"Yes! I hung up and was killed in seconds!

"I know, I'm asking where are you now?" Did you rush over?

"I'm just outside, not sent back to the main city!"

Jiang Nianming felt strange, generally after death, he went directly back to the main city, and this time the infinite penetration was only sent outside.

"So did you drop the level?"

"Dropped 1 level."

"Oooh, then come in quickly, let's continue."

"Okay, wait for me."


Yi Ming looked around for the demon swordsman, but found nothing, except for the blood stains on the ground that proved that he had come, but he couldn't see anything else.

"Do you keep going, I feel very dangerous."


Jiang Nianming took the lead, and his heart was actually a little stunned, after all, the damage of the demon swordsman is a little terrifying, a critical strike can penetrate 2600 infinitely, even if it is not a critical hit, there are 800+ damage, nearly 900, if it is cut on him, the critical attack is afraid of direct seconds, even if it is not seconds, it must be a big disability.

I can only hope not to meet this guy.

Behind the passage was a ruined hall, which did not look so wide and somewhat gloomy, with several moving skeletons, blue, with ghost fire above their heads, and swords or swords in their hands.

[Ghost Fire Skull] (Normal Monster)

Level: 31

Health Points: 4600

Physical Attack: 399~425 Physical

Defense: 299 Magical Defense: 198


It is a kind of monster that is not very powerful, and these guys are undoubtedly much easier to deal with than the assassin-type monsters encountered on the other side of the passage.

The cloak trembled, Jiang Nianming stepped out, stepped on the ground and flashed, his speed became faster, and the sword flashed, leaving a mark on the skeleton.


The damage is okay, basically ten knives can hack a skeleton to death.


The sword light was cold, and it mercilessly slashed through the body of the ghost fire skeleton.

At the same time, the light thorn of the left hand emerged, condensed, 1.5 seconds, and smashed down fiercely.


With a critical hit, the blood bar of this ghost fire skeleton instantly fell by half, and Yi Ming was shocked when he saw the four-digit damage, powerful, really fierce.

She didn't stop there, leading two ghost fire skeletons to kill, ice condensation guns to control, blazing guns to hit damage, and ghost fire skeletons to be played.

"These monsters are so stupid... Not smart at all, it can't hit me at all. Yi

Ming stabbed a skeleton in the thigh with a spear, and then flashed with laughter, and the poor skeleton was unresponsive, unable to find where the enemy was.

Back and forth a few times, the skeleton was almost destroyed.

System Tip: You kill the Ghost Fire Skeleton and gain 1654 experience points.

System prompt: You killed....

After destroying several Ghost Fire skeletons, Yi Ming's level has been increased.

At this time, the infinite penetration also rushed over, Jiang Nian Ming hacked the last skeleton to death, just about to take a breath, suddenly the light on the hall was bright and dark, as if something bad had happened.


The light sank, and a large amount of blood began to ooze from the walls of the main hall.

After seeing this scene, the three of them were a little disgusted.

Depend on!

This game designer is really heavy on taste!

Fortunately, not much blood oozed out of the wall, but the miserable thing was that every drop of blood turned into a blood-colored skeleton, these skeletons were smaller than the ghost fire skeletons, and the weapons they held in their hands became spears.

In an instant, no less than five hundred skeletons occupied the entire hall.

Jiang Nianning didn't even look at the attributes, and immediately said: "Withdraw!" "

More than five hundred skeletons, each of them can't stand a knife for him."

Infinite penetration burst into tears, just come and withdraw, md!

The front is the end, the back is the passage, Jiang Nianming just stepped on the ground of the passage and felt a chill in front of him, he seemed to realize something, and immediately stopped.


Yi Li and Infinite Penetration immediately froze.


"If you can't withdraw, you will die."

Jiang Nianming raised her head and looked at the flickering figure above the passage, and at this time, Yiming also saw the sudden appearance through the infinite penetration... Or rather, the figure that has been waiting for them there.

It was a tall figure in purple-black armor, taller than Jiang Nian Ming, Jiang Nian Ming was one seven or seven meters tall, and this purple and black armor was at least one meter eighty-two!

The armor did not show his face, he was holding a sharp sword in his hand, and his body exuded a cold aura, just standing there, making people dare not approach easily.

Jiang Nianning and the three stared directly at him.

Infinite penetration made him feel a chill in his heart: "It's just... He took me for seconds!

"Well, that's right, that's him."

Jiang Nian Ming analyzed the other party's attributes.

[Magic Swordsman] (Special Monster)

Level: 15

Health Points: 5000 Physical Attack: 900~1200 Physical

Defense: 466 Magical Defense: 466

Talent: [Assassination] Critical Strike Chance Increased by 40%

Skill: [Night Walking] [Shadow] [Disillusionment] [Backstab]

Introduction: Mysterious Magic Swordsman, With a terrifying assassination ability, he kills like a chicken.


"Lean! This attribute..." After

reading it, the infinite penetration was even more afraid to death.

Not to mention the attack power, but also has an additional 40% critical strike rate, the skills seem to be assassins, extremely easy to play critical hits, once critical, it is completely devastating for current players, there is no way to fight.

After Jiang Nianming saw the special monster, he could understand why this demon swordsman was so fierce, thinking that in the village of the moon people, he encountered a special money monster golden slime, fast to death, if it were not for the trap, I am afraid that he could not kill it at all.

Now there is a special monster in this place, presumably this magic swordsman should not be a money monster, most of it is an experience monster, the kind that can get super experience after killing.

But...... It's not easy to kill.

"He didn't seem to mean to attack us." Yi Ming said.

Jiang Nianning nodded, he also found out, but this was based on the premise that they did not step on the passage, once they did, there was a 99.99% chance that the demon swordsman would make a move.

And right behind them, those skeletons also forced up one by one.

Jiang Niannian gritted her teeth: "Turn back, kill!" "

He still prefers to kill these bloody skeletons than to face the demon swordsman.

Bang bang!

The blades and guns were staggered, Jiang Nianming's figure flashed, and the light thorn in his hand had already cut off the head of a blood-colored skeleton.

He doesn't need to look at the attributes at all, and by comparing the damage with the previous ghost fire skeletons, he knows that the strength of these large skeletons is not so strong, and the attributes are only about 75% of the ghost fire skeletons, which is the victory in quantity.


A skeleton stabbed him with a shot, which only took away 165 HP points.

Jiang Nianning didn't have to worry at all, he couldn't die, there was a miracle light, and he immediately pulled it back.

After reminding Infinite Penetration to be careful, he began to shuttle through the skeleton group, and Yi Ming was close to Infinite Penetration, ensuring that some of the skeletons' damage was spaced to prevent Penetrating Brother from being directly killed in seconds.

The position of infinite penetration is the same as that of a dog, and after a while, he was shot five times on his body, but fortunately, there was a large blood bottle that pulled two waves of blood, so he would not kneel like this.

The process of cleaning up the skeletons was slow and beautiful, and it was four hours after killing these guys.

During the period, the infinite penetration was upgraded by 2 levels, Yi Ming increased by 1 level, now it is level 20, Jiang Nian Ming himself has also increased by 1 level, now 21, at present, it is still the highest level of infinite penetration, level 22, he was hung up once by the demon swordsman before, otherwise it would be level 23.

These skeletons were given silver coins, which were more critical, but fortunately two pieces of equipment burst out on them.

And it's all what Jiang Nianming needs.

[Shadow Gauntlet] (★★★ Bronze)

Physical Defense: +125

Magical Defense: +52

Strength: +5

Classes required: Warrior, Swordsman, Spearguard...

Level required: 20

[Shadow Leg Guard] (★★★ Bronze)

Physical Defense: +115

Magical Defense: +70

Stamina: +8

Classes required: Warrior, Swordsman, Gunguard...

Level required: 20

to replace all, although the attribute is only a little more, but it can trigger the effect of the five-piece set.

System Tip: Shadow Set Five-Piece Effect Trigger, +3% Critical Strike Chance, +3% Dodge Rate!

Very good effect, the 3% dodge rate when swiping monsters in a group can greatly improve the possibility of survival.

The replaced power gauntlet gave infinite penetration, adding a little strength and defense to him, and the leg guard was also given, which was also a one-star bronze, a little better than the one used before infinite penetration, and he was quite happy.

The skeleton cleaned up was not over, and the blood stains that seeped into the wall showed no signs of disappearing.

The light flickered on and off, and the blood was dripping down.

"Isn't it... Again? As

soon as the words fell, more than five hundred skeletons appeared, and the level of these skeletons was the same as before, all of them were 29.

"It takes hours to clean up these guys, and we can't waste all our time here."

Jiang Nianning glanced back at the passage, MD, that demon swordsman didn't mean to go, dude, you've been standing for four hours, aren't you tired?

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