Two archer monsters in leather armor appeared in front of the three, and some roamed behind.

[Marauder] (Normal Monster)

Level: 30

Health: 4800

Physical Attack: 444~555 Physical

Defense: 199

Magical Defense: 221

Introduction: One of the most common monsters in Windstone Canyon, they appear in random locations, holding bows and arrows, and will take the initiative to attack comers...

Breaking five hundred and fifty points of physical attack power, no wonder it is so fierce, but this monster's defense is not strong.

After swallowing a large blood bottle, the infinite penetration backhand is a condensation ice arrow, with wisps of cold ice sharp arrow "roar" flew overhead, and in an instant it was inserted into the leg of the marauder in the front, the ice flower exploded, taking away its 428 blood volume, and froze its right leg, originally the marauder still wanted to continue to walk forward, but found that the leg could not move, the duration was 0.9 seconds, taking advantage of this time, Jiang Nian Ming and Yi Ming two have rushed up to dry.

Big axes and spears hit left and right.

Bang bang!



At this time, Yi Ming's attack was no weaker than Jiang Nian Ming.

"Lean, these two BT..."

The wireless penetration behind can see clearly, neither of them use skills, either their strength is more, or the weapons in their hands are good.

After this wave, the marauder's more than a thousand HP is gone.

"Control the other one first." Jiang Nianming shouted, and then attacked this marauder beside him, after approaching, the archer almost had no ability to resist, the other party could not do it if he wanted to open the distance, and its retreat had been blocked by Yiming.

The spear stabbed out, and the ice flower bloomed in front of the marauder, taking away 502 HP and then counterattacking the combo.




The movements in Jiang Nianming's hand did not stop, and between the opening and closing of the giant axe, it had already taken away its thousands of blood.

The marauder's HP is not high, perhaps because of the archer's class, the attack power is high, but it is easy to kill if it is approached and cannot be used.

After dividing three times by two to destroy a marauder, Jiang Nianming showed that he had 1199 experience points, and I have to say that the experience points given by level 30 monsters are more, even if three people team up, they can get nearly 1200 experience points.



After killing one, solve the second, in the same way, let the infinite penetration hit control, first freeze the hands or legs of the marauder, make it lose part of its mobility, and then Jiang Nianming and Yiming approach together, it is not difficult to kill.

Anyway, there is still some time now, enough time to clean up these monsters on the road.

The two marauders provided 12 gold coins, which were collected by Yi Ming, and there was no problem with unlimited penetration, and the task was completed.

"I said... Both of you are not as high as me, and the damage is outrageously high, how many strength points?

Jiang Niannian said, "5 o'clock." "

Yi Ming said: 10 o'clock."


Infinite penetration is silly.

"5 power plus points, attack power is not lost to 10 strength plus points, is your profession too fierce?"

Infinite penetration shock.

Jiang Nianming said: "That's no way, if I add 10 strength points, you all don't play." "

Pierced the heart, old iron.

Infinite penetration looked at Yi Ming again: "You are also outrageous, play a gun guard 10 power plus points?" A friend of mine also plays gun guard, the Lord also adds strength, every time I add 7 points, I originally thought he was already ferocious enough, but I didn't expect you to be more ferocious than her!

Jiang Nianming pointed to the ID on Yi Ming's head: "Kawaii, it's very cute, it's good!"

"But... Love? It's terrible.

Infinite penetration is depressed: "You are one by one, let me feel embarrassed, I play long-range archers, only

7 strength plus points, you this..." Yi Ming smiled and said: "The archer's words 7 power plus points are really too little, if I, directly 10 strength plus, I remember that the archer's mental power should also be quite high, right?" Infinite

penetration nodded: "Yes, mental power affects hitting and dodging, can't not add, I originally planned to add 8 power 2 spirit, think about it or forget it, and finally got a 7 power 2 spirit 1 physical strength, now... Four is not like.

Yi Ming recommended to him: "How about you try 10 strength plus points?"


..." Infinite Penetration explained: "There is no need, when you turn at level 40, you can learn an armor-breaking arrow, even if you add 6 strength points, you can break the monster defense, there is no need to worry about this aspect, I still need some more HP than strength..." Thinking

that he was shot by an arrow like that just now, he wanted to die, if the other party came to him again to have a lucky critical attack, it would be seconds on the spot.

"You don't have enough HP." Jiang Nianning said.

Then raise your hand for a miracle light.


Full of blood.

Infinite Penetration was very confused: "You can still heal?" "

Slightly understood."

Infinite penetration: "..." "

He who was already very depressed, now he has become twelve points, not twenty points depressed, depressed doubled, this game... I can't play, it's obviously a melee class, and I can add blood, play the priest's set, outrageous!

The group continued to walk, killing when they saw it.

On the way, Jiang Nianming finally received a reply from Sugar-Coating: "I want to do the task, take me with you!"

Jiang Nianming glanced at it and replied: "Sister, what time is this, I found someone half an hour in advance, or you can wait for the next time, you can only do it by three people at most."

"Whew..." Sugarcoat sent a crying emoji: "Well, when you sent me a message, I was still killing monsters, and I was easily fascinated when I killed monsters, and I turned off the communication in advance."

"Remember to open it next time, otherwise the task will not be received."

"Okay, got it!"

She was aggrieved.

Missed it, next time.

When I came to the middle of the canyon, I didn't meet Lin Miao on the road, and I didn't know where to hide.

"Are you going on a mission here?"

"That's right, but the cloud stone ghost wind hasn't yet..." Before

the words fell, the surrounding ground began to shake, and large small stones flew up, rolled up with the assistance of the wind, like a tornado, and the color of this wind gradually turned gray... Then the color gradually darkened, from gray to black, then dark black....

Bang bang!

The surrounding rocks exploded, and the mountain walls cracked, as if opening a huge mouth.

The three raised their hands to block the wind, but the wind was too strong, and they were being sucked in little by little.

"Into here?" Infinite penetration carries a bow in one hand and blocks the wind with the other.

"That's right! This is it!

"What about the entrance, where is the entrance?"


The black wind howled, and nine seconds later, the "boom" exploded, and it seemed to open a door in the middle, and at this time, the wind was also strong to the extreme, and the ground exploded a deep pit, and the three finally couldn't resist it, and were forcibly sucked in....

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