Taking something out of the cloud stone ghost wind, Jiang Nian Ming received a message from Yi Ming.

"Dude, divide the baby. Obviously

, she already knew that Jiang Nianming had killed the Demon Swordsman.

Jiang Nianning smiled, and then took out the scroll back to the city and crushed it, the light flashed, the whole person disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he had already arrived at the gate of the Eternal City.

"This side, this side!" shouted Yi Ming with a wave of her hand, already running towards Jiang Nian Ming.

At the same time, there are floating goose sunken fish.

However, at this time, her expression was a little indescribable, and I don't know if Jiang Niannian would give her something for the sake of her teammates.

Jiang Nianning was not stingy, and first took out 400 gold coins to the floating goose sunken fish.

And then...... And then it's gone.

"There is a golden weapon on the equipment leaderboard. The floating goose Shenyu looked at Jiang Nianning, his eyes were meaningful, Jiang Nianning smiled: "This... Definitely not mine. Floating

Goose Shenyu looked at Jiang Nianning's weapon, which was still double-edged, but she could be sure that the golden weapon was in his hand, but it might not be able to equip it now.

And the armor on his body has been changed, all of them are the equipment at the top of the rankings, I am afraid that this equipment will break through a thousand.

Later, she noticed the title on Jiang Nianming's head.

"This is?"

"Title, with a little attribute. Jiang

Nianming did not disclose how many attributes to add, the floating goose sinking fish originally wanted to ask, the words came to his mouth and swallowed, or forget it, this kind of private matter, try not to ask.

"Isn't it

divided, 400 gold coins, 28,000 cash." Jiang Nianming snorted, it's not that he doesn't want to give it, it's true that the floating goose sinking fish didn't help at all, even without her, the demon swordsman would be killed, Jiang Nianming was not so generous, and distributed the equipment and precious props to her.

Seeing that there was nothing left, the floating goose Shenyu did not plan to stay longer, snorted softly, said a word, and turned away.

Behind was Jiang Nianming's voice: "Duoduo leveling, your level is too low now."

"Got it!" replied

the floating goose sinker.

After she left completely, Jiang Nianming took out the talent book and handed it to the sister: "Learn for you." "

Yi Ming look, good fellow, isn't this the assassination talent of the demon swordsman, although the effect is 10% less, but the 30% critical strike rate is also extremely terrifying!

You know, without the blessing of the gun guard, the natural critical strike rate is only 3%, the swordsman is only 5%, the assassin is the highest, there is 9%, this time it is increased by 30%, there is a feeling of spinning and dizziness.

"You don't learn it yourself?" asked Yi Ming.

Jiang Nianming said: "I also want to learn, but my intuition tells me that it is still the most suitable for you, you are 10 strength plus points, once you have this terrible talent, it is not weaker than the hidden profession."

"Well, I'm really welcome."

"Uh-huh, no need to be polite, there is no difference between what you learn and what I learn, yours is mine." Yi

Ming: "You are so good to me."

"Well, I hope you're good to me too. Jiang Nianming said.


After the two of them pretended to be polite, Yiming was actually very satisfied, but he didn't expect anything else, but when Jiang Nianming said that the demon swordsman reported ten pieces of equipment, he still couldn't help but be shocked in his heart, ten pieces of equipment... The whole body explodedThis is.

This is thanks to the lucky charm.

Jiang Nian Ming gave the power bracer and the power ring to Yi Ming, adding a total of 20 strength, which is also very suitable for her kind of all-strength plus points, fierce and fierce.

"Now there's a new list next to the equipment leaderboard. Yiming said, opened the leaderboard, Jiang Nianming also opened it to take a look, sure enough, in addition to the ranking of individual equipment, now the suit also has a ranking.

At this time, the first in the set is called [Doom Set], the second is [Phantom Suit], the third is [Red Flame Suit], and the fourth is [Phantom Set], and there is no later, and there are only these four sets for the time being.

Yi Ming looked at the equipment on Jiang Nianming's body, the Demon Swordsman was dead, a new "Demon Swordsman" appeared again, and Jiang Nian Ming took all his equipment.

"If I'm not mistaken, this set on you should be the number one doom suit, right?"


In front of the girl, there is nothing to deny.

"Do you know the attributes of the Red Flame Suit and the Phantom Suit?"


Hmm!" Closing

the suit leaderboard, Jiang Nianming took out two more skill books, which were also burst out by the Demon Swordsman.

The first book is called [Shadow].

The second book [The Brave and Fearless].

[Shadow]: AA-level skill, after release, it melts into the darkness, and is unchecked for the next 3 seconds.

Occupation required: Swordsman, assassin

need level: 30

This skill is very NB, and the magic swordsman hides in the darkness by relying on this move.

"Which of us learns?"

Yiming said, "I don't meet the professional requirements."

Jiang Nianming: "Then I will learn." "

Immediately hit the skill book.

System prompt: The occupation does not match, and it is impossible to learn.

Even the Lunar God Envoy can't learn it, it seems that this skill has exceptionally strict requirements for the profession, and can only be found according to what is written above, swordsmen, assassins... Forget it, sell it.

Jiang Nianming suddenly thought of a person, Sugar-coated, her Light Ranger, but also a profession with a sword, should be able to learn, right?

Look at the brave fearlessly.

[Brave and Fearless]: S-level skill, after unleashing, increases physical attack power by 5% and frontal damage immunity by 5%.

Classes needed: swordsman, warrior...

Level required: 30

This can be learned.

And it seems to be a skill that can be grown, because the initial added attributes are too few, and the Demon Swordsman directly increases the physical attack by 15% and the frontal damage immunity by 20%.

"Who learns this?"

Yi Ming's eyes were gluttonous, and he said: "Actually, I think this skill is very suitable for me, but... You can also learn, and you are also very strong, after all, your profession itself is powerful, and if you strengthen it a little, you can be a human shield in the future, and 10 fighters with more physical strength are not able to carry it.

"If you learn, you can improve the survival rate of team battles." Jiang Nianming said.

"Forget it, I don't want it, give it to you.

"Then I'm welcome. "

This skill, Jiang Nian Ming also likes it very much, since Yi Ming said so, then learn it!

System Tip: You have learned the skill [Brave and Fearless].

[Brave and Fearless]: S-level skills, Lv0-Lv1, require 20 skill points.

Jiang Nian Ming had extra skill points before, and after killing the demon swordsman, he got another 40 skill points, and now it is a total of 65, which is enough.

Spend 20 to lift a wave.

The effect was increased by 4% each, and the duration was still 6 seconds.

Lv1—Lv2, requires 40 skill points.


The brave fearless rose to level 2, the effect became 13%, Jiang Nianning was very happy in his heart, in the future, open this skill, the positive injury-free directly reached 28%, the duration was 6 seconds, after 6 seconds, only 15% of the Lunar God Veil was injury-free.

"Sell the equipment and skill books.

"Okay!" The

two of them combined, went to the square to sell equipment, the shadow suit was sold, a set of 1600 gold coins, Jiang Nian Ming did not care so much, originally now the bronze is not worth much.

"I sold my double blade by the way, now it's level 34, the difference is level 1 skill equipment that golden weapon, you can take me to upgrade later."

Yi Ming said: "It's too slow, don't forget, we still have to pick up the sugar-coated sister."

"Oh, too, then wait until level 35 is on sale, weapons in hand, and killing monsters quickly." "

In the end, only the assassination dagger was sold, this three-star silver dagger is extremely domineering, to put it bluntly, even if it is an ordinary assassin, equipped with this dagger, you can instantly become a master, after all, the attribute is there."

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