When they reappeared, the three of them had already arrived at an empty and unfamiliar venue, where it was pitch black, twisted like chaos, gently raised their palms, reached out and grabbed them, and they couldn't catch anything, but when Jiang Nianning took a step forward, there was a dark light sweeping from all directions, and then this space began to change, deriving three passages.

"What's next?" Infinite penetration asks.

Yi Ming said: "There are only 48 hours of mission time, or we should act separately, so that the chances of completing the task are greater." Infinite

penetration immediately denied her plan: "You didn't see it just now, the monsters outside are all strong, and the ones inside are definitely more terrifying, and my small body can't bear it." Yi

Ming looked him up and down, this was obviously a strong man of five big and three thick, but he said that he was small...

"Brother, what do you say?" Yi Ming turned her head and asked Jiang Nian Ming.

Jiang Nianming thought for a while and said: "According to the penetration, let's go together, I have a bad premonition, the monster in this is a little strong."

"Okay, go to the left first, I'll open the way."

Jiang Nianming originally planned to go first, but Yiming said that he took the first step and walked in front, and the archer who penetrated infinitely was naturally following behind, and Jiang Nianming walked in the middle, carrying a big axe forward.

The passage was glowing, illuminating the surrounding space, and suddenly, a shadow swept from the shadows, just for a moment to give Yi Ming a knife, and by the time she reacted, the shadow had disappeared.

This knife directly killed 221 HP of Yiming, and I have to say that it is indeed more fierce than the monsters outside.


The infinite penetration of the powerful spiritual power immediately captured the existence of that shadow, and immediately drew the bow and arrow, and a flame arrow shot at it.


The fire burst through the air, and soon exploded on the shadow, hitting 440 damage, it seems that this monster's defense is not high.

Jiang Nian Ming immediately captured his information.

[Ghost Wind Shadow] (Normal Monster)

Level: 31

Health Points: 4200 Physical Attack: 485~520 Physical

Defense: 200

Magical Defense: 190

Skills: [Shadow Hunt]


Although there is no introduction, all three know that this is an assassin-type monster, with fast speed, high bursts, and a lot of damage.

Yi Ming carried the spear towards the other party, and the ice condensation gun condensed in the chest of the ghost wind shadow, and the freezing failed, which did not affect the opponent's action, but the damage was a solid 412 points.


The spear swept and cut lines of blood on the shadow.





Jiang Nianning did not take the initiative to attack, he looked around very vigilantly, the sense of foreboding became stronger and stronger, and in the darkness, there seemed to be a lot of terrible things coming.

"Be careful,"

he said to the infinite penetration behind him.

"Well, something is coming, it should be the same kind of monster, the number is unknown." Infinite penetration, strong mental power, able to sense the arrival of danger.

He already has the blood bottle in his hand, and he must add blood at any time, otherwise it is very likely to hang up in this wave.


In the dark, those monsters struck, and a blade appeared behind Yi Ming, who was fighting with the shadow in front, but before it could pierce it, it was separated by a big axe, it was Jiang Nianming, who had been on guard.

"Hmph, want to engage in a sneak attack? Ask me about the axe in my hand first. Jiang Nian Ming picked up the axe and slashed it, and the powerful force shook the thin shadow step by step, and the amount of blood plummeted!

However, there was a scream from behind, and someone was beaten all the time!

The tears of the infinite penetration pain of carrying the bow have fallen, there is an extra knife mark on the left arm and back, and the amount of blood has dropped to 50%!

These guys shot too hard, he quickly swallowed a blood bottle plus 500 blood, and he could barely hold out for a while.

"Fight back to back, scattered and easy to destroy the formation." Jiang Nianning immediately spoke, and immediately the three of them gathered, back to back, weapons in hand, and waited in strict formation.

In their east, west, south and north directions, there are a total of 4 level 31 ghost wind shadows, and Jiang Nianning is also a level 32 enhanced shadow, with 9800 HP, and the attack power has also broken 600, very fierce, if you get a knife, you will get about 400 blood.

The three did not take the initiative to shoot, but waited for the other party to attack, now the defense has no dead ends, once the light movement will reveal flaws, waiting for the other party to attack, they are counterattacking.

Laugh at!

The four ghost wind shadows moved at the same time, but the one that strengthened did not move.

Assassin-type monsters, fast and boundless, blades everywhere, murderous.

Jiang Nianming's feet sank, holding the axe in both hands and slashing at the dark shadow in front.

The blade and the axe intersected, and the fire appeared, and Jiang Nian Ming shook it out with a fierce force, but stomped on his feet, his body suddenly rushed, and he held the axe in both hands and slashed at the abdomen of the ghost wind shadow.

A critical hit, directly kill its 1200+ HP, quite fierce.

Bang bang!

Above the passage, the battle is fierce and anxious, and these shadows have a high level, strong combat effectiveness, and are quite difficult.

The infinite penetration was almost killed several times, but fortunately, he was pulled back in time by Jiang Nianning's miracle light, and he himself paid special attention to the amount of blood, and he was ready to sip the blood bottle in his hand at any time.

The four monsters fought for thirteen minutes, and finally they were all cleaned up, and the three people on the ground did not dare to pick them up, because the enhanced shadow had already swooped over, it was draped in a dark black cloak, holding a dark blade in its hand, and the figure swept over, like a gust of wind, killing in an instant.

I don't know when, Jiang Nianming has been stabbed in the chest.


This injury, looking at the infinite penetration, was stunned.

"Go and die!" Jiang Nianming's backhand is a fierce attack, the axe opens and closes, the enhanced shadow of the cut screams, the opponent's physical defense is no different from the unfortified, an axe more than four hundred damage, coupled with the output of Yiming that is not inferior to him and the control and blow of infinite penetration, quickly killed this only enhanced monster.


After the Strengthened Ghost Wind Shadow died, his body shrunk into a ball and exploded, and then there were some more bright and dangling items on the ground.

There are equipment, and there are props!

The eyes of the three people were straight, it took so long before and after, and they almost lost their lives, and finally gave a little interest!

And this enhanced shadow gave a lot of experience points, just Jiang Nian Ming himself got 3800 points, Yi Ming level is low, and he directly upgraded after eating the experience of this enhanced monster.

The smile on Infinity Penetration's face was full, and he was obviously quite satisfied.

Picking up the previous several ghost wind shadow explosions, Yi Ming said: "There are 39 gold coins, two pieces of equipment, a low-level book of fighting skills, and a scroll. "

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