"Let's look at the equipment first."

Yi Ming held a pitch-black cloak in his hand, and behind the cloak, there was also a sharp blade drawn, which looked extremely domineering.

[Phantom Cloak] (★★★ Bronze)

Physical Defense: +112 Magical Defense: +100

Stamina: +5

Dodge Rate: +0.2%

Classes required: Warrior, Swordsman, Gunguard...

Need level: 20

looked at this cape, and then looked at the gray cloak behind Jiang Nianning, although the color is a little similar, but the attribute gap is too big, it is simply incomparable.

Jiang Nianming took a deep breath and said, "Or, give me this cloak?" "

Can't archers equip cloaks?" Jiang Nianming turned her head to ask Infinite Penetration on the side, and Infinite Penetration was silent for a while and said, "Yes." "

Otherwise, give me a try, you see that my defense is terrible, and I don't have

a cloak until now..." Jiang Nianming immediately peeled off his gray cloak, then replaced it with a phantom cloak, and handed the gray cloak to Infinity Penetration: "Okay, now you have it, Yi Ming, that book of fighting skills to Brother Penetration!"

"Oh, okay, give, penetrate brother, your book of fighting skills."

"You two brothers and sisters are so good to me."

Infinite penetration, crying face, took the gray cloak and the book of fighting skills.

Yi Ming comforted: "It doesn't matter Brother Penetration, the equipment will be constantly updated, but the skill points are permanent, as long as you use that book of fighting skills, 10 skill points will always follow you." "


Infinite penetration is even more heart-piercing: "Or, let your brother change it for me?" "

Not changing." Yi Ming directly refused.

"There's a weapon."

She took out a pitch-black medium-length blade with a dark black sheen, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"This shouldn't be silverware, it looks a bit NB."

Jiang Nianming nodded: "Very likely." "

Then take a look at the properties.

[Shadow Blade] (★★★ Bronze)

Physical Attack: 180~235

Strength: +

7 Stamina

: +7 Hit Rate: +0.1% Critical Strike Rate: +0.1%

Classes Required: Assassin, Warrior, Swordsman...

Need level: 20

Although it is not a silver ware, but the three-star bronze is not weak, Yi Ming handed the Shadow Blade to Jiang Nianming: "Try it?" "

The Giant Axe is only a two-star bronze weapon, the maximum attack power is 225 points, which is 10 points less than the Shadow Blade, and more importantly, this thing should be very light, and it is more comfortable to use than an axe."

Jiang Nianning replaced the giant axe, picked up the shadow blade, and matched the shadow cloak behind him, and the whole person melted into the darkness, like an assassin in the night.

"Good, very stylish." Yiming looked at the old brother from top to bottom, and finally commented.

Jiang Nianming felt the same, and even he had a bold guess.

"This Shadow Blade and Shadow Cloak are obviously a set

, if you collect another piece of equipment, you may be able to trigger some special attributes..." Infinite Penetration nodded: "I have also heard that there may be some powerful suits in the game, and if you collect a few pieces of equipment, you can trigger some unknown attributes, which is very powerful!"

Yi Ming said: "The three-star bronze... Even if it is a suit, the attribute will not be so powerful, and it is not an artifact.

"Don't care, keep rushing, maybe you can really collect the set."


After filling up with blood, the three of them continued to move forward, with the bonus of new equipment, Jiang Nianning was a lot more confident, he personally led the way in front, and killed when he saw a strangeness, there is only one kind of monster known so far, and he will find out the law after killing a few more waves.

Laugh at!

The Shadow Blade mercilessly cut through the body of a ghost wind shadow, and the damage of a critical attack 1254 was directly taken away.


A pair of soft armor fell on the ground, which was also pitch black, and it was not surprising that it was the phantom armor.

[Phantom Soft Armor] (★★★ Bronze)

Physical Defense: +115 Magical Defense: +115

Stamina: +5

Occupation Required: No

RequiredLevel : 20

"This... The defense of this armor is not very strong, and my one-star bronze Chiyun armor has 122 physical defenses.

Jiang Nian Ming touched the phantom soft armor, very light, not as hard as the battle armor, really just soft armor.

"This equipment is suitable for many classes, priests can equip, of course, it is impossible to have such high defense, if the warrior is equipped, it is a little unsuitable, but I will try to see if it can trigger the suit effect first."

After Jiang Nian Ming changed into the Shadow Soft Armor.

System prompt: The [Phantom Blade] [Phantom Cloak] [Phantom Soft Armor] you equipped has triggered the set effect, please check it.

Sure enough, the set effect was triggered.

Jiang Niannian quickly checked.

[Phantom Set] (Bronze Set) Three-Piece Set: (Weapon + Armor) + 2% Critical Rate Armor: +2% Dodge Rate Four-Piece Set: (Weapon + Armor) + 2.5% Critical Rate Armor: +2.5% Dodge Rate Five-Piece Set: (Weapon + Armor) +3% Critical Strike Chance, 3% Dodge Rate Armor: +3.5% Dodge Rate Six-Piece



( ★★★

Weapons + Armor) + 4% Critical Strike Chance, 4% Dodge

Rate Armor + 4.5% Dodge Rate

Current Trigger: Three-Piece Effect


"Well, there is a six-piece effect, but the effect is really average."

Jiang Nianning thought so after reading it, but talk is better than nothing, it's better than nothing, if it's an assassin, it must be a thief who likes this set of equipment, you can sell more suits, but unfortunately, you can only stay here for 48 hours.

Normally, a six-piece set may not work.

Jiang Nian Ming told the two about the effect of the set, and Yi Ming felt that there was no need to deliberately collect it, but it penetrated infinitely, as if she liked it very much.

"Isn't there still a scroll, what's the effect?" Jiang Nianming asked.

Yi Ming took out the scroll, which glowed white and had the word "fixed" drawn on it.

Jiang Nian Ming had every reason to suspect that this was a body scroll.

Actually, it is.

[Body-fixing scroll]: Throw the scroll at the enemy, and the scroll explodes into light to lock an enemy, causing a 0.8~3 second fixing effect on it.

It's okay... Moments of truth can make a big difference.

The three continue to move forward, killing monsters in the hope of bursting the next suit of equipment.

But unfortunately, until the past two hours, the fourth piece has not been able to burst, because there are no strengthening monsters, they are all ordinary monsters, and the explosion rate is not so high.

And at this moment, the surrounding candles suddenly went out, the entire venue fell into darkness, the three of them immediately stopped, and a dangerous aura came over.

"Be careful!"

As soon as Jiang Nianming's words fell, he heard the sound of the cloak shaking, he turned to look, and suddenly a red light flashed behind him, and then he screamed infinitely, and a four-digit figure of 2644 appeared on his head, a critical hit, directly seconds.

The infinite penetration turned into white light and disappeared directly.

"Hold the grass! What is it! "

He was also terrified, this injury, too violent.

Yi Ming held a gun vigilantly, but after a few seconds, there was no movement, and then the candles of the people around him automatically lit again.

Everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, but the infinite penetration was gone....

This guy is kind of miserable.

Without seeing the monster, Jiang Nianming could only look for it from the team information, and saw what was suddenly penetrating the infinite to the second.

Then you see the system prompt: the magic swordsman launches an attack on Infinite Penetration, Infinite Penetration loses 2644 HP points, and the player Infinite Penetration is dead.


After reading it, Jiang Nianning quickly called up the friend list, found him, and sent him a message: "Brother, how are you?" "

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