After the three of them swiped the third time, while making up the fragments of the third Jinge Spirit Seal, there were more than 200 Jinge fragments, and there were also 89 fragments of Guihong, and they would be successfully fused by brushing again tomorrow.

After the successful fusion of the Jinge Spirit Seal, it was given to Yi Ming, and now the three of them have the Spirit Seal of the Golden Element, and the attack power has increased greatly, and the extra Spirit Seal fragments have taken out 100 for sugar coating, and her Jinge Spirit Seal level has risen to 2, and the attributes are as follows.

【Jingo】(Primary Gold Elemental Spirit Seal)


: 2 Physical Attack: +220

Penetration: +60

Armor Breaking: +1.4%


Element: Wood Restrained Element: Fragments required for fire

upgrade: 200

The Jingo fragments required for levels 2 to 3 have doubled.

"Give me the remaining Spirit Seal fragments, my Spirit Seal is still level 0..."

Icing nodded and gave the remaining fragments to Yiming, but it could only be used at level 1, and when she used up 50, she gave the remaining 62 to Jiang Nianming, but Jiang Nianming didn't ask for it.

"Keep it yourself, tomorrow I will make up enough Guihong fragments, I still like the more advanced spirit seal." "

Okay, I obeyed you.

"It's not early, rest, tomorrow." "

Oh, then tomorrow's ticket for Sister Sugarcoat?" Sugarcoat

thought for a moment and said, "I already booked my ticket at noon, the time is tomorrow at seven o'clock in the evening, and then... When I arrived at the North Station at four o'clock the next morning, I am afraid that I will have to trouble you again.

"It's okay, my sister and I will pick you up an hour early."

"Well, thanks.

"Well, you're welcome, leave a mobile phone number for easy contact."

"I almost forgot, 187..." "

Uh-huh, mine is 184..." Yi Ming also added at this time: "And me, mine is 184..." "

Couple number?"

"No, brother and sister. "

Don't forget to go offline. Jiang Nianming reminded.

"Don't worry, no, Game Crystal can save the corresponding data.

Sugarcoat waved his hand at the two: "It's down." "

Uh-huh..." When

the sugar coating came off the line, Jiang Nian Ming turned around and looked at Yi Ming, and then took a deep breath.

"Hmm, see that you are a little nervous, is it about to see the sugar-coated sister, a heart involuntarily beats?"

Jiang Nianming did not hide: "A little."

"you, hungry ghost!"

Brother and sister two off the line together, until the second half of the night, too lazy to cook, casually go out to eat roadside stalls, Jiang Nianning is also tired today, just brush the BOSS are brushed three, although the time is constantly shortening, but before and after it has to add up to more than ten hours, plus brush monsters... Twenty-four hours a day, at least twenty hours online.

Chewing the oily lamb skewers, Jiang Nianming asked her: "Drink some?"

Yi Ming kept nodding in her mouth: "Good, good!" Then

, the stall owner gave two bottles of drinks and pushed the cola to Yi Ming, Jiang Nian Ming left a bottle of 500ml Sprite by herself, and Yi Ming was stunned when she saw it.

"Drink... Drink this?"

"yes, or you think."

"I thought you were going to drink..."


two ate on the side of the road for an hour, full, stood up to pay, and left.

Suddenly, Jiang Nianning's mobile phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number, but I vaguely remembered that I seemed to have seen it somewhere, oh no, where I heard it, this... Maybe

the food was too full, Jiang Nianning's brain suddenly short-circuited: "In the middle of the night, it must be a fraud." "

I hung up directly.

After a while, Yi Ming's mobile phone lit up again.

Instead, she answered the phone directly.

"Hey, is it sister, I'm sugar-coated.

"Oh, Sister Sugarcoat, it's me, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm just telling you, I won't be online tomorrow, I have to pack up when I wake up, so you don't have to wait for me tomorrow."

"Uh-huh, well, be careful on the road.

"Well, okay, talk to your brother, I'll answer the phone next time." "


Jiang Nianning was also stunned, took out his mobile phone to compare the number, lean!

"You're finished, you left a not very good impression on Sister Sugarcoat.

"Ahem, go you and look for a house."

"In the middle of the night, where to find it?"

"Also, wait for tomorrow afternoon, go back, I'll get a wave of cash in the first game." Back

in the rental house, Jiang Nianniing first went online to withdraw gold coins.

Now the exchange ratio has changed from 1:7.2 to 1:7, and it will definitely drop in a few days, Jiang Nianning withdrew 2100 gold coins, thinking that in two days the combat knife will be sold, and you can get another wave of money, and the level of the two waves of monsters in the copy has increased rapidly, and now it has broken through the 30 mark, and the level has come to 31.

Yiming was not idle, and she had a lot of gold coins in her hand, and she took out a total of 4,500, which was equivalent to more than 30,000 yuan.

"Plus the previous money, enough for the initial operation of the studio, let's go to the "Left Bank Tingzhi" tomorrow to see the house, rent a 180 square meters, how?" "

I didn't expect you to be so crazy for women." Yi Ming pouted: "However, the environment over there is quite good, except for the more expensive, everything else is very good, we didn't even have the qualifications to see that place before."

"It's different now, so it's decided, play the game for another two months, and we'll buy a 200-square-meter house there." Yi

Ming: "..."

My brother is crazy.

After washing, rest and sleep until after eleven o'clock in the afternoon.

Jiang Nianming got up and prepared to go to the bathing room, and found that someone had already occupied the ground, well, Yiming was there, and wait.

Forty minutes later, it was finally his turn.


Today, the wind is fine and the sun is shining.

Community, Tingzhi on the left bank.

The two called a taxi, and it took forty minutes to arrive, which was quite far away, and it was considered from the suburbs to the center of the city.

Fortunately, this place is very quiet, there are not many people coming and going, and there is a park next to it, where old people are playing with children, which is very good.

"Get in. "

Walk into the community, find the property, and then look at the house, I have checked it on the Internet before, like the house price in this area is basically 50,000 square meters, and it is not cheap to rent, 188 square meters of 25,000 to 30,000 per month, there is no deposit one to pay three, it is half a year rent.

The reality is not much different from the Internet check, looking for a 188-square-meter house, four bedrooms and two living rooms, upper and lower floors, kitchen, bathroom, large balcony and so on, all complete, the price is 45,000 a month, half a year is... Two hundred and seventy thousand, plus a deposit... Well, it's kind of uncomfortable.

Jiang Nianming still overestimated her financial resources.

Yi Ming had a little urge to strangle him, money was not spent like this.

"Or, let's look at something else?" Jiang

Nianning waved his big hand: "No need, it's here." "

Then, pay the money and sign the contract.

Yi Ming's face is black during the whole process, this product is really crazy, don't take money seriously, this is not hundreds of thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands... There is really money floating, it needs to be knocked and knocked.

"You're done. After

the contract was signed and the house was decided, Yiming did not give Jiang Nianming a good face: "In order to soak the girl, you are really willing to spend money, hundreds of thousands, and it will be gone when you raise your hand."

Jiang Nianming saw that she was a little angry, and pulled her arm: "Let's go, go out and around, and buy you two beautiful clothes."

"No need, you still think about how to pay the sugar-coated sister, our living expenses next month are not much." "Yi Ming is really angry, Jiang Nian Ming's operation, she really didn't understand.

However, Jiang Nianming patted her head: "Atmosphere, I still have a lot of good things in my hand that have not been sold, let's take advantage of this time to brush a copy, and then you accompany me to sell some, how about it?"



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