It's out of the equipment, but the name doesn't sound great, it shouldn't be too good equipment.

Looking at the attributes, sure enough, as Jiang Nianning thought, this is a one-star silver weapon, although the attack power of the axe is large, the maximum attack power does not exceed 225 points, it is not very easy to use, and it is sold in color.

Jiang Nianning asked the other three people to see if they had any equipment over there, but the result was not, the team of four people, the other three just got some experience points and gold coins.

Putting away the Goblin Axe, Jiang Nianning spoke to the soldier brothers again.

"Your leg is badly injured, do you need me to bring you some herbs back?" the

soldier said gratefully, "No need, I still have some medicine here, besides... In fact, my leg injury is basically not healed, it will definitely leave sequelae, as a soldier of the Eternal City, I have long thought that there will be such a day, and now I just want to kill the hateful green-headed goblin king, but I look like this... I'm afraid that there is no chance in this life, can you help me?"

Jiang Nianming heard that this was not to kill the boss, that dared to be good, there was no reason to refuse, and immediately accepted the task.

"Brother soldier, don't worry, I will definitely slaughter that green-headed goblin king and carry his head to you.

"Thank you, brave and enthusiastic warrior, I will pray for you here, go back quickly!" After

taking the task, Jiang Nianming and the others did not start to act, but first went offline to have a full meal, and then began to find the Goblin King to kill, stayed up for so long, and then supplemented some nutrition, I was afraid that my stomach rumbled when I hit the boss, and I didn't even have the mind to do it.

In order to make the soldier brothers suffer less, Jiang Nianming quickly went online after eating and organized people to kill the Goblin King.

Qing Qingzi was still a little worried: "Just a few of us, are you sure you can kill that Goblin King?" "

Little meaning, as long as it is not a gold-level boss, a few of us can definitely hammer it

!" Sugarcoat also laughed: "Don't be afraid, with the sword in my hand, make sure that your trip is thorough!"

Yi Ming shouted in his mouth, the atmosphere was high, and the last doubts of Qing Qingzi were also dispelled, I have to say that this team is indeed very motivated, and the boss is not so terrible.

Of course, as a single player, in fact, Qingqing Ziyun has seen many players team up to fight bosses before, but the end is not very good, some dozens of people and some hundreds of people, it takes a great price to succeed, she was also fortunate enough to join one of the teams to push the boss together, but the result was not satisfactory, and finally was hacked to death by the boss with a sword, and now there is still a little psychological shadow.

Jiang Nianming walked in front, looking fearless, God blocked and killed God, Buddha blocked and killed Buddha, no goblin dared to stay in front of him for more than 5 seconds, otherwise it would definitely turn into a corpse.

At this time, deep in the forest.

In front of a turquoise throne.

A reinforced green-headed goblin quickly slipped over like a monkey, and then knelt on the ground, and said to the large goblin who was half-lying on the throne with his left hand around a goblin girl: "Great King, it's not good, someone broke into the forest and killed a large number of our companions, and now they are coming towards our side, I think they want to fight

to the death with the Great King!" When the Goblin King heard this, he pushed away the girl in his arms with his left hand, and snorted coldly: "Fight to the death with King Ben, he is also worthy?" As long as he dares to come, I will definitely let him become a revenant under the sword!I will let him know who is the overlord

of this forest!" "Great King is mighty! Great King is mighty!"

A shout sounded from the depths of the forest, but this shout did not last long before it turned into a panic, because Jiang Nian Ming had already killed!

"Abominable! Abominable! Dare to kill King Ben's most beloved child, King Ben wants to make a few of you guys who don't know whether you are dead or alive pay for your lives!"

The big war is on the verge.

Jiang Nianming also saw the opponent's attributes clearly, and he was not a very NB monster.

[Goblin King] (Quasi-Silver BOSS)

Level: 37

Health: 1150000

Physical Attack: 800~988 Physical

Defense: 680

Magic Defense: 640

Talent: [Relentless Slash] Each attack will reduce the opponent's defense by 50 points for 3 seconds.

Skill: [Serial Slash] [Sword Qi Vertical and Horizontal] [Killing Intent]

Introduction: Originally a prince of Goblin Mountain, he later fell to the vicinity of the Eternal City and occupied the log forest to claim the king, more than ten years ago, during which he killed many warriors of the Eternal City, thinking that he was invincible in the world, even Princess Ning Tong was not put in his eyes.


The introduction of this boss is domineering enough, obviously the attributes are very general, but even the princess of the Eternal City does not put it in his eyes.

"Sugar Candy Yiming struck left and right, I rushed forward from the front!

"What about me?" asked Qingqingzi hurriedly.

Jiang Nianming glanced at her: "Your attributes are too low, and the level has been pressed a lot, it is very likely to be hacked to death by three knives, it is recommended that you watch from the side, wait for the opportunity, it is best to attack from behind, remember to use the blood bottle at any time." "

Well, good!" Qingqing Ziyun is also very clear about his strength, and rashly attacking will only lead to his death, so... Jiang

Nianming stepped out, took a sword in his hand to cut the Goblin King's abdomen, took away 769 HP points, and then backhanded a sword, -782! The Goblin King

spilled blood on his waist, and the big knife in his hand grazed Jiang Nianming's hair and flew out.


Jiang Nianning stepped back, swung the sword with his right hand, released the light thorn with his left hand, condensed qi, critical hit



! At this time, the figure of sugar candy turned into a white light from a distance and passed through, a sharp white line buzzed through the Goblin King's body, skill

, light through! Backhand, light slash + general attack + general attack!-






The most ruthless is Yiming, she does not release skills, but ordinary attacks are even more terrifying!





Jiang Nian Ming was stunned.

"This critical strike rate..." Yi

Li Taohua's eyes showed a sly smile, obviously quite satisfied with the effect of this attack, high critical hits are comfortable, and each time is four-digit damage.

"I found out something was wrong before, it seems that something is really wrong!" Sugar

Candy asked: "Sister, have you learned a new talent in blood?"

Sugarcoat nodded: "This can be understood." "

What can't be understood is Qingqing Zigen, she has never seen such a high critical strike rate, although she has also killed monsters with Yiming for a few hours before, knowing that Yiming kills monsters quickly, but she actually doesn't care too much, the most she looks at is Jiang Nian Ming and Sugarcoat, because these two are hidden professions, but what she didn't expect is that Yi Ming is the hidden boss, gun crit, cool to burst!


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