"[Yunshi Ghost Wind], hit the copy of the equipment..." Jiang Nianning guessed that many players in the Eternal City were discussing this copy now, and many people were afraid that they had paid attention to the ID of Bai Yiqingxiang.

However, what he was more concerned about now was the newly opened Spirit Seal System.

Before, he felt that when he reached level 20, he would definitely open new gameplay, but it was not open at that time, but when some players reached this level, it would be officially opened.

"Spirit Seal System..." Jiang

Nianning clicked on the character panel and found that six long grids appeared around the figure's avatar, all of different colors, including gold, green, blue, red, yellow, and one colorless.

Tap each one to see.

Golden Laid: Golden Spirit Seal, the "gold" element among the five elements and five elements.

Green long grid: Wood spirit seal, the "wood" element among the five elements.

Long blue grid: Water spirit seal, the "water" element among the five elements.

Long red grid: Fire spirit seal, the "fire" element among the five elements.

Long yellow grid: Earth spirit seal, the "earth" element among the five elements.

Colorless grid: Essence spirit seal, which can be embedded with any element spirit seal, and can also provide certain assistance to the five element spirit seal.

Just as Jiang Nianming was watching this newly opened gameplay, messages came one after another.

Icing: "White, awesome!" Awesome! Floating

Goose Sinking Fish: "Big brother, you have done six ahs in this task, you actually opened a copy, do all the players of the Eternal City want to express their gratitude to you!" "

Night and night song: "Grass mud horse's! Send the copy location, or find someone to you!

Jiang Nianning replied one by one, first sugar-coated: "Let you come you don't reply to the message, regret it?"

Then there is the floating goose sinking fish: "All thanks are not needed, I am a very low-key person, I don't want to show my face, the so-called tree is a big move, I don't want to be beaten."

Finally, there is the night song: "Grass mud horse, sand sculpture, you are dying." "


Then, simply turn off the communication and stop looking.

At this time, there were already many people searching for his ID and wanting to add his friends, but Jiang Nianning knew in her heart that they just wanted to know where the Yunshi Ghost Wind copy was.

Although the copy is open, you are blind if you can't find it.

This place will be discovered sooner or later, and it is impossible to hide, after all, the players are not fools, but before they come, Jiang Niannian can eat a wave of benefits.

Moreover, in that cloud stone ghost wind, there is an extremely terrifying existence, the demon swordsman... If this guy does not get rid of it, sooner or later it will be a scourge.

"What do you think about this spirit seal system?" Yi Ming asked.

"The view ... It should be the elemental power that blesses the player, but I don't know where to get the spirit seal yet.

"Yes, you see here, there are copies open, but there is no hint."

Infinite Penetration said, clicking on the copy open option.

There are already instructions inside.

Copy of the Golden Spirit Seal: [Spirit Golden Roar].

Copy of the Spirit Seal of Wood: [Genki Yin].

Water Spirit Seal Copy: [Sea Dragon Temple].

Copy of the Fire Spirit Seal: [Flame Burning].

Copy of the Earth Spirit Seal: [Earth Town].

Honmei Spirit Seal Copy:?

Click on the copy to see the location, and after clicking one by one, the three people found that the location of these copies turned out to be the same, all in a forest not far from the Eternal City, it should be five portals opened, through the portal to enter the copy.

"Let's go back and sell the equipment first, or do you brush a wave of newly opened dungeons first?"

"Go back first."

Jiang Nianming took out the Return to the City Scroll and crushed it, and went directly back to the city.

After returning to the city, he did not go to sell equipment, but went to rest in the original underground line, but it took a lot of effort to kill the boss, and it was really not possible to rest without rest.

When it was six o'clock in the evening, Jiang Nian Ming, who had finished cooking, went online.

On the side, Yi Ming also came.

Infinite penetration left him a message: "Brother, I'll go and brush the copy with my friend first, and when you turn back, you can sell the equipment you got and give me a little money."

Jiang Nian Ming replied with a "good" word.

Then he took out the pair of bracelets.

【Star Bracelet】(★ Silver Jewelry)

Power: +10 Spirit: +10 Fire Attribute Resistance: +3%



points per second blue return speed after leaving the battle.

Level required: 22

Occupation required: No

[Water Bracelet] (★ Silver Jewelry)


: +10 Wisdom: +10

Water Attribute Resistance: +3%

Additional: 20 points per second health recovery speed after leaving the battle.

Level required: 22

Occupation required: None


Jiang Nianming asked, "Which one do you want?"

"I want a bracelet of water." Yi Ming took the blue one, the red Jiang Nian Ming left it by himself, he needed the blue amount more, and Yi Ming needed to return blood.

After the bracelet is divided, the next step is to sell the equipment.

Coming out of the marble ghost wind, there were several three-star black iron tools in the package, but now the black iron is not worth much, and it is sold cheaply, basically 80 gold coins a piece.

The key point is that the three-star bronze, the Phantom Blade, the Phantom Head Crown, as well as the two-star bronze giant axe, and the one-star bronze Chiyun Warframe, these four pieces definitely can't be sold cheaply.

There are many players who come to see the equipment, the Chiyun Warframe sold for a high price of 800 gold coins with excellent attributes, and the giant axe was also very good, and was snatched by a level 21 warrior for 1150 gold coins, and the Shadow Blade was more expensive, and was taken by a level 22 assassin for 1300 gold coins, as for the Shadow Crown... Because the equipment requirements are relatively harsh, a good buyer has not been found for a while.

Jiang Nianming's price is 1200 gold coins, which scared off many people, especially some female players, who are not very willing to pay money... Helpless, Jiang Nianning had to lower the price, 1200 became 1100, and then became 1000, but no one bought it.

On the side, Yiming suggested: "The crown of the head is not comparable to a weapon, and it must not be too expensive to sell... Below the price of weapons, below the price of armor, even below the price of a cape, it is normal, and the price cannot be too high. "

Let's take 600 gold coins."

"You this, it's too low, it's a three-star bronze, and the lowest is 800 gold coins."

"Okay, then you try."

So Jiang Nianning shouted again, 800 gold coins, this time only 3 seconds later, someone bought it, the buyer was floating goose sinking fish.

"Hehe, 800 gold coins to buy a three-star bronze, at this stage it is still earned."

Jiang Nianming: "I knew it was you, I should have shouted a higher price." "

It's late." The corner of the floating goose sinking fish's mouth hooked, and said with a smile: "Ask you a question."

"What's the problem?" Jiang Nianming was puzzled.

Floating Goose Shenyu said: "Didn't you get through that Yunshi Ghost Wind copy, can you tell me where it is, and then... Reveal what's going on inside.

Jiang Nianning coughed: "Good to say, good to say."

Then stretched out his palm: "A thousand gold coins ask for the location, and a thousand gold coins ask about the copy." "

You!" Floating Goose Shenyu really didn't expect Jiang Nianming to come to this hand, and snorted at the moment: "It's too expensive."

"Okay, see that you are an old patron, eight discounts, give money."


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