Whether it is from the words of the floating goose sinking fish, or from the attribute guide of the demon swordsman, Jiang Nianming can feel that this guy has become much more terrifying than before, and he still remembers the first time he analyzed the attributes of the demon swordsman, when his maximum health was only 5,000, and now it has suddenly become 25,000, and the double defense has also increased by more than 200, and it is indeed extremely difficult to kill him.

At this time, the floating goose sinking fish suddenly said: "Do you want us to form a team and kill this guy together?

Jiang Nianming glanced at her, shook her head and sighed: "It's not so easy, you look at you now, level 28, you are the first to be seconded as soon as you pass..."

"It's not disgust, isn't that the case, I remember that the demon swordsman seems to be the first to kill the one with the lowest defense!" Jiang

Nianming's words made the floating goose sinking fish unable to refute, because it was true.

Jiang Nianning can completely find someone else to team up, less than her, to put it bluntly, in Jiang Nianming's eyes, I am afraid that she is a drag oil bottle.

The floating goose sinking fish seemed to have thought of something, and then gritted his teeth and said: "I remember that you didn't have some kind of talent book entangled with grievances before, which can increase the injury-free by 20%, give it to me!" Jiang

Nianming was surprised: "You want to learn? Side effects, you know, permanently delay the casting time by 0.1 seconds, in order to kill a magic swordsman, it is not worth it."

"Don't talk nonsense, give it to me!" the floating goose sunken fish seemed to have made up his mind.

"I didn't force you. Jiang Nianning continued.

On the side, Yiming also pursed her lips and smiled.

This floating goose sinking fish is obviously in a hurry.

Perhaps, she will regret it later, but this is not something they should worry about, of course, maybe the help provided by the resentment entanglement is far greater than the 0.1 second casting time, maybe...

Jiang Nianning took out the talent book that could not be sold, and went around in circles or went into the hands of the floating goose sinking fish.

"Selling it to you cheaply, 4,000 gold coins, selling it to someone else starts at 5,000. Although

Jiang Nianming was heartbroken, he still nodded, three thousand is three thousand, it can't be delayed anymore, and it can't be sold anymore, so let's just do it.

In the end, the book of talent entangled with grievances was thrown out, and 3,000 gold coins were received.

After getting it, the floating goose sunken fish was entangled for a while, but finally learned.

"Permanently increase 20% damage-free, in fact, it is very good, don't underestimate this skill book, now even if you are a magic swordsman, a critical strike can not cut you to death." The

floating goose sunken fish had a black face: "My upper limit of HP is too low, although the equipment remains the same after the level drops, but the double defense has dropped a lot, I'm afraid he can still slash me."

Jiang Nianning could only smile bitterly.

This...... The mage is originally brittle, less than 40 level two turns, and has no mana shield himself, it is difficult not to be killed by the demon swordsman in seconds.

Jiang Nianning recommended that she practice to level 40 before killing this boss, but the floating goose sinking fish obviously couldn't wait and had to go now.

"I still have someone on my side, I'll just call him here."

Jiang Nianming raised her hand: "No, I'll take my sister with me, the three of us will team up, if you call others, then I won't go, this cheap can't be taken advantage of." The

floating goose sunken fish looked at Yi Ming.

Yi Ming greeted with a smile: "Don't worry, 10 strength plus point gun guard, absolutely violent." The

floating goose sinking fish asked her: "Then do you have enough blood and physical defense?" Yiming

said to her: "It's okay, anyway, the first person the demon swordsman killed is not me, and besides, he can't really slash with the knife, right?"

However, there is no way, if you want to kill the demon swordsman, Jiang Nianming's strength is necessary, he is the main force, he must listen to him, otherwise people are not happy to leave, and they take their sister to find someone, then won't she lose more?

Jiang Nianning said: "Now that my physical defense power has broken 800, plus I am free from injury, even if the Demon Swordsman strikes a critical blow, it will definitely not be able to beat me in seconds, but you two are very dangerous, and you must prepare in advance..."

Yi Ming thought for a while and said, "If you can add a shield, or briefly increase your defense."

Jiang Nianming said: "The physical defense of the demon swordsman is not strong, if we attack with all our strength, he will definitely not be able to last 15 minutes, and we must ensure 15 minutes of survival." But

all three are well aware that it doesn't seem to be easy.

"Wait for me.

Jiang Nianming said, and immediately entered the palace under the doubtful gazes of the two.

He naturally came here to find the princess to help, and wanted to improve his defense power for a short time, maybe Ning Tong had a way.

Coming to the garden, Ning Tong was watching fish, and in the flower pond, goldfish rippled under the lotus leaves, as if sensing that someone was coming, and the fish were all frightened at once.

Princess Ning Tong looked up and saw a familiar figure walk in.

"You came, did you encounter some trouble?" Jiang

Nianning nodded: " Princess Mingjian, there is a very terrible demon swordsman hidden in the Yunshi ghost wind, I don't know his name, but his killing methods are extremely terrible, if he is not eliminated, if he is killed from the Yunshi ghost wind one day, I am afraid that many people will suffer, at that time, the Eternal City will inevitably be troubled by his chicken dogs, which is extremely unfavorable to the future development of the city, if he is waiting for the opportunity to sneak into the palace, the consequences are really unimaginable. Listening

to Jiang Niannian Ming pull so much, Ning Tong smiled, she was very smart and immediately realized the problem.

"You want to get rid of him, but your strength is not enough, you need

my help, right?" "This..." Jiang Nianning was embarrassed, and was recognized by the princess, so he didn't pretend: "Yes, Your Royal Highness, I want to protect the Eternal City and will not let evil have any chance, but my current strength is a little weak, and I urgently hope that Her Royal Highness can give me some help." "

Well, your reason is very good, I can give you some treasures that briefly increase your strength to help you kill the demon swordsman, but I can also use your place." "

When Jiang Nian Ming heard it, she was overjoyed, it would be great to have a place for me,

that would be great! Doesn't this mean that there is

a task, I can't ask for it!" "Princess, please speak

, if you have an order, go to the soup and do whatever you want!" Princess Ning Tong stretched out a finger: "A treasure, a task, must be completed, if it can't be completed, I will throw you into the pool to feed the fish." "

Jiang Nianming was about to cry with excitement, the princess is really my nobleman, super noble, give treasures, and send tasks, the ancestral grave in the previous life is green smoke.

"Good, good!" Jiang Nianming nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

"I have ten treasures here, but you can choose up to six, remember, one treasure, one task, you can't shirk. "


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