Eternal City, Palace Gardens.

Jiang Nianming and Lin Chuang's figure appeared in front of the princess together.

"It's so dangerous, I almost died." Jiang Nianming took a deep breath: "Princess, you are a bit of a trick for me, there is no way to use the Return to City scroll."

Ning Tong said slightly apologetically: "It's strange that I didn't investigate clearly in advance.

"It's okay, the people have been brought back."

Jiang Nianning went to look at Lin Chong next to him, this guy's leg bone was broken, he couldn't stand up, and now he had collapsed to the ground.

Seeing this, Ning Tong said: "Lin Chuang, I'll let people take you down to rest first, and I'll talk about the rest when you get better." Lin

Chong obviously didn't know Ning Tong for a day or two, so he wasn't too polite, and after nodding in response, a maid appeared and took him down.

Jiang Nianming rubbed her palms and said with a smile: "Princess, look at this

reward..." Ning Tong waved his hand: "You did a very good job, I will give you the corresponding reward." "


System prompt: You completed the mission [Find and bring back the trapped Luna Warrior], gained 12,000 experience points, obtained 255 gold coins, and obtained [Palace Spirit Seal Treasure Box] ×1.

Jiang Nianming felt that there was something more in the package, and then took it out to see, this so-called palace spirit seal treasure box, there should be a complete spirit seal inside.

[Palace Spirit Seal Treasure Box]: It contains three palace spirit seals, namely [Palace Fire Spirit Seal, Bright Saint Yan] [Palace Water Spirit Seal, Tear Rain Cold Spring] [Palace Wood Spirit Seal, Dead Wood Fengchun], please choose one of them, when you make a choice, the power of the other two spirit seals will dissipate.

Choose one of the three....

Jiang Niannian tried to click, but he could only see the name of the palace spirit seal, and he couldn't know its effect, so he chose it blindly, but since it was the same type of spirit seal, it was definitely not far behind.

To be on the safe side, Jiang Nianming still asked Ning Tong to see what advice she would give.

Ning Tong said: "No matter which one you choose, it is very helpful for you now, so choose it casually, when you complete the next task, there is still a chance to obtain the palace spirit seal again." Hearing

this, Jiang Nianming was overjoyed, since this is the case, then there is nothing to worry about, just choose one.

"That's you."

Jiang Niannian clicked on the second spirit seal.


System prompt: You got [Palace Water Spirit Seal Tear Rain Cold Spring].

A spirit seal that exuded a cold aura appeared in his hand.

【Tear Rain Cold Spring】(Palace

Water Spirit Seal) Level: 0

Health +500

Physical Defense:+100 Magic Defense:+200Water Attribute Magic Resistance:+10% Fire Attribute Magic Resistance:+10

% Water Attribute Magic Absorption: 10%

Healing Volume: +


Palace Spirit Seal Exclusive Skill:【 Cold Tears] Each attack has a 1% chance of freezing the enemy, making it unable to move


attribute: fire is restrained

attribute: no water attribute required for upgrading low-level spirit seal fragments: 300

I have to say that the attribute of the palace spirit seal is strong, and the magic resistance alone is increased by 10%, which is an attribute that gold weapons do not have, and there is also 10% water magic absorption, to put it bluntly, mages who are now proficient in water magic, There is no resistance in front of him.

Moreover, the exclusive skill of the palace spirit seal has been opened, cold tears, although there is only a 1% chance of freezing, but it is already very good, I don't know if it will be improved after upgrading, and what is stronger is that this palace spirit seal only has restraint attributes, and it is not restrained attributes, and it is directly ignored... Well, very tough.

If you upgrade, you only need low-level water attribute spirit seal fragments for the time being.

Direct inlay, defense attributes skyrocket, especially magic resistance, improve a big wave!

"Your Royal Highness, please give me a second mission!"

Jiang Nian Ming is passionate!

Seeing that he was so enthusiastic, Ning Tong opened the map of the Moon Relics again.

This time, it's the red circle near the cave.

"Pass through the cave, you can reach the ruins town, you go to the town to explore!"

"So, to what extent do you want to explore?" Jiang Nianming asked.

Ning Tong thought for a while and said, "When the exploration degree reaches 70%, you can come back, of course, the more you explore, the better." "

System prompt: You have accepted the quest [Moon Relic] (difficulty 3888).

Currently a side quest: [Explore the Ruins Town] (difficulty 800).

Mission reminder: The minimum exploration level of the ruins town should reach 70%, the higher the better, which means that you will get more rewards.

"I see, please ask the princess to send me in."


Ning Tong nodded, and then waved Jiang Nianning to the entrance of the ruins cave, at this time the black fog at the entrance of the cave has dispersed, and the dead monsters have not been refreshed, it is completely unimpeded, he only needs to follow the previous route, through the cave, you can reach the ruins town.

However, there is a big boss hidden in the depths of this cave, and if you meet it, you can't help but kill it!

Jiang Nianning suddenly thought that he had pulled out some spirit grass from here before to see what the effect was.

[Ganquan Spirit Grass]: After use, it can immediately relieve negative states such as paralysis, poisoning, and chaos, and restore 1000 health points in 1.5 seconds.

After Jiang Nianming read the introduction, everyone was dumbfounded... This grass has such a magical effect!

See how much is in the package... Count carefully, there are 16 sticks in total.

MD, I already knew that this thing is so NB, it should have been picked all at once!

No, I have to go and see again, if there is still left, not a single one can be left, and it must be pulled out completely.

However, unfortunately, when he arrived at that place, he found that all the Ganquan Spirit Grass had withered, lifeless, and without the slightest bit of life, and when he plucked the withered Ganquan Spirit Grass to look at it, he learned that these Ganquan Spirit Grass had no effect, but unfortunately... What a pity!

The remaining Ganquan Spirit Grass was wasted like this, and at a cursory glance, there were no less than forty or so, and he plucked away too little and too little.

I hope to meet you later, if there is definitely not a single root can be let go, moreover, pay special attention to every inch of the land in the ruins, even if there is no spirit grass, there must be other good things.

Last time he entered the ruins cave, he only walked half the way, and now he starts the second half, the monster attributes are significantly enhanced, and its level has also changed from the original 35 to 37, 38, 39 levels did not appear, level 40 is even more non-existent, it is not difficult to kill, with the blessing of the palace water spirit seal, these monsters' attacks on him are actually a little weaker than before, those bats that spit flames, it turns out that they can still dry him nearly 200 HP points, and now... Even 50 is difficult.

After easily slaughtering a few waves of monsters, the level was raised to 33, and when he came to the end of the cave, there was nowhere to go, Jiang Nianming looked ahead, at the end of the wall, there was a protruding stone mask face, gray light, which always made people feel less comfortable.

"Isn't this thing supposed to be a boss?" Jiang Nianming was a little suspicious, this mask-like face had eyes, nose and mouth, faintly, as if it was twisting and moving, at first Jiang Nianming thought it was just an illusion, until this thing spoke: "Abominable boy, you dare to come back and send you to death, this time I will definitely let you die without a place to be buried!" "


Sure enough, it is the BOSS, and he will speak, that is, the guy who created the black fog before, it seems that he is going to be right.

Jiang Nian Ming immediately detected its attributes.

[Relic Ghostface] (quasi-silver level boss)

Level: 40

Health points: 1250000

Magic attack: 999~1110

Physical defense: 888 Magic defense: 888

Talent: [Vast magic] Blue amount limit + 2000 skills:


Cold Flame Frost] [Magic Mist] [Call of the Moon].

Introduction: The ordinary grimace in the ruins was originally just a dead thing, and later absorbed too much sun and moon essence and became a living creature full of aura, but the wisdom is not very high, and if you don't destroy it, you can't continue to move forward!


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