Qingqingzi took the double blade suspiciously, she wanted to see if this bronze was really stronger than the silver, and then opened the attribute to see, her eyes immediately widened, and she even suspected that she was wrong.

Take a closer look, yes, it is indeed more than three hundred attack ceilings, this Nima... This is not a bronze, this is a gold ware, right

? "How?" Jiang

Nianming was very satisfied with her reaction, bronze is a little stronger than Samsung silverware, isn't that supposed to be?

"Then you give me this weapon, I'll give you my one-star silverware, and make up some money, is it feasible?"


Then, Qingqing Ziyun gave his silver to Jiang Nianning, a star silverware, now it can be sold for more than a thousand gold coins, if Jiang Nianming's weapon is sold, it is estimated to be worth about two thousand, Qingqing Ziyun originally wanted to make up another eight hundred to Jiang Nianning, Jiang Nianming only charged five hundred, as a friendly price.

"Okay, let's go brush the level!" Yi

Ming opened the small map in the upper right corner, and after observing it for a while, pointed to a green forest: "Log woodland, level 30~35 green-headed goblin infested land, how about it here?"

Jiang Nianming made up his mind, and a few people went to the log forest.

Eternal City West, Log Woodland.

Goblins in green hats were walking around with axes in their hands, some as if they were patrolling.

Take a look at the monster attributes.

[Green-headed Goblin] (Common Monster)

Level: 32

Health: 4250

Physical Attack: 666~689 Physical

Defense: 455 Magic Defense: 355

Skill: [Slash]

Introduction: Goblins living in the log woodland are the most common monsters in the woodland....

"Kill!" Jiang

Nianming raised a sword in his hand and slashed at the head of the green-headed goblin in the front, and with a pop, a number of 899 flew out of the goblin's head.

"Good fellow!"

Behind him, several people were stunned, this hurt.

The gold weapon in Jiang Nianming's hand was really NB, and he was also very satisfied with this wave of damage, and swung his sword and slashed it.





The first goblin was hacked to death in 2 seconds, and died very quickly.

Just when Jiang Nian Ming was proud, a goblin on the right side swung an axe and slashed down on his thigh, he grinned in pain, and after a moment of pain, his hand rose and fell, and Jiang's goblin was also cut off the horse in an instant.

The girl, Sugarcoat, and Qingqingzi also quickly joined the battle, and in an instant, the situation in the log woodland was chaotic, and the green-headed goblin army was swept away.

A few minutes later, a strengthened green-headed goblin was killed, dropping a green helmet.

Strengthened goblins are different from ordinary goblins, although they are also green-headed, they wear helmets, not hats, and their defense is stronger, but they can't escape the sword in Jiang Nianming's hand, but it's just the difference between early death and late death.

Picking up the green helmet on the ground, Jiang Nianming put it in front of everyone: "I guess this is a bronze, a one-star bronze."

"I guess it's a two-star bronze." The girl said.

Icing said: "Then I guess the three-star bronze."

On the side, Qing Qingzi said softly: "It can't be silverware, right?"

【Goblin Green Helmet】(★ Silver)

Physical Defense: +102

Magical Defense: +88

Stamina: +6


"Wow, it's really silverware, Sister Zi Geng guessed it accurately!" said Yi Ming in surprise.

Jiang Nianning handed the goblin green helmet to Qingqing Zigen: "You guessed right, it's yours."

"I don't want it!"

Qing Qingzi immediately stepped aside.

"You guys?" handed Jiang Nianming to the other two.


"No, it's yours.

So, Jiang Nianming mentioned a green helmet, and said in his mouth: "What's wrong with this year, don't want silverware, it's really a waste, you can sell it for a lot of money." "


The atmosphere is so lively.

Jiang Nianming took the lead, crisscrossing the goblin territory, and the monsters he killed screamed.

The level of Qingqing Ziguan soared.

From 25 to 26 to 27.

"There's a camp there!"

Suddenly, Yi Ming pointed to the right and shouted, and everyone looked in the direction she shouted, sure enough, there was a not too big camp not far away, to be exact... It was supposed to be a tent, and it looked like it was about to collapse and was in tatters.

Jiang Nianming walked over curiously, and suddenly heard a scream: "Ah, I... My hand!"

Jiang Nianming was startled, his feet seemed to have stepped on something, and he quickly moved away, yes, he stepped on a person's hand, that person was in the camp tent that was about to collapse, and was stepped on by Jiang Nianming like this, and jumped up all of a sudden.

It was a wounded soldier, covered in blood, his armor shattered, and the wounds were not light.

Jiang Nianning supported him: "Brother, why are you hiding here, it's scary."

The NPC soldier said, "As you can see, I am the soldier in charge of guarding this woodland. The


pointed to some tattered bones in the camp: "My brother and commander have died, and now I am left alone to guard here, has the Eternal City forgotten us..." Jiang

Nianming glanced at the camp tent, there were indeed some broken limb remains, which made him sigh in his heart, and then patted the soldier's shoulder: " Brother, you are good, the Eternal City has not forgotten you, the princess sent me and other adventurers to comfort you, I hope you will continue your efforts!" When the

soldier heard this, a warm current suddenly surged in his heart, and tears welled up in his eyes.

"Yes, even the princess remembers us, our efforts were not in vain, but... Adventurer, I'm already dying, not to mention that I'm already seriously injured, even at my peak, I can't compete with so many goblins, in the long run, this woodland is afraid that it will be completely invaded by the green-headed goblins, and I will also become a member of the white bones.

"Don't worry, you won't. Jiang Nianming said with relief.

When the soldier heard this, he asked, "So... Brother brave adventurer, can you clean up a thousand green-headed goblins for me, just do me a favor. "

System prompt: Do you accept the task [Clean up 1000 green-headed goblins] (difficulty 400)?

To be honest, Jiang Nianming killed the goblin a little vomited, but seeing the sincere and sincere and warm eyes of the soldier brother, he really couldn't bear to refuse.

"Well, brother, you wait here, we'll be back soon." After

accepting the task, under the soldier's extremely grateful eyes, several people embarked on a journey to kill the goblins.

After nearly four hours of this trip, 1,000 goblins were finally cleaned up, but fortunately there was no difficulty, and I went back to hand in the task.

Unexpectedly, the soldier brother actually broke a leg, and the blood flowed loudly.

Jiang Nianming hurriedly went up to talk to him: "Brother, what happened to your leg?" The

soldier said: "Just after you left, the hateful green-headed goblin king came over and warned me not to be nosy, I fought with it for a while, but unfortunately it was not his opponent, and he cut off a leg."

"By the way, you... You guys have completed the task of those 1,000 goblins!" Jiang

Nianming nodded: "Yes, it has been completed."

"Well, I was amazed by your strength, and this is my reward for you. "

System prompt: You completed the mission [Clean 1000 Green-headed Goblins], gained 6999 experience points, obtained 155 gold coins, and obtained the equipment [Goblin Axe].


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