God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1934: From the upper bounds

"That's it, that's the breakthrough?" Yin Meng stared at the grunt with an amazing increase in his breath, and opened his mouth, not knowing how to put it together.

However, this surprise hadn't had time to make everyone's face smile, and a huge roar appeared in everyone's ears.

It was as if something had hit the pseudo-world suddenly, and I felt that the entire city, the whole world, was shaking violently.

This shaking was accompanied by a palpitating feeling, which made Yin Meng and Shu Feiyao with lower cultivation bases both face white. Ling Zhi separated some spirit power and stood by them. The expressions of the two were beautiful. A little bit.

This roar appeared suddenly, disappeared suddenly, extremely short, and made people unable to react quickly.

Ling Zhi frowned, walked quickly toward the shore, and then quickly flew toward the sky, wanting to take this look to the distant horizon and see exactly what happened.

Leaving the lake, he quickly climbed high. At this time, the entire Stone City also had some wonderful changes. Everything around him seemed to know what he was going to do. It really made him see the outside world from inside the Stone City.

Entering the goal is no longer the gloomy and dim sky of the pseudo-world, no longer those dark and airy feelings, but patches of fiery red.

The fiery red clouds surround the distant horizon like a brilliant sunset.

In the sky, a huge black hole appeared.

Ling Zhi had just risen into the air, and a huge roar came again. His body shook, and the spiritual power in his body surged out, colliding with the roar.

The sound waves appeared in the air as if they were condensed into substance, and collided with Lexus's power, causing them to be trampled on flat ground within a radius of thousands of meters.

It wasn't until then that Ling Zhi could see clearly that something was coming from outside the pseudo-world, hitting the barriers of the pseudo-world, and wanted to force it in. ,

This is different from the previous teleportation array, which is directly breaking through the barrier and coming across the boundary.

"Is it the other planets where the teleportation array is not present?" Ling Zhi frowned and muttered to himself.

"No." Li Bai had already followed him sometime, and after staring at the distant horizon, he said decisively.

"Although I was not so strong back then, I was qualified to touch something. I have seen this kind of scene with my own eyes." Li Bai's tone suddenly became extremely serious.

"At that time, they competed for the control of the six reincarnations. The lower realm and the upper reincarnation battled. In many cases, the upper realm could not come through the six reincarnations. At that time, they could only pass through some other weak areas and forcibly open a channel. Some people sent it down."

Li Bai stared at the black hole in the distant sky, "Although I don't know what kind of powerhouse will come down, but I can be sure that this method must be the group of people in the upper realm!"

"There will be an ancestor-level powerhouse?" Shui Wuxun rushed up from the bottom and asked with a fist.

"Probably not. This kind of channel is far less solid and stable than the Six Paths of Reincarnation, and the pseudo-world is not as stable as the outside world. In the final analysis, it is an incomplete world and should not be able to support the ancestral sage-level figures from coming, but that I can’t figure out what the characters use, so we have to prepare for the worst!"

Li Bai said solemnly, his expression extremely serious.

This is a kind of grief, a kind of anger, a kind of unwillingness.

But the existence of the ancestral saint level is like completely opening up a relationship with the warriors of other levels. One is immortal and the other is human.

Even if he stood in this position, Li Bai, who had such a cultivation level, could only unwillingly say such words.

They don't even know how they locked the position of the pseudo-world and opened such a channel.

I don't know how to destroy this channel.

But one thing is certain is that, to the extent that the people who have come down to the pseudo-world, they must be enemies and not friends!

At the edge of the black hole in the sky in the distance, the red color became more and more intense, as if the whole world was suffering unbearable destruction, and the whole world was on the verge of collapse.

The roar followed, but it seemed to be half a minute away. After a long time, nobody came out of the black hole unexpectedly.

"If you don't come now, when will you stay?"

Suddenly, from the black hole, there was such a roar clearly and clearly.

The roar shook the world and spread throughout the pseudo-world in the blink of an eye, with commands, anger, and command.

"not good!"

Ling Zhi reacted instantly, turned his head and rushed out of Shicheng.


However, Li Bai also exclaimed, raising his hand with a sword, and the sword light suddenly passed in front of Ling Zhi, stopping Ling Zhi's body.

Before everyone else had time to react, they were shocked and speechless by the sudden appearance.

They didn't understand why Li Bai suddenly started to attack Lexus.

"I..." Ling Zhi clenched his fists, his eyes widened, and he looked up and looked into the distance. He didn't mind Li Bai's sudden full shot at him.

"The people gathered outside the stone city now, I don’t know how many strong people there are. Neither you nor I can guarantee that if you open the city gates at this time, will you still be able to close the city gates? Once they rush in and destroy the stone city, So whether we can stop the people from this upper realm from coming down, it is meaningless."

Li Bai stood beside Ling Zhi, with anger in his eyes, "The solidity of the pseudo-world must have exceeded the expectations of the upper realm of reincarnation. They must now want people from the lower realm to cooperate with them and let them send people down smoothly. ."

"I know, you want to kill this traitor in the lower realm, but obviously, now is not the time, you can't go out!"

Li Bai’s tone was heavy, but Lexus didn’t have the slightest dissatisfaction. He just nodded aggrievedly, and said, “I’m reckless. I just thought of seeing a traitor trying to do such a thing, but what? I can't do it, I..."

Only at this moment did Shu Feiyao, Yin Meng and others react, thinking that Ling Zhi and Li Bai had so many ideas and plans in that short moment. The two women looked at each other, but they did. He had a completely different mood from Lingzhi and Li Bai.

"If even these two people can't keep this stone city, can there be anyone else? Maybe, is this the fate?"

The two looked at each other, and this thought emerged in their hearts at the same time.

And when they thought so, a figure gradually appeared in their sight from a distance, and the spirit power surged and came quickly.

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