At two o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Nianming moved things from the original rental house to the new house in Tingzhi on the left bank, and after cleaning up, divided the room, Jiang Nianming was in the bedroom at the north end, opposite the door of Yiming's bedroom.

Everything is ready, enter the game.

The place that appeared was Ling Jinxiao's portal.

"In a hurry, you don't have to buy potions, kill wherever you want."

"Well, let's go!" The

two rushed a wave, came out in less than four hours, died at the second boss, Jiang Nianming rose to level 32 halfway and changed weapons, the combat knife is now in the package, holding a double-edged blade in his hand, the level drops to 31 after death, but the equipment will not be automatically disarmed, as long as he does not take the initiative to unload, it can remain as it is.

The fragments of the Gui Hong Spirit Seal had already been collected, and Jiang Nian Ming immediately fused them.

A more dazzling light than Jinge emitted, and the next moment, the fusion of the Guihong Lingyin was completed, and unlike Jinge, the Guihong Lingyin was engraved with a bird with open wings, which should be the so-called "Guihong".

See the effect.

【Gui Hong】(Intermediate Gold Elemental Spirit Seal)

Level: 0

Physical Attack: +150

Penetration: +80

Armor Breaking: +2

% Critical Strike Chance: +1%


Element: Wood Restrained Element: Fragments required for fire

upgrade: 100

"This spirit seal is powerful!" After reading the attributes, Yi Ming felt very good, several grades higher than Jinge, after all, Jinge's initial attack is only 80, and the penetration and armor breaking are not as good as Gui Hong, moreover, it is much worse, and Jinge does not have a critical strike rate.

"Not bad indeed. Jiang Nianming smiled and took down the level 0 Jinge Ling Seal, and then replaced it with Gui Hong, and his attributes immediately increased greatly.

"The extra Spirit Seal fragments seem to be able to decompose. Yi Ming said.

"I'll try. Jiang Niannian took a look and found that the decomposition option was black, as if it was not very good.

Click Breakdown.

System tip: The Spirit Seal Decomposition System is open at level 50, and there is still a level 19 difference.

"Not now, you have to wait until level 50. Jiang Nian Ming said, "Or, sell it?"

"Well, yes, but a level 0 primary spirit seal should not be worth a few bucks. As

it turned out, what Yiming said wasn't quite right.

For those single players, it is not so easy to get enough Jinge Lingyin fragments, you know, even if it is a high-level hidden profession such as sugar-coating, entering the copy alone, it is only enough to make up more than thirty Jingo fragments at a time, for an ordinary profession, the estimated number is less than half of hers, and the operation is poor, and a few waves of monsters are hanged.

Players of normal level, even if they enter three copies a day, they can only barely make up 25~35 jingo fragments, and they can get a spirit seal in three days, the larger the time span, the greater the possibility of being pulled down by players of the same level, time, time is very important!

Therefore, when I heard that Jiang Nianming actually sold the spirit seal, there were a large number of players crazy to grab, once my thing is inlayed, it can top a bronze, although the one-star two-star bronze can only be sold for four to five hundred gold coins now, but the spirit seal is different from weapons, the price will be higher, plus the players keep speculating, and finally this primary metal spirit seal, actually sold for a high price of 2250 gold coins, which is really outrageous.

"I think we can make a fortune by selling spirit prints. "

If the sugar coating is there, they can get two or three primary spirit seals a day, not to mention how long they sell, a week, it's always no problem, after a week, players may have their own ability to quickly obtain spirit seals, but it is undeniable that in this week, they can definitely make a lot of money."

Yiming felt that this idea was no problem, and when the sugar-coated sister went online, the plan could be implemented.

Jiang Nianning sold the spirit seal and began to sell silverware, rebelling against the battle knife, and now it is still hanging in the third place on the equipment ranking, with the opening of the spirit seal system, many players have been concerned about engaging in the spirit seal these days, there should not be much deliberate brushing equipment, so that this silver ware can be sold at a very, very high price.

Five minutes later, it was sold for 4980 gold coins, and the warrior who got the combat knife was already excited to close his mouth.

"With this combat knife, I will definitely be able to swipe the copy of the Spirit Seal alone!"


After selling the combat knife, Jiang Nianning successively sold some equipment obtained in the Spirit Seal copy, all of which were some black iron tools, bronze tools and the like, the price was not high, but fortunately, there were many of them, and there were three or five thousand gold coins in combination.

"What about the previous resentful talent book, did anyone buy it?"

"No, I can't learn, don't pit me." "

Jiang Nian Ming is also helpless, this talent book, who does not want, want to sell at a high price, it is estimated that it is impossible, when the players reach level 40, they should open the second day of talent, the second day talent is definitely nb more than the first day of talent, by then, this talent book will be even less wanted.

Jiang Nianming opened the level leaderboard to see.

1st: The Other Shore Flower, Lv35, Mage

2: God and Demon, Lv34, Gun Guard 3: Cold Light, Lv33, Assassin 4: Kawaii, Lv32, Gun Guard 5: White Qingxiang

, Lv31, Luna Messenger 6: Golden Legend, Lv31, Swordsman 7: Troubled General

, Lv31



Eighth: Lian Lian

, Lv30, Archer Ninth: Infinite Penetration

, Lv30, Archer Tenth: Night and Night Sheng Song, Lv30, After the mage

read, Jiang Nianming was very puzzled: "Why is the floating goose sunken fish not on the list?"

Yi Ming also looked at it, and found that it was so, and then looked closely, she was brushed to the sixteenth place, the level was only 28, you must know that she was a top five existence before, why can't the level keep up?

Jiang Nianming opened the friend list and found that the avatar of the floating goose sunken fish was still lit and online, but the blood bar was high and low, less than 2 seconds, it was extinguished, and the level became 27... Hung up.

Jiang Nianming understood, she must still be spending time with that demon swordsman, it must be.

"I used to think this woman was quite smart, but now I think she's kind of humble. Jiang

Nianming commented so, for the sake of a demon swordsman...

She should be killed back to the city now, Jiang Nianming sent her a message: "Still engaged in the demon swordsman?"

"Don't, you look at the level ranking, where have you been dumped, and if you continue to fight like this, you are afraid that you will return to level 0."

"Level 0 is level 0, I'll spend it with

him, I must kill him!" "Why bother..." The

floating goose sinking fish did not reply to the message, but she had already discovered the location of Jiang Nianning, walked up directly, and said to him face to face: "Even if you go over now, I can't see that magic swordsman." "

What do you mean?" Jiang Nianming didn't understand, with his current strength, find a girl and sugar-coated team, what kind of magic swordsman, not an opponent at all.

However, the floating goose sunken fish gave a very exciting news: "That magic swordsman, will grow, originally just a special monster, now it has become a special BOSS..." Jiang


: "???" Yiming asked: "Then how are his attributes now?"

"See for yourselves. "

[Magic Swordsman] (Special Boss)

Level: 25

Health: 25000

Physical Attack: 1190~1480 Physical

Defense: 688 Magical Defense: 688

Talent: [Assassination] Critical Strike Chance increased by 40% Skill:

[Night Walking] [Shadow] [

Disillusionment] [Backstab] [Brave Fearless]


"Well, there is one more skill, that

brave fearless, have you seen it?" Floating Goose Shenyu nodded, his face bitter: "I was fortunate to see it once, after turning on the brave fearless, the attack power of the demon swordsman increased by 15%, and the frontal damage immunity increased by 20%, he didn't even have to raid from behind, appeared in the front, and killed three people indiscriminately." "

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