"It's a little dirty, but this head is a good thing." Taking Lin Miao's first level to find Qiu Xing will definitely be able to exchange for a good baby.

Now it's time to pick up coins, equipment, and items.

Yi Ming went to pick up gold coins, Jiang Nian Ming and Penetrating Brother opened equipment.

The first was the Headless Horseman, who exploded five pieces of equipment.

Although, there are two pieces that are Samsung black iron.

The remaining three pieces are all very good bronzes, especially the pitch-black ring.

【Phantom Rings】(★★★ Bronze)


: +7 Spirits

: +7 Dodge Rate: +2%

Occupation Required: No

RequiredLevel : 20


Jiang Nianming shook this ring in front of the two, and then said: "Mine, with this ring, I will make up a set of six."

"Got it, take it!"

Brother Penetrating picked up a pair of blue armor: "MD, three-star bronze heavy armor, plus 150 physical defense, I can't even equip!"

"Then it's mine." Yi Ming smiled and took the armor, looking at the name, the aura armor, not bad, in addition to the physical defense thief high, magic defense also has 99 points, quite good.

After changing the equipment, there will be an extra Chiyun armor, which is also heavy armor, penetrating brother can not be used, just discuss selling it for money.

The last thing the Headless Horseman exploded was a spear.

[Extinction Gun] (★★★ Bronze)

Physical Attack: 195~240

Strength: +

7 Physical Strength: +7 Level

required: 20

Occupation required: Warrior, Gun Guard, Holy Spear Envoy, Lunar God Envoy

Jiang Nian Ming threw the gun to Yi Ming: "Look which one is handy." Yi

Ming took the Extinction Gun, looked around, and said: "The name is quite slippery, the attributes are also good, overall stronger than the Blazing Gun, but the Blazing Gun has a special effect, can play through attacks, although this gun is a three-star bronze, but it has no special effect..."

Jiang Nianming shook her head when she listened: "The Blazing Gun is just a two-star bronze, if I'm not mistaken, That special effect only has a 0.2% chance of playing it, it's been more than twenty hours, and I haven't seen you type it once, so let's change it. "

Okay, okay, then this blazing gun is for you."

"I don't need to, I can already trigger the six-piece effect after equipping the Shadow Ring, so I won't change it for the time being."

"Then the gun is sold."

As soon as Yi Ming finished speaking, the penetrating brother on the side immediately said: "Can you show me the attributes of this gun?" "

Show you." Yi Ming handed him over.

Brother Penetrating was immediately attracted when he saw it: "Such a good long gun, it's a pity to sell it to outsiders, it's better to sell it to me."

Jiang Nianming was puzzled: "Archer can't use a spear, do you want to sell it to a friend?"

"I can't say sell, anyway, there is a friend who uses a gun, I will take it down for her and send it directly."

"Lean! Atmosphere! Male or female?

"Of course it's a woman."

Jiang Nianming immediately said: "Brother, listen to my brother's advice, don't be a licking dog." Brother

Penetrating waved his hand: "Don't worry, brother can never be a licking dog, how much money is this gun?"

Jiang Yiming looked at the old brother, and only listened to Jiang Nianming say: "Since it is the penetration brother who wants, then go directly to the internal price, how about a thousand gold coins?"

"Lean! You kid blackened me again, eight hundred gold coins, no more. Brother Penetrating immediately replied.

"I lean! This gun also has an additional special effect, selling it to others for at least two thousand gold coins!

"Bragging, except for the sand sculpture of the troubled general, who still spends two thousand for a two-star bronze."

Jiang Nianning immediately retorted: "A thousand is really not expensive

, that special effect..." "Just now you also said, that special effect only has a 0.2% chance of triggering, and it tends to 0 infinitely..."

"Okay, eight hundred is eight hundred."

Hearing Brother Penetrating tell his heroic deeds, Jiang Nianming really couldn't and couldn't bear to continue to refute it.

"Well, then deduct from the gold coins I got from this mission."

Jiang Yiming said: "A total of 543 gold coins were obtained before and after this mission, and the average one person is 181, which is far from enough."

"It's only 543, it's really little... Okay, I'll make it up personally. So

Brother Penetrating paid the rest of the gold coins, the blazing gun was in hand, this two-star bronze he looked at the more pleasing his eyes, Jiang Nianming shook his head straight, if nothing else, this guy is going to be a licking dog, licking a dog has no good end.

After opening the equipment of the headless horseman, the next is Lin Miao's, Lin Miao exploded less, there are only three pieces in total, one of which is still a black iron tool....

However, the other two are good, a three-star bronze longsword called [Eternal Sword], the name is very NB, but the physical attack power is only 205 points, and this thing seems to be able to be used as mission equipment.

[Eternal Sword] (mission equipment): The sword of the deputy commander of the ace reserve army, bring it back to the enemy, maybe you will get a richer reward.

The three discussed for a while, and finally decided to try their luck and bring the Eternal Sword back to give to Qiu Xing, maybe it would be exchanged for a more powerful weapon.

Another piece of equipment is the heart protection glasses, Jiang Nianming himself is now equipped, the defense of the heart protection goggles is not strong, but embedded in the armor, can eliminate part of the damage, this equipment let Yi Ming take it.

Jiang Nian Ming killed a bronze elite boss and got a lot of skill points, but upgrading the light spur is obviously not enough, so he can only wait.

Yi Ming packed up the props, got two low-level fighting skills books, and took them away herself, she didn't eat the last blow of the boss, which was a little compensation.

"This... Book of Talent. Yi Ming picked up a purple-black book, the system introduction showed that it was a talent book, this thing is usually difficult to burst out, but I didn't expect it to come out again this time.

"Which boss's talent?"

"Headless Horseman's."

Yi Ming let the two see.

[Resentment Entanglement] (Talent Book): After using it, you can learn to be gifted with grievance entanglement.

Grievance Entanglement: Condenses resentment, forms a protection for itself, and reduces the damage taken by itself by 20%, but due to the influence of resentment, the physical attack of the person who learns the talent is permanently reduced by 15%, and if the person who learns the talent is a spell, it will permanently delay the casting time by 0.1 seconds.

Level required: 20 Occupation required: No

recommended occupation: Mage


For a while, the three people didn't know what to say, this talent is a little weird, you say it nb, indeed nb, after all, it suddenly reduces the damage received

by 20%, which is stronger than Jiang Nianming's high-level hidden profession's talent Lunar God Yarn, but the loss behind is really a little big, 15% physical attack, permanent, The later the later the impact, 0.1 seconds casting time, seemingly short, master duel, 0.001 seconds can distinguish the winner and loser.

It's really hard to do.

Jiang Nianming glanced at Brother Penetrating: "Nice talent, do you want it?" Brother

Penetrating immediately refused: "I don't want it, don't give it to me, I don't want to be entangled in resentment."

Jiang Nian Ming looked at Yi Ming again: "Sister, do you want it?"

"I don't want it, don't give it to me, I'm afraid of resentment."

"Look at your unproductive appearance, isn't it just a 15% physical attack, afraid of a hair, don't want me."


Slap your palm, learn.


System Tip: Grievance Entanglement and Luna Veil conflict, unable to learn.


"Forget it, let others learn it, and it will be regarded as a good deed."

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