The Goblin King's attack is very fierce, and the talent is somewhat strong, each attack has a 3-second minus physical defense, with its high attack, once it hits a few people other than Jiang Nian Ning, it will be slightly uncomfortable, especially Yi Ming, she hits others ruthlessly, others hit her ruthlessly, typical attack high defense is low.

The Goblin King wielded a machete, launched a series of skill slashes, and at the same time a large area of blazing red light appeared on his body, murderous! The

two skills were released at the same time, and the killing intent could greatly increase its attack power.

Under the continuous slashing, Jiang Nianming's blood volume "poofed" dropped, twice touched about 1400 less HP, raised his hand to recover a wave, and then ate a large blood bottle, the problem is not big, but I have to say that the Goblin King's killing intent is quite fierce, at least 100 attack points added.

The red light on the body has not dissipated, Yi Ming does not dare to make a move easily, Jiang Nian Ming does not encourage it, left hand knife, right hand sword, fight with it is over! After a

fierce conflict, Jiang Nian Ming's blood volume has always remained above 70%, the Goblin King's blood volume has dropped rapidly, and the sugar candy attack that assists the battle on one side is also quite fierce, the light ranger, the victory is fast enough, often when Jiang Nian Ming can cut out two swords, her third sword has been swung out.

Qingqing Ziyun was not idle, as soon as the killing intent was over, she launched an attack from behind, the damage was only more than 200 points, and she could not attract the hatred of the boss, as long as she didn't die, she shouldn't die so quickly.

Jiang Nianming looked at the boss with a straight amount of blood, and secretly said in his heart that it would basically be over in two hours, if he fought alone, this time would have to be doubled, sure enough, more masters are of great benefit, pushing the boss fast.


After an hour, the Goblin King's temper, which had only 30% of his blood left, became extremely hot-tempered, and his attacks became much faster, but Jiang Nian Ming and their attributes were not bad, and the Goblin's violent temper did not play a big role, just be careful.

"The boss still has the last skill that has not been released, and the knife qi is rampant... Most of it is a range attack skill, Yi Ming, Zi Guan, you two be careful. Jiang Nianning saw that the boss's HP was getting less and less, and hurriedly reminded him.

"I know, rest assured. Yi Ming greeted.

At this moment, one after another figures swept out from the forest, and at a cursory glance, there were no less than twenty, all of them were players....

Jiang Nianming and the others' expressions changed.

The person at the head was the berserker chaotic general, and next to him stood the mage who was singing night and night.

"Bai Yi Qingxiang, your boss Laozi has taken over, and if you don't want to die, get out. "The troubled generals carry axes and are particularly arrogant.

Yi Ming's violent temper naturally could not get used to him, and immediately gave up the Goblin King, brandished his gun and killed him.

The troubled general snorted coldly: "Where is the left and right protector, let this chick taste powerful!" As

soon as the words fell, two swordsmen jumped out on the side, both levels are 30, not low, the weapon in his hand looks like a silver weapon, how many stars can not be determined, but no matter how many stars, Yi Ming will not instigate them, the so-called one inch long and one inch strong, the spear swings left and right, sweeping over, not waiting for the long sword to fall, it hit the two hard.

Unfortunately, two critical hits.



Yi Ming flew towards the troubled general, and smiled contemptuously at the corner of his eyes: "Is this the left and right protector? The

face of the troubled general changed suddenly, but he immediately gritted his teeth and waved his hand: "Go and solve the others, this chick will be handed over to me!"

Jiang Nianning glanced at Qing Qingzi, she was a little nervous at this time, Jiang Nianning asked Sugarcoat to protect her first, and it was enough to deal with the rest of these people herself.

The Goblin King still has a lot of HP, and these people will not attack it at the first time, they must want to solve them first, and then go to kill the boss.

However, they will not have a chance.

Swinging his sword forward, Jiang Nianning defeated three with one.

A level 29 swordsman rushed first in a gust of wind, looking at the speed under his feet... This wind should have increased the movement speed by 15%, level 2 wind is just not worth mentioning, Jiang Nian Ming let it attack first, the sword blade fell on the body, and with a sonorous sound, only took away 72 points of health, and died of laughter.

The swordsman was also stunned when he saw this damage that did not break a hundred, and he didn't react for a moment, Jiang Nianming raised his sword and fell, breaking three thousand damage with a critical blow, and took it away in half a second.

The other party launched the attack first, and Jiang Nianning returned the hand to kill it, so it was not famous.

The other two swordsmen glanced at each other and pounced.

The sword light flashed staggered.



There is a broken hundred, but it is useless, Jiang Nianning directly raised his hand, the miracle light added 256, and immediately the hand rose and fell, killing one person again.

Jiang Nianming sneered and continued to attack, but was hit in the right leg by an ice bullet, taking away 165 lives, while also being reduced by 18% in speed, lasting 1.5 seconds, taking advantage of this opportunity, two assassins attacked from his left and right sides.

The two worked together to take away his 200+ HP again, still not a big problem, the guy who used the ice bullet was Ye Ye Shengge, this guy seemed to be proud of his means.

Jiang Nianning glanced at the sugar coating, at this time she was also besieged by four players, it seemed that she could not be expected to raid Ye Ye Shengge.

Raise your hand to add blood, and then swing your sword to solve the assassin's swordsman in front of you first, he is not afraid of being surrounded by three people with high attack and high defense, and he is just a small role.

After spending a few seconds to solve them, Jiang Nianning's next target was Ye Ye Sheng Ge, but at this moment, Ye Ye Sheng Ge suddenly screamed and was stabbed by a long gun.


! Yi Ming hummed: "Let you run wild!" The

eyes of the troubled generals were red, and he still had half of his blood, but he didn't expect that Yi Ming would still have time to kill Ye Ye Sheng Ge when he was fighting him!

"Well done!" Jiang Nianming praised.

At this time, the troubled general had already raised the axe towards Yiming's shoulder, seeing this, Jiang Nianming stepped sharply, flew forward, and shook it away with a sword before the axe completely fell, and then Yiming shot backhanded, and it was another critical attack


"Roar! It's all death!" The

Goblin King went crazy, it wanted to take advantage of the civil strife of these players to launch the fastest attack and destroy everyone in one fell swoop!

Above the knife body, the fluctuations were extremely violent, and the terrifying knife qi swept nine meters away, and all the people on both sides were spared, and they were all hit by this knife qi.







Except for Jiang Nianming, who only bears 550+ damage, the rest of the people are at least 750 upward damage, this knife is really fierce.


, the troubled world generals were early, otherwise he would also be purged, such as these crooked dates he brought, not at all the enemies of the Goblin King's triad, they were killed one by one, and Jiang Nian Ming who also saved them did it.

The screams rose one after another, and when the people of the troubled generals were purged, Jiang Nianning smiled and said: "It's time for us, let's start working!" Immediately,

the four people filled up the amount of blood and began to harvest the Goblin King's life.

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