"Hey, can you show me the attributes of this weapon?" On the square, Jiang Nianning, who was setting up a stall, was stopped by a voice, and looked up to see that it was an assassin player in a black cloak, id I am not a killer, the current level is 30.

This id Jiang Nianming vaguely remembered that it should have been a long time ago, and it seemed to have been on the rankings, but it was squeezed down later.

Jiang Nianming looked at this guy's eyes a little dark and indifferent, but his face was very calm, just smiled slightly, and then threw the assassination demon dagger over, I am not a killer to reach out and catch it, the action is very fast, clean, and then his eyes swept down the dagger, and said in a deep voice: "It is indeed a good weapon, how to sell it?"


I'm not a killer frowned, a little hesitant, it seems that this price is too high, in fact, there are many people who like this weapon before, but they are all scared by this price, eight thousand gold coins, the average person really can't afford it."

Jiang Nianming said: "You are an assassin player, you should know the value of this dagger, with powerful weapons, you can brush more powerful monsters, increase the level faster, get more treasures than others, and... You'll easily surpass the other Assassins on the list. Hearing

this last sentence, the hesitant look in my eyes that was not a killer suddenly became firm.

"Well, eight thousand is eight thousand. "

Samsung silverware is not worth this price, but if the weapon is ahead of the curve and corresponds to the corresponding class, then the price is much higher."

Just as I was not a killer and was about to pay, another assassin came from a distance, a flash of light and shadow, and the dagger in my not killer's hand was gone.

"Haha! It's really a good weapon, let's make a price!" This

new assassin is very domineering, but his ID has domineering capital, level 33, a famous assassin on the list, cold light.

Seeing that the weapon was snatched away, Yiming was about to get up and do something, but was held back by Jiang Nianming's raised hand.

Then, he smiled very sunny and kindly: "I told that assassin brother just now, nine thousand gold coins. "

Hearing this, I'm not a killer slightly startled, just now he said eight thousand, and now out of thin air there are a thousand more, but he likes it."

Because, he hated this guy who snatched something from his hand, Hanguang... This is the only person who can stabilize him among the assassins on the leaderboard, which makes him very unhappy, if he can get the assassination dagger, he has absolute confidence to defeat Hanguang, but now, the dagger has been snatched by the other party.

Hearing Jiang Nianming's offer, he snorted coldly in his heart, of course, not disdain for Jiang Nianming, but he wondered whether this cold light would really pay so much money, and whether he would use nine thousand gold coins to buy such a dagger!

Jiang Nianming was still smiling: "Brother, no kidding, nine thousand gold coins will definitely not be able to buy gold, this three-star silver is actually not much worse than gold, you are an assassin, and you are the top assassin on the leaderboard, a good weapon is matched in your hand, just nine thousand gold coins, one word, worth!"

"Then shall I do it in installments?" asked Hanguang with a tentative smile.

Jiang Nianming nodded at me who was not a killer: "There is an undivided one there." He


up to me who was not a killer and raised the assassination dagger in front of him: "Brother, give me this weapon, are you okay?"

But Jiang Nianming feels that I am not a killer or a good-tempered person, at least it seems that I am not so easy to be bullied, sure enough, when Hanguang finished this sentence, I was not a killer and had already started, the distance was too close, Hanguang did not react, and the weapon in my hand was gone.

Then turn on the acceleration and run towards the outside of the city.

"Lean, you haven't paid yet!" Jiang Nianming shouted at him.

Then I heard me respond from afar, "Add your friends, agree, and pay you back."

Jiang Nianming glanced at the list of friends, and indeed added, I hope this guy keeps his promises, or he can only kill him to level 0.

Yiming held his face on the side and said innocently: "Have you taken off the play?" Jiang

Nianning's face was not red, and her heart did not beat: "Don't worry, I don't think this brother is a dishonest person, and he will definitely pay."

"Oh, I hope you're right, let's

find a place to level up first?" "Good!" The

time is not yet, and Jiang Nianming is eager to rise to level 35, so it is better to find a place to kill monsters first.

He also doesn't want to run too far away, just look for a level 30~32 monster brush nearby, the experience point is a little lower, but the monster strength is weak, easy to kill.

Half an hour later, Jiang Nianning's experience value at this level had reached 19%, which was much worse.

However, he received a message: "Entrance to the poisonous bee forest, I will pay you." "

Here it is. Jiang Nianming collected the weapon after seeing the information, and then said to Yiming: "Go out, the killer has to pay." "

Poisonous Bee Forest, isn't this where they are brushing now, the entrance is in front.

Soon, the two arrived, I was not a killer cloak with a lot of blood splattered, and I was still holding the newly "bought" dagger in my hand.


Well, this weapon is good, cross level 3 and kill this old opponent."

"I don't want to tell you, I have always been the one who was suppressed before. "

Winning a war, if I'm not a killer, it's obviously much more.

Jiang Nianming hurriedly smiled and said, "Congratulations, in the future, you will be the most NB assassin in the Eternal City." "

I'm not a killer to put away the dagger and trade it for Jiang Nianning for 6,500 gold coins.

When Jiang Nianming was about to say that the money was not enough, I was not a killer and handed him a weapon, or a dagger.

"This is a weapon of cold light, exploded by me, a star silverware, should be able to make up for the rest of the money."

Jiang Nianming took the dagger and looked at it.

[Cold-blooded Dagger] (★ Silver)

Physical Attack: 220~245


: +5 Stamina: +5

Additional: [Blood Sucking] +0.5% Blood Sucking Effect

Needs Level: 22

Occupation Required: After the assassin

read the attributes of this dagger, Jiang Nianming was very happy: " OK, just use this dagger to cover the rest of the money, but that cold light is estimated to cry to death, dropped level 1, and was exploded with the weapon in his hand.

"It's none of my business, now his weapon is in your hands." "

After that, I'm not a killer and turned away.

Jiang Nianning looked at the dagger in his hand and was stunned, forget it, what about the cold light weapon, I have the ability to come and kill me, it's nothing.

When I was not a killer and left, Yi Ming asked, "How much money did he give you?" "

6500 gold coins, this dagger is estimated to sell for 1800, if the assassin comes to buy it, it will be reported for 2000 or 2200, someone will ask for it." "

The total is actually not less than 8,000, and the price of his Samsung silverware is inflated."

If it were him, he would definitely not spend so many gold coins to buy such a weapon.

Of course, he has a gold weapon, and the silver level is basically not considered.

Return to the Eternal City and continue to set up stalls selling gear.

"Brothers and sisters, don't miss it, the weapon used by the most NB assassin Hanguang on the rank list, the cold-blooded dagger, 2200 gold coins can be taken away!"

Yiming reminded on the side: "Brother, you are dying, and when Cold Light comes, it is estimated that he will hack you to death."

At this time, a level 26 little assassin came over: "Brother, is this weapon really used by cold light?" Jiang

Nianning nodded: "Cold-blooded dagger, cold light use, like a fake bag." "

Then how did it get into your hands, did you kill the cold light?" the little assassin asked.

Jiang Nianming thought about it, I didn't kill him, others killed him.

Gotta make an excuse.

"It's like this, Hanguang he changed to a new weapon, I am his friend, he gave me this weapon, I am not an assassin, I can't equip it, so sell it for some money, my family is poor."

The assassin was still asking, "But... You seem to be the most powerful hidden profession!" Jiang

Nianning: "You talk a little much, do you want a weapon, 2200 gold coins."

The assassin was pondering when he heard a cold voice behind him: "I see who dares to buy Lao Tzu's weapon."

Jiang Nian Ming looked, oh, the Lord is here.

"Brother, your weapon, 2200 gold coins, do you want it?" Hanguang

held a bronze dagger in his hand, his face was gloomy, MBD, engage Laozi!

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