The scroll is really dead expensive, a 300 gold coin, how many players can afford it... There is money and nowhere to spend, and it won't be long before the official website will definitely be sprayed, and you don't have to think about it.

The price of this twilight scroll will definitely be reduced, but now I have to buy it, buy four at once, and enter a copy, you have to consume twelve hundred gold coins in advance.

After the pain in the flesh, Jiang Nianming said: "Brush hard, be sure to brush the gold coins of the flowers back!" "

The copy that entered this time became Xuanmu Yin, and the annihilation on Jin Lingxiao's side was already there, so first follow Jiang Nian Ming one by one.

There are also three kinds of fragments that Xuanmu Yin can brush, and the spirit seals are the beginner [Konoha], the intermediate [Canglin], and the advanced [Life].

Like the Jin Lingxiao copy, the monster level in front is only more than 20, which is not worth mentioning, and Jiang Nianning slaughtered these monsters with his hands.

Killing all the way, he found that the explosion rate of these monster gold coins had indeed decreased, but the fragment explosion rate had increased.

I complained in my heart, I couldn't stop on my hands, and it was over.

In one circle, 122 [Konoha] fragments, 78 [Canglin] fragments, and 29 [Life] fragments were collected.

There are indeed small fine-tunes.

This time, everyone teleported back with the Twilight Scroll, and did not drop the level.

However, just after the copy came out, I heard some players complaining, originally the gold coin explosion rate was low, after this adjustment, the explosion was less, and the price of the scroll was deadly expensive, so it must be unbearable.

Even Qingqing Ziyun sighed on the side, it was too difficult.

Jiang Nianming said: "Actually... It would be much easier if we weren't greedy, only using the lowest-level Konoha Spirit Seal, or the mid-level Canglin, it would be too difficult for the high-level Spirit Seal to fuse. Sugar

Candy nodded and said: "I think that I am afraid that there will be many players who have awakened the Essence Spirit Seal recently, but the level will not be too high, and the players who have perseverance to rush to the end must be a minority." Several

people agreed.

At this moment, a familiar figure came out from the Tuzhen portal on the side, and he laughed loudly: "Haha! Fusion another intermediate spirit seal, there are still two left, it won't be long before Lao Tzu can awaken the A-grade Essence Spirit Seal, and then kill the sb of the white-clothed Qingxiang! Yi

Lime, Sugar Candy, and Qing Qing Zi all turned their heads to look at Jiang Nian Lime.

Jiang Nianming had a dark face, stepped forward, and immediately put the sword on the player's neck: "Night and night Shengge, say bad things about your father behind your back, believe it or not, it will kill you immediately." Ye

Ye Shengge only felt that his neck was cold, and slowly turned his head to look, his eyes just looking at Jiang Nianning.

The four eyes are opposite each other, and the night song is somewhat embarrassing.

The troubled generals also jumped out of the copy, and he immediately snorted when he saw this scene: "You kid, don't go too far, we have always been well water does not violate river water, there is no need to do you die and I live."

"Lean! The well water does not violate the river water, do you really have the face to say, it was not you who robbed the boss yesterday? Of

course, Jiang Nianning would not give him a good face.

The troubled generals were embarrassed when they heard it, yesterday it was indeed he who organized manpower to prepare to rob the Goblin King, but he didn't grab it, he dropped a level in vain, and he also exploded a silver weapon, and the blood loss!

"Hmph, you won't have such good luck next time." The troubled generals said, and beckoned people to enter the copy again, this time they entered the fire attribute spirit seal.

"Go back and buy the scrolls, keep brushing."

Jiang Nianming actually didn't want to brush anymore, he wanted to use this time to do tasks.

"You guys go brush, I'll go to the princess to take over the task, brush more, turn around and give me some, thank you."

Sugar Candy: "It's good not to be faceless." "

Let's go, let's go, men can't rely on drops."

Yi Ming said that he had already entered the copy.

"Oops, I forgot to buy the scroll..." shouted from behind, but it was too late.

Then, Jiang Nianming shook his head, and left the replica portal alone, he was going to the palace to find the princess to take the task, and he still owed six tasks.

On the way, Jiang Niannian glanced at the square street, there are always some players who sell strange things, maybe there will be an unexpected harvest.

After looking around, finally Jiang Nianning stared at an assassin player with a thief's eyebrows, generally such a player should have good goods on him, walked up to inquire, at this time, this assassin seemed to see the same kind, and at the same time that Jiang Nianming stared at him, he also stared at Jiang Nianning.

"Brother, you are not an ordinary person, I have good goods here, do you want it?"

When Jiang Nian Ming heard it, he really had.

"I want a high-grade spirit seal, do you have it?"

The assassin player pulled out a red fragment from his arms: "You're talking about this thing, right?" "

Jiang Nian Ming is still the first time to see a spirit seal fragment of this color, it may be from the Yan Burning Copy, it seems that the energy of this fragment is not small, and the worst must be medium.

"This is a spirit seal fragment?"

Jiang Nianming asked rhetorically, he was a little curious, after all, he had not seen the fragments that exploded in the copy of the fire attribute spirit seal, and the assassin player said: "This is the fire attribute spirit seal fragment, but it is not the ordinary fragment that exploded in the copy, but a very special existence." Jiang

Nianning's curiosity was immediately aroused when he heard this, but he still kept an eye.

"Talk about it."

The assassin player began to introduce: "There are three kinds of spirit seal fragments that burst out of the fire attribute spirit seal copy Yan Yan, which are [Spirit Yan] [Explosion Flame] and [Burning Heaven], of which the Spirit Yan Spirit Seal level is the lowest, and you can add 180 physical attacks when you are at level 0, and the growth is not high, 55 points per level, and the Burning Sky level 0 plus 360 physical attacks, the growth is relatively high, but it is not comparable to my special spirit seal fragment." "

What's the name of this Spirit Seal fragment of yours?" Jiang Nianming asked.

"Originally, it didn't have a name, but after it was dug up, I gave it a very domineering name, Fire Dragon!"

Jiang Nianming: "..."

This name is enough for two.

"How's that, domineering, huh?" The assassin player seemed to be unfinished.

Jiang Nianming pulled the corners of her mouth and smiled awkwardly: "It's quite domineering."

"What about the effect?"

"Effect? This..." The assassin couldn't answer.

"You don't know it yourself?"

The assassin sighed: "Brother, don't hide from you, I only have five fire dragon fragments, one hundred and twenty fragments can be successfully fused, twenty more than the high-level spirit seal, so I think, it must be the most powerful, beyond the existence of burning heaven!"

Jiang Nianning didn't bother to talk nonsense with him anymore: "Let's be blunt, this fragment, how much money?" The

assassin said, "A five hundred gold coin." "

Jiang Nianming turned around and left, a fragment sold for five hundred gold, when Laozi is the sb of the troubled general?

"Four hundred! Four hundred!

Jiang Nianning looked back at him: "One hundred and eleven, give me all the five fragments in your hand, I will give you five hundred gold coins, now five hundred gold coins can be exchanged for nearly three thousand yuan, and the price will drop again later."

"Brother, you don't recognize the goods!" That assassin player was heartbroken, one hundred gold coins a piece, to be honest he was reluctant to sell it.

Jiang Nianming asked, "Do you know where the other fire dragon fragments are?"

"Nonsense, if I knew, I wouldn't have taken this thing out and sold it!"

As soon as the assassin's words fell, Jiang Nianning smiled and said: "Then don't you have it, if you can't collect the fragments, this thing is equivalent to garbage, I guess you don't have the mind to specifically look for this thing, brushing more monsters and leveling is the right way." The

assassin actually felt that what he said made sense.

"Five hundred gold, sell me." Jiang Nianming saw that there was a little success in attacking the heart, and then urged.

The assassin shook his head resolutely: "Five hundred can't do, get six hundred!"

"Deal, six hundred is six hundred!"

In the end, Jiang Nianning took six hundred gold to him, and he took away the five fire dragon fragments.

Although the assassin received six hundred gold, he always felt that he had suffered a loss, although the Fire Dragon Spirit Seal fragment was difficult to find, but if he found it... The effect is great!

Alas! Forget it, it's all sold, there's nothing more to say.

Jiang Niannian was already gone, and he felt that this was a small harvest, maybe this Fire Dragon Spirit Seal would bring him some unexpected surprises.

Walking into the palace, talking to the princess, or taking on tasks is comfortable, more interesting than repeatedly swiping copies of the spirit seal!

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