After finding Princess Ning Tong, Jiang Nianning immediately talked to her: "Your Royal Highness, I'm here, that damn swordsman has been killed by me, you see, its equipment has fallen on me."

"Well, I can feel that you are much stronger than before, so, are you here to fulfill your promise?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, please leave the task to me with confidence."

Jiang Nianming swore an oath.

Now he... Level 32, repeatedly dying in the copy, made his level become the way it is now, but it doesn't matter, Jiang Nianming feels that he can still complete the task assigned by the princess.

Ning Pu smiled and said, "It's good that you have this confidence, the tasks I gave you are very special, you just try your best to complete them." "

Special missions... Jiang Niannian likes this special, how much to collect.

"Please the princess to make it clear."

As soon as Ning Tong raised his hand, as his fingertips flowed, a glowing transparent map appeared in front of him, and he could see that there were more than a dozen place names marked on the map, six of which were heavily marked with red circles.

Jiang Nian said in his heart that these six places should be where he was going to one by one, which just corresponded to six tasks.

"This map, called the Moon Relics Map, has a lot of equipment, props to be discovered, and even some special scrolls, materials, and maybe there are props left by the Luna Warrior, I need these things."

Ning Tong looked at the red circle on the upper right of the map and said to Jiang Nianning: "The first task I gave you is to go to the northeast [Ruins Cave] of the Moon Ruins, that is, the entrance of the Moon Ruins, to find a Luna warrior who is waiting for rescue, I have already made preliminary contact with him with my mind, but I can't leave the palace for the time being, I can only send you."

Jiang Nianming was puzzled: "Why don't you send a powerful palace general?"

Princess Ning Tong shook her head and said: "The Moon Relics, only those who have inherited the miraical power of the Moon God can enter, in the Eternal City, the only people who can enter the Moon Relics are me and Father Emperor, and... You.

Jiang Nianming understood, and immediately hugged her fist and said to the princess: "I will bring people back as soon as possible." "

Well, that Luna warrior hides a very important secret, about several secret points of the Moon Ruins, no one knows better than him, find him and bring him back, I can better discover the secrets of the entire ruins, otherwise... It's going to take a lot of effort. "

Jiang Nianming's side has received a system prompt: you have taken the initiative to accept the main quest [Moon Relic] (difficulty 3888).

Currently a side quest: [Find and bring back trapped Luna warriors] (difficulty 800).

Mission Reminder: The Luna Warrior dies and the mission is judged to fail, please be sure to ensure his safety.

Before Jiang Nianming left, she also took out a fire dragon fragment and asked the princess: "Has Her Royal Highness ever seen this object?"

After Ning Tong looked at the fire dragon fragment, he frowned slightly: "This should be some kind of spirit seal fragment, but the energy contained in it is too weak." Hearing

this, Jiang Nianning had mixed tastes in her heart, and she didn't know what to say, perhaps, this kind of spirit seal, Princess Ning Tong couldn't look at it!

However, this is also normal....

"I haven't seen such a spirit seal fragment, do you need this low-level spirit seal?"

In the face of the princess's inquiry, Jiang Nianming no longer knew what to say, and sure enough, the joys and sorrows of human beings were not connected.

So, Jiang Nianning replied, "My dear Princess, it's not that I need this level of spirit seal, but I have to use it, because I can't find another higher level. Ning

Tong was naturally not stupid, and she could hear the meaning of Jiang Nianming's words, but she was also happy to help: "As the inheritor of the Lunar God's miraculous power, you really don't need to use this low-level spirit seal, if you perform well, I can reward you with a more powerful spirit seal."

Jiang Nianming was excited in his heart, and this was what he wanted.

However, he was more curious about how powerful the spirit seal given by the princess would be, and in the face of Jiang Nianming's question, Ning Tong did not give an accurate answer, but only told him that this was the spirit seal he had used.

Jiang Nianning didn't ask any more, he did the task first, and when the task was completed, he would not lack the spirit seal.

As for this Fire Dragon Spirit Seal, if the fusion is really completed, it can be given to the sister or sugar candy.

Jiang Nianming turned around to leave, but was stopped by the princess: "Where are you going?" "

Go to the Moon Ruins..."

Ning Tong beckoned to him: "The Moon Ruins can only be entered through special methods, I will send you directly over, after completing the task, you can crush the scroll back to the city."

Jiang Nianming nodded: "Okay!" The

next moment, the princess jade waved her hand, and a ray of light entered Jiang Nianming's body, and Jiang Nianming's whole person turned into light and flew into the map in front of Ning Tong, as for the location, it was the entrance to the Moon Relic.


Ruins caves.

This place was almost shrouded in darkness, and suddenly a ray of light fell, turning into a figure, but it was not Jiang Nianning.

The task has begun.

Jiang Nianming walked into the cave and began to look around for the Lunar God warrior, a cold wind blew through, and there were already more than a dozen white bone warriors with bone guns in front of him.

[Relic Guard] (Normal Monster)

Level: 35

Health Points: 4500

Physical Attack: 790~840 Physical

Defense: 666

Magical Defense: 500


Introduction: A warrior who guards the ruins of the moon, he will kill all incoming enemies.

The attribute is not very high, Jiang Nian Ming will kill when he lifts the sword, and as soon as he steps on it, the long sword swings, and the continuous slash, where the sword light passes, the blood volume of the relic guard in the front drops.





It is not difficult to break the defense by a large margin, but this wave of attacks has already attracted the attention of all the ruins guards.

The bone gun stabbed, Jiang Nianming did not dodge, but deliberately shot a shot, he wanted to try how much blood the guard could knock him out, after a shot stabbed, only 191 HP was dropped, unable to break the defense, this is okay, no need to provoke, rush in to kill on the line, if the level is the same, these relic guards may not even be able to beat 100 HP, now there is still a slight level suppression effect.


The speed of assassinating the demon sword and killing monsters is not ordinarily fast, and the critical strike rate will be greatly increased if you raid from behind, a sword is almost half blood, and in about ten minutes, the first wave of monsters is cleaned up.

The experience value provided by these relic guards to Jiang Nianning is not very high, there are quite a few gold coins that explode, and more than a dozen monsters have more than fifty gold coins, which is much more comfortable than outside.

Moving forward, after Jiang Nianming swept three or five waves of monsters again, he was already approaching the middle of the cave, the atmosphere here was more gloomy, and the level of the monster was 1 level higher than before, but the relic guards were gone, more were bats, monsters such as monsters and demon insects, with high attributes, and even some were good at magic attacks, and Jiang Nianning was also miserable.

The speed of travel slowed down, Jiang Nianning always paid attention to the changes around him, once a black fog emerged, it meant that a wave of monsters appeared, but overall it couldn't drag him out for too long.

The difficulty of the mission is 800 points... Jiang Nianning always felt that he had to face a boss, at least one, and he was mentally prepared.

But in fact, along the way, except for a few enhanced monsters, I didn't even see an elite monster.

Somewhere in the cave, there was a crystal clear spirit grass, which immediately attracted Jiang Nianming's attention, he walked over to pull the grass to see, and as soon as his hand touched it, he heard a slightly low and painful gasping sound from one side.

Raising his vigilance, Jiang Nianning carried his sword, walked along the source of the voice, and saw a warrior sitting against the wall, bleeding from his legs and kneecaps.

His spear was set aside, and it was stained with a lot of blood, and on his head, there was a line of handwriting.

Luna warrior Lin Crimson.

Jiang Nianning immediately stepped forward and spoke, "Brother, I am an adventurer sent by Princess Ningtong of the Eternal City to find you, please follow me out of here."

Lin Chong turned his head in pain, and when he saw Jiang Nianming, he was surprised and delighted: "Really... Someone really came, and Ning Tong didn't lie to me.

"Yes, Princess Ning Tong won't lie to you, just let me go."

Jiang Nianming held his shoulder and took out the scroll back to the city, but found that the light of the scroll dimmed in an instant.

Depend on!

Can't work!

Jiang Nianming's face instantly collapsed.

At this moment, a gloomy sneer came from the depths of the ruins: "I don't know if you are dead or alive, if you break into this place, do you think you can still go back with your life?" I'll send you back to the West!" "

Sure enough, there is a boss!

Jiang Nianming looked vigilant, observing the surroundings, the boss did not appear, just a voice, what will happen next, he can't predict.

Suddenly, Lin Chong next to him shouted hard: "There is a black fog surging over, run, once you are swept into the fog, the power of the Luna miracle will be greatly weakened, and it will withstand the attacks of many monsters!"

Jiang Nianning also saw the black fog that was coming quickly, and he shouted at Lin Chuang: "Come on my back!"

"No, adventurer, my life has come to an end, I will try my best to drag the black mist for you, you run away, go outside the cave, you should be able to use the Return to City scroll to leave."

"Hurry up and put your hands on it!" Jiang Nianning shouted at him.

"No, brave adventurer, I can't drag you down."

"Your uncle's!"

Jiang Nianming was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, directly punched and stunned, carried it on his back and left, you see, I have to do it myself!

Carrying Lin Chuang on his back, Jiang Nian Ming put away his weapon and pulled out his legs and ran, before leaving, he didn't forget to pick a handful of spirit grass, don't think that this must be a good thing, but now it's too late to look, go back and talk about it!

In the black fog, a large number of bats flew out, these bats fly fast thieves, some will spew flames, Jiang Nianming was beaten bitterly, the blood fell quickly, Lin Chong was also hit, he also had his own blood strip, Jiang Nianming took a special look, don't say, this guy's blood bar is very thick, and he can't die for a while.

However, he was woken up.

"If you are touched, save it for later, now I just want you to shut up and don't distract me."


Run for your life!

Jiang Nianming ran to the entrance of the ruins cave in one breath, and the black fog behind him had already rolled over.

Jiang Nianning was cornered and shouted at the sky: "Princess save me!" "


A holy light descended from the sky, wrapped his body and flew upwards, disappearing in an instant.

It's really good, the princess came to my rescue.

The black fog occupied the entire cave, but in the end, it still fell short, and did not leave the people who should have been left behind.


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