add blood, without the equipment with the bonus of healing attributes, it is difficult for the priest to play its real role, and the Berserk Spirit Book is more about the auxiliary role, so those players who are not priests feel very worthless, but Jiang Nianning does not think so, in his opinion, the value of this book is much greater than the healing staff of the same level!

As long as I have high attack power and fast enough, I can kill others as quickly as possible, others may not hurt me, others can't hurt me, then I don't need treatment... That's right, right?

The warrior before shook his head again and again and retreated without treatment, it seemed that his friend was not interested in such equipment.

Ten minutes later, Yiming came over, and it seemed that the things had been bought.


"Wait a minute, that spirit book hasn't sold yet."

"Huh? Silverware is not easy to sell, how much do you sell? "

2000 gold coins." Jiang Nianning said.

"It's not expensive, this price, how... Can't see it? Or, can't afford it?

Jiang Nianming said: "Without treatment, it may not be the attribute that people need, or find the kind of real recognition." Jiang

Nianming believes that there will be no fewer people who recognize goods, there are so many players in the Eternal City, it is impossible for everyone to be blind.

Such properties, selling 2000 that is low.

No one bought it, but he was not in a hurry, looked at the information, the sugar coating has not yet returned the message, is it not interested in this task?

Look at her avatar is on, online, shouldn't ah....

Another few minutes passed.

Still no reply message.

Jiang Nianming was helpless, and could only find a way to contact others.

The next thing to consider is naturally the floating goose sunken fish, this mage... Still good.

There are brains, although not much.

"Hey, sister, can't take the task?"

Jiang Nianming sent a message to the floating goose sinking fish.

The floating goose sinking fish returned quickly, but the one who refused was simply: "If you don't take it, you can't take it, I'm also doing a big task here, and I can't get out." "


In desperation, Jiang Nianning thought of another brother.

Unlimited penetration.

That is, the pancake at No. 26 Xinhua Street, he didn't ask for the last time he sold equipment, he added a friend when he left, and he hasn't chatted much, look at his level, now he is 21, very good, he is an archer....

"Hey, bro, no, is there a task to do?"

Two seconds later, Infinity Penetrated replied with a message: "Aren't you sitting there to sell silverware, what are you doing?" "

Hey my grass! He knew I was selling silver here, which means I was on the spot?

Looking up, there were too many people to find.

At this time, a strong man pushed away the crowd and squeezed out, looking very difficult, it was infinite penetration.

"I'm here dude."

"Oh, here, let my sister tell you the content of the mission, I still have to sell equipment."

Infinite penetration looked at Jiang Yiming on the side.

"Brother, is this the companion we are looking for?"

"Yes." Jiang Nianming said, "You tell him in detail." "



When Yiming finished talking to infinite penetration, Jiang Nianning's equipment was almost sold, the reason why it was almost the same, because the person to be equipped was not on the scene, asking Jiang Nianming to meet outside the city, the last time Jiang Nianming was attacked by the night song outside the city, so this time I left a little heart, but this time Yiming and infinite penetration are following, I don't think anything will go wrong.

The one who wants to berserk the spirit book is a milkman, that is, a male priest, the price is 2600 gold coins, Jiang Nianming didn't want to sell it directly to him, and before leaving, he paid attention to his ID: Super Daddy.

"Brother recognizes goods." Jiang Nianming gave him a thumbs up and praised him.

Super Daddy nodded after getting the Berserk Spirit Book: "It is indeed good equipment, with this thing, I will be the first assistant of the Eternal City in the future!" "


Jiang Nianning is not interested in the daddy, after the thing is sold, he is ready to do the task, as for the mysterious fruit, there is still a period of shelf life, and there is no hurry to sell it.

He wants to use this fruit to buy a powerful summoner!

By the way, look at the summoners in the list, the most nb is also ranked fifty-seven, not too much to see, and so on.

After the things were sold, Jiang Nianming looked back at the infinite penetration and asked, "Decided to go?" "


"What are your attributes?" Jiang Nianming asked, infinite penetration is not a hidden profession, just an ordinary archer, level 21, if the equipment is good, it should be enough.

Infinite penetration said: "It's okay, both defenses have broken 250, attack power has broken 300 points, currently learned two skills, [Flame Arrow], [Ice Condensation Arrow], one attack and one control, Ice Condensation Arrow is already level 3, luck can control 0.9 seconds." "

Level 3 skill?" Jiang Nianming was slightly surprised.

"That's right."

"Where did you get the skill points?"

Infinite penetration said: "Good luck, a book of intermediate fighting skills exploded by killing bosses, give 20 skill points, usually kill monsters also have some accumulation, isn't it strange to upgrade to level 3?"

"Cough, not strange, okay, let's start, the mission time is 48 hours, only success is allowed and not failure."

Walk up!

There was plenty of time, and when the group of three arrived at the camp, less than an hour had passed, and after entering the Wind Stone Canyon, there was still a meal to go.


In the windstone canyon, occasionally there are winds and sand flying in the sky, and random stones fall on the body, which is a little painful, and will drop 1~10 points of blood.



In the wind and sand, there were even arrows shooting.

Jiang Nianning accidentally hit an arrow and lost 133 HP points, with his current physical defense, he can still be knocked out so much HP, it can only be said that the monster attack power in this canyon is 100 million points strong.

"I grass!"

At this moment, the infinite penetration on the side shouted, and he was shot in the chest.

Bad luck, was hit critically, and was killed 606 HP at once.

The blood bar was instantly reduced by half.

Infinite penetration people are scared stupid, now the monsters are so ferocious?

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