Floating goose sinking fish is a little tangled, after all, there are many people under her hand, if people go to find it, it should take a few days to find the location of the copy, but she can't wait, but the two thousand gold coins really make her feel a little distressed, even if it is a discount, it is one thousand sixteen!

Jiang Nianming continued: "I can only tell you, even if you find that place, you are not familiar with the environment inside, it is very likely to drop levels continuously, it is very dangerous inside, I have been there once, and I will never lie to you." "

Penetrating brother has hung three times in a row, this thing is not fake, if anyone encounters the demon swordsman, there must be no way to live, and it may be better to prepare in advance."

Seeing that Jiang Nianming said so seriously, the floating goose Shenyu somewhat believed it: "Okay, give you one thousand and five gold coins, you tell me the location and the situation inside."

"Okay, one thousand five is one thousand five."

Jiang Nianming did not entangle the hundred, and the floating goose sinking fish was also cheerful, and gave it directly to him, and then Jiang Nianning roughly said the location and situation of the cloud stone ghost wind.

Floating Goose Shenyu frowned: "You mean, only three people are allowed to go in teams?"

"That's right, it's three."

"That demon swordsman, it's terrifying?"

"Well, you'd better pray not to meet him, just your body, that is, a knife."

Floating Goose Shenyu continued: "If three people go together, he may not be staring at me to kill."

Jiang Nianming laughed: "If I didn't predict wrong, he would really be staring at you to kill."

"Why?" Floating goose sunken fish do not understand.

At this time, Yi Ming said: "Because your defense is low, if you team up with a melee class, then the one who is killed in seconds must be you, and the demon swordsman stares at the person with the lowest physical defense to kill, this is the law summed up."

On the side, Jiang Nianming cast a praising gaze, he thought that only he had summed up this experience, but he didn't expect Yiming to also think of this layer.

Floating Goose Shenyu said: "It's easy to do, I just need to find a mage or priest, in the Eternal City, there are really few players of these two classes who have higher physical defenses than me."

"OK, good luck then."

The floating goose sunken fish turned to leave, when Yiming suddenly stopped her: "Wait a minute!" Turning

his head in confusion, the floating goose sunken fish asked, "What's the matter?"

Yi Ming said with a smile: "My brother still has a good thing in his hand, do you want it?" "

Oh?" The curiosity of the floating goose sunken fish was immediately aroused by her: "What is a good thing?"

Jiang Nianming took out the talent book and handed it to the floating goose Shenyu to see: "That's it, I killed a boss, burst out of him, you see." Floating

Goose Shenyu took the book of grievances entangled in talent, and was surprised to see the things introduced in the first half, thinking that this was a god-level talent, but when she saw the negative effect of the second half, her beautiful eyes wrinkled deeper and deeper, and in the end, she chuckled: "You two brothers and sisters sing red faces and white faces, put me here, you can see for yourselves, can this talent be learned, IMHO, learning this talent can make a real master become a mid-range player." Hearing

this, Jiang Nianming's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he retorted: "But you can't deny that it's strong, isn't it, the team on your side is not necessarily full of masters, let a low-ranking player learn, isn't its strength instantly raised a notch?" "

Hmm... There is some truth in that. The floating goose sunken fish rubbed his chin, smiled, and asked, "Then how much money do you plan to produce this talent book?"

Jiang Nianming was not polite at all, and said amazingly: "What's the matter, you also have to get five thousand gold coins." "

Five thousand gold coins? Why don't you go and grab it, you sell it to someone else, I don't want it. "After hearing this price, the floating goose sinking fish immediately threw the talent book to Jiang Nianning, make trouble!

"Hey! Ay! Don't go, it's good to discuss, four thousand five! Four thousand five hundred gold coins! "

The floating goose sinks and the fish head does not return.

Jiang Nianning shouted again: "Four thousand gold coins!" "

Three thousand five!"

It's so humble.

The floating goose sinking fish turned around and waved at him: "Bye bye, don't." After

that, he turned his head and left.

Next to Jiang Nian Ning, Yi Ming said without a blow: "Obviously, this talent book has not been read. "

I know..." Jiang Nianming sighed, what a pity, it was originally a very NB talent, but it turned out to be completely ruined by a negative effect, fifteen percent of the physical attack and a delay of 0.1 seconds in casting time... It's too deadly, especially in the later stage, after everyone is fully equipped, the gap will become wider and wider, smart as a floating goose sinking fish, how can she not figure this out, so she didn't plan to ask for it at the beginning, just teasing Jiang Nianning.

In addition to this talent book, there is also a mysterious fruit, Jiang Nianming opened the level ranking to see, now the top fifty on the list still does not even have a summoner, let alone his fancy, so... This mysterious fruit still has to wait, he has to wait for an NB summoner to appear and join his team!

He believes that there will be such a day.

"Hey, penetrate brother, come to the central square to divide the money."

Jiang Nianning sent a message to Infinite Penetration.

It took ten minutes for Infinity to reply: "Don't worry, wait for me for half an hour."

Jiang Nianming didn't reply to him, and after talking to Yiming, he entered the palace alone, and he got a knight's medal to be given to the princess.

Not surprisingly, Princess Ning Tong was still in the garden, and after Jiang Nianming saw it, she walked towards her: "Your Royal Highness, I came, recently I found a very important thing, after thinking about it, I think I still want to show it to you." "

Oh? What is it? Princess Ning Tong asked curiously.

Jiang Nianming took out the knight's medal and handed it to her, Princess Ning Tong took a look, and a look of surprise immediately crossed her face: "This is the medal of the knights of the knights of the knighthood, it is a symbol of their status, I didn't expect you to have this kind of thing, can you tell me where you got it?"

Jiang Nianming said: "I went to the Wind Stone Canyon, met the leader of the Qiu Xing, entered the Yunshi Ghost Wind, and got this thing from there.

"Got it." How clever Princess Ning Tong was, she immediately connected all the elements together and came to a conclusion.

"It seems that the cavalry has all died." Holding the knight's medal in his hand, Ning Tong said in a deep voice: "There is indeed a terrible phenomenon happening on the side of the Wind Stone Canyon, and the disappearance of that cavalry must also have something to do with it, I have already thought of this before... Alas!

Ning Tong sighed heavily, and then said: "You have made great achievements this time, I should thank you, now I give you two choices." First, I will sponsor you 10,000 gold coins as a reward; Second, take this knight's medal and my letter of introduction, go to Cold Barren Island to meet the head of the knights of the kamikaze, and tell him the whole story. "

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