Jiang Nianming saw the gloomy face of the cold light, but it was very calm, this is a safe area, forgive him and dare not make a move, and even if he does, he can't beat ah

! Carrying a bronze weapon, it is difficult to say whether it can break the defense!

However, the deterrent power of the cold light is still not small, at least no other assassin dares to buy this two-star silverware.

Hanguang snorted and smiled: "No one dares to buy your weapons now, only I can buy them, 500 gold coins, sell them to me." Jiang

Nianming looked at the crowd, no one wanted, well, I won't sell it.

"Sell it somewhere else.

"Grass, your uncle's!" Hanguang

was also speechless: "You are not going to talk to me properly."

"What are you talking about... 2,000 gold coins to sell you, do you want it?"

Hanguang's face sank, he opened the equipment ranking to look, and found that the weapon used by the assassin, this ranked second, the first is the assassination dagger that I am not the killer holds, and then down is a very garbage one-star silverware, three-star bronze, he can't look at it.

It's just that these two thousand gold coins are really painful.

"1500!" said Hanguang through gritted teeth.

"Not for sale. Jiang Nianming turned around and left.

"Wait! Okay!" Cold Light had no choice but to come down: "Just do as you say." "


In the end, Hanguang stared at Jiang Nian Ming with vicious eyes, although the transaction was completed, he remembered this person.

Jiang Nianming shook her head helplessly: "Don't hate me, this weapon was not exploded by me, it was used by the killer to buy my weapon." "

To... "Han

Guang was stunned, Lao Tzu's proud weapon was actually used by his maid to settle the account, it was too humiliating.

Holding the dagger, Hanguang gave birth to a strong desire for revenge, and he must take revenge, and Jesus could not stop him when he came.

When the cold light left, Jiang Nianming looked at the full gold coin harvest, and her heart was extremely comfortable.

Directly exchange 10,000 gold coins, 70,000 yuan in hand.

Then go buy potions and level up.

The map is still a poisonous bee forest, Jiang Nianming and Yiming both cleared the map by 80%, by ten o'clock in the evening, Yiming said that she was going to eat offline, a little hungry, Jiang Nianming saw that the experience points were about to be upgraded, and said to her: "Or, endure it again?"

"That's still far away, I'll order takeout, and I'll go online later, you kill first."

"Okay, order rib soup, add more ribs and soup, and then rice."

"Oh, good. "


Ten minutes later, Yiming went online again: "It's already good, kill for another half an hour, you can go offline to eat."


an hour later, Jiang Nianning slashed a strengthened poisonous bee to death, and while the props were dropped, the light flashed on his body, and finally upgraded.

"Level 35, you can change weapons.

"Eat first, it's already here."

Jiang Nianming nodded, and then picked up the potions and silver coins on the ground and went offline.

The process of dry rice is chewing and swallowing slowly, and Jiang Nian Ming enjoys this short but wonderful time....

"Otherwise, don't go online tonight, we still have to go to the station to pick up the sugar sister."

"Yes. After

cooking, the two went out shopping and walking, and I have to say that the life here is so prosperous compared to the old district before, a little drunk with the smell of gold fans.

The two of them held skewers in their hands, walking in the pedestrian street, crowded with people, people coming and going, and the pace of life was fast.

At zero o'clock, the two returned home, bathed and rested!

Until three o'clock in the morning, Yi Ming called the old brother out of bed.

"Let's go, go to the station, Sister Sugar will be there in another hour."

Jiang Nianming quickly put on her clothes and got out of bed, left the community, called a taxi, and went straight to the train station.

It was already twenty-five minutes after arriving at the train station, and it was not long to say, getting down from the train, Jiang Nianniing looked around.

"What are you looking for?"

Jiang Nianming said, "Won't you eat when your sugar-coated sister arrives?"

"Still, I think it's better to go back first." "


At four o'clock in the morning, the train arrived on time.

There were not many people on the car, and after a few came down, there were basically no more, and Jiang Nianning looked for sugar coating among those who came down... It seems that no, the aunt in the middle is not like ah!

"You won't fall asleep in the car, right?"

said Jiang Nianming in a low voice.

At this moment, a girl wearing black boots, wearing a white long skirt, and carrying a pink suitcase walked down from the car, but it was a little difficult to see her walk like that.

"This. Yi

Ming immediately recognized the person.

Jiang Nianning also walked up to greet her:

"Sugar-coated, sugar-coated, over here!" Hearing the words "sugar-coated", the girl immediately turned her head to look, and then saw a young man who looked similar to the white-clothed Qing in the game... He was also followed by a peach-eyed sister, who was Kawaii.

She also quickly took out her free hand to greet: "Hey, hello, I can't move..."

Jiang Nianming has already walked up to help her, compared to the sugar coating in the game, she looks thinner in reality, not low, and has 169 at a glance.

The thing was carried aside, and Sugarcoat stood next to it, as if a little recognizable, and did not speak for a while.

Instead, Yiming spoke first: "Sister Sugarcoat, you are much more beautiful than in the game."

Sugar-coated blushed and a little shy.

Jiang Nianning muttered, "This... It's not like that in the game. "

The icing in the game, flying and domineering... Now

, how a little shy, if it is not coinciding with the figure in the game, Jiang Nianming can conclude from this nature that these two are not alone, maybe they are twin sisters.

"No, it's just that I don't adapt for a while, and it'll be fine after a while." Icing said.


, find a place to eat first, aren't you hungry, it's never too late to introduce you when you go back after eating."

"But, over here..."

Take a taxi and go back to eat. "

I called a taxi, and it was the teacher.

This time, it only took twenty minutes to get the people to the place.

Looking at the tall building in front of him, Sugarcoat was a little surprised: "You two... "Before

coming, she specially searched this area, Tingzhi on the left bank, which is very famous, and of course, the house price is also very high.

Yiming said angrily: "It's all to blame this guy, swollen face and fat man!" "

I'm providing you with favorable conditions!"

Jiang Nianming retorted.

"Haha!" the sugarcoat on the side covered his stomach and laughed, these two brothers and sisters are quite interesting.

Entering the house, Sugarcoat picked a room on the second floor to live in, and after carrying things in, he went downstairs, and the three people faced each other like this, forming a circle.

"Do you want to introduce yourself?" "

Well, yes, I'll come first, Jiang Nian Ming, Jiang Guo's Jiang, Lemon Lemon, 24 years old, Divine Realm ID White Qingxiang, Professional Lunar God Envoy. "

Jiang Yi Ming, Jiang Guo's ginger, radiant Yi, Nian Lemon's Lime, 21 years old, ID Kawaii, professional gun guard.

"Ye Weixi, Ye of the leaf, future Wei, returning Xi, 22 years old, Divine Realm ID Sugarcoated, professional Light Ranger. "


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