Yi Ming held a memory crystal in his hand and said, "This is the third, and it should be the last." "

Use it and see." Jiang Nianning said.

Then, Yi Ming clicked to use, the memory crystal emitted light, forming a picture, but this picture is a little weird, it is distorted, you can see that there seem to be countless ghosts on it condensing, and then there is a scream, a miserable white palm suddenly appeared in the picture system, and the ghost condensed into a long gun to be held by it... Finally, amid those screams, the ghosts condensed into headless knights.

In the picture, a voice comes: "We are knights of the Eternal City, we will never be slaves to darkness..."

"It turns out that the Headless Horsemen were formed by the grievances of that cavalry team, and they eventually became the minions of darkness." Yi Ming said.

"No, no, the Headless Horseman does not belong to the Dark Legion." Jiang Nianming said: "If he belongs to the Dark Legion, I can deal double the damage to it when I use the Evil, and I used it during the battle, but the damage did not change. "

Oh... So it was. At

this time, the picture disappeared, and the memory crystal fell into Yiming's hands and was put into the package by her.

Jiang Nianning stepped forward and pulled out a knight's medal from a pile of bones.

[Knight Medal] (quest item): The medal of the Eternal City cavalry, bring it back to the princess, maybe you can get something.

I almost missed it, this medal is not for Qiu Xing, but for Ning Tong, which is quite important to think about.

"Go back."

After collecting the things, the three of them walked back, and they didn't encounter any monsters on the way, but when they reached the exit, a cold wind hit behind them, making them immediately notice that something was wrong.

The Magic Swordsman....

This guy is haunted, do you want to do things again?

"Be careful."

Jiang Nian Ming said in a low voice.


At this time, there was a contemptuous laugh from behind, but the demon swordsman did not make a move, and after laughing, it disappeared, and the three did not look back from beginning to end, and after feeling the cold air disappear, they were all relieved.

"This guy... Slaughter him sooner or later! The

Demon Swordsman made the mood of the three tense, maybe this guy would kill which one to kill as soon as he made a move.

"Let's go."

Don't dare to stay, the demon swordsman or something, let's clean up later, his critical strike rate is too high, it is very likely that a knife will let you die violently, no fight, at least not for the time being, who can bear the knife crit?

And this guy is so fast that he disappears in a flash, and next time you don't know where he suddenly came out of nowhere to you again.

Withdraw it!

Go back first.

Soon, the three came out of the Yunshi ghost wind.

"Go to the barracks!"


Not far away, arrived quickly.

Jiang Nianming immediately entered the Chinese army tent and found Qiu Xing.

"Commander Qiu, the task has been completed."

Jiang Nianming gave Yiming a look, and then Yiming took out all three memory crystals and handed them to Qiu Xing.

Although the energy of the memory crystal had been used up, when Qiu Xing saw it, he immediately knew that this was an item condensed with the special method of the Eternal City, and he said excitedly: "O brave adventurer, I thank you in place of the Eternal City."

Jiang Nianming said: "Leader Qiu is polite, we already belong to the Eternal City. "

Hmm! I understand that you have done a great job, and this is your reward. "

System prompt: You have completed the mission [Find the Disappeared Cavalry], gained 12,000 experience points, and obtained 145 gold coins.

With more than 10,000 experience points, Jiang Nian Ning's level immediately came to 23, Yi Ming and Penetrating Brother also upgraded one level each, and now the highest level is Yi Ming, which is already level 24.

"And this."

At this time, Yiming took out Lin Miao's head and threw it on the ground: "The rebel has been killed.

Suddenly, the soldiers in the big tent were surprised, this is their deputy commander, just like that, Qiu Xing was silent for a while after seeing it, and nodded: "Thank you, Lin Miao betrayed the Eternal City and betrayed the Ace Reserve Army, it is indeed unforgivable, I should reward you." "

With a wave of your hand.

System prompt: You complete the mission [Kill the Rebel], gain 4000 experience points, get 66 gold, and the player kawaii gets an additional reward [Rebel Blade].

New weapons are out.

Yi Ming was immediately surprised after seeing it, because this rebellious combat knife was not a black iron or bronze weapon, but a solid silver weapon!

[Blade of Destruction] (★ Silver)

Physical Attack: 260~280

Strength: +

7 Stamina: +7

Additional: [Blade of Killing] Launched once every 200 swings of the knife, it deals 140% physical attack damage to the array of enemies in front of you.

Level required: 22

Classes required: Warrior, Swordsman, Luna Messenger...

"Brother, here you go, silverware."

Yi Ming threw the rebellious combat knife to Jiang Nian Ning, Jiang Nian Ming took it, looked at this fierce and a little domineering combat knife, also quite liked, but the shadow in the hand is actually good, and there is a suit effect, if you remove it, it can only trigger the five-piece set effect....

However, in the end, he decided to change to a silver rebellious combat knife, this shadow blade or find a way to sell it, although the suit works well, but you can't live on this set of equipment, with a better silver option, you can't die with a set of bronze.

Besides, the maximum attack power of the Rebel Blade is a full 45 points more than the Shadow Blade, and there is also an additional effect, swinging the knife two hundred times...

After equipping the rebellious combat knife, Jiang Nianning was even more domineering.

He took out the Eternal Sword and handed it to Qiu Xing: "Leader Qiu see what this is." Qiu

Xing recognized this as Lin Miao's sword just by looking at it, he took the sword and said in a deep voice: "This sword has been with Lin Miao for many years, when Lin Miao swore to the sword, he would definitely not betray the Eternal City, but unfortunately he still made the wrong choice in the end, alas!" This sword... Can I bring it back?

Jiang Nianning nodded: "Of course." Qiu

Xing said: "Thank you, I won't let you suffer, give you this." Qiu

Xing took out a pair of bracelets and handed them to Jiang Nianning.

The bracelet is one blue and one red, like a close comrade-in-arms.

System prompt: You have obtained [Star Bracelet], [Water Bracelet].

Star...... Water....

Hatred of stars? Lin Miao?

Jiang Nianming looked at this bracelet, and immediately realized something, and then looked at Qiu Xing's sad eyes, presumably feeling sorry for Lin Miao's death, right?

Although Lin Miao betrayed the Ace Reserve Army, no matter what, he was Qiu Xing's former comrade-in-arms, perhaps, they had been the closest partners.

"Okay, mission completed, I should also go back to the camp, adventurers, thank you."

"Well, hopefully we'll see you again."

"I'll see you later."



Eternal City System Tip: The team led by player Bai Qingxiang has completed the main quest [Find the Disappeared Cavalry], and the map [Yunshi Ghost Wind] is permanently open!


National server system tips: The number of players with a level of more than 20 has reached 20% of the total number of players on the server, and the [Spirit Seal System] has been opened!

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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