God-level Punishment System

Chapter 1935: traitor

The appearance of this figure, in fact, Lexus should not be surprised at all.

But when she did show up, Ling Zhi couldn't help but a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

Tiandao League, the Saint King's three-level realm powerhouse, a person who has fully understood the three souls and six souls, Yun Yi.

This woman who had an unbearable history back then.

Before this, Ling Zhi had blocked her dirty language.

"The Heavenly Dao League is the originator of that incident on the continent of Reincarnation. This news can be confirmed." Ling Zhi sighed lightly, and his fingers were all whitened by him.

He was angry, he was unwilling, he wanted to rush out of the stone city, rush out of the upper city, and block the opponent away from the black hole.

But now, he just can't do that.

Why do people in the upper realm want to get down the first time they know the location of the pseudo-world?

They roared, it must be because they paid a heavy price, but they have not successfully opened up the channel between the two worlds.

All this is for Shicheng.

As long as the stone city is destroyed, the strong people of the year will never reappear in this world [Baidu novel www.tomtxt.com].

As long as those people don't show up, they will have nothing to worry about.

The lower realm will always be the lower realm, and the strongest can live for tens of thousands of years at most, and can no longer open the six reincarnations, and it is no longer possible to enter the upper realm of reincarnation without their permission.

Stone City, the Supreme City, has appeared since the origin of mankind. In this long history of mankind, there is this huge city.

Therefore, it is impossible for anyone to destroy this city by any means at a long distance.

Because no one can imagine how many powerhouses this city has bred, and how many powerhouses there are, leaving a breath in this city.

No one can fight against the entire history.

It is precisely because of this that when all this was laid out, the ancestors of the earth placed their last hope, the most important thing, on the body of Supreme City, hoping that through this city that will always collapse, Their remnant souls provide a trace of guidance so that they may return.

The emergence of clouds is only the beginning, but not the end.

When her figure first appeared, when she unscrupulously released the spirit power of her whole body, one figure after another appeared from all directions.

"You, are you actually the person standing on the upper realm of Samsara?" Someone exclaimed in the crowd.

There was even a strong person who was the leader of a certain team. He suddenly walked out, and everyone behind him could not react immediately and stood there in shock.

On weekdays, everyone in the lower realm regards themselves as a traitor, and everybody regards those on the upper realm as traitors. This is already evident on the planet of reincarnation.

But no one thought that at this moment, there would be so many strong men, and suddenly they would directly turn to the side of the upper realm of reincarnation.

It was only now that they didn't know that the friend, the leader who resented the upper realm with them, was actually a traitor.

Yes, traitor.

Betrayed the homeland, betrayed the family, betrayed the place where oneself was born and raised.

Betrayed everyone.

One after another strong men stepped forward and walked towards the black hole. They are about to jointly open this black hole so that the people of the upper realm of reincarnation can come down smoothly.

"Don't think about it, traitor, minion!"

Suddenly, in the northeast of Shicheng, there was a violent exclamation, and a figure that looked a little thin and very inconspicuous suddenly rushed out of the crowd.

He had been standing in a certain team before, and he was unremarkable at all. His height was only one meter six, half a head shorter than the average person, not to mention, his figure was very thin and his clothes were very plain, so he looked very ordinary. .

It's just that when he roared angrily, the aura on his body skipped the time and skyrocketed to the second level of the Holy King.

His originally thin image suddenly became tall and tall, and between raising his hands, the power of his rage was condensed, and he hit several people who were walking out directly in front of him.

Those few people were only martial artists at the first level of the Saint King. How could such a change be thought of, before there was time to react, one person died first, and the others also vomited blood and fell to the rear.

The thin man yelled, "Because the upper realm has closed the six reincarnations, we don’t know how many relatives have died, or how many times we have watched our relatives leave, but can’t do anything. They are obviously all in our world. Human enemies, I can’t understand, why do you still miss them?"

"What did they promise you? It's worth your betraying everyone and becoming their dog?"

When the man raised his hand, these **** figures were completely annihilated, and under his attack, they became completely dead.

"Everyone has the right to choose. This is their choice. Why do you ask them? Kill them?"

Suddenly, a figure among those walking towards the black hole paused and stopped.

This person stood up very early before, and it was only a half-step easier than Yun, and the power on his body had also reached the third level of the Holy King.

At this moment, he suddenly stopped, causing everyone around, including Yun Yi, to slow down.

"This is a choice?" The thin man said without fear, righteously, "If betrayal of his homeland has become a free choice, what is the difference between a human and a beast? He raised him when he was born in the lower realm. What did you want him to ask for? For countless years, whose ancestor has not been trapped by life and death? In the end, he died unwillingly?"

"I killed them because they deserve to die!"

The thin man yelled, and took a few steps forward again without backing down.

"Oh?" The stopped figure gave him a surprised look, then suddenly sneered, "Ming is stubborn, if you don't kill you, wouldn't anyone dare to come out anymore."

With this thin and weak man, as long as the cultivation base is lower than him, he naturally dare not come out.

Speaking of this, the figure walked back from near the black hole, towards the thin man, "In this case, I can only kill you first, so that you can understand what kind of power you will get when you return to the upper realm." , Let you understand why we made such a choice."

"Betrayal, what is betrayal? As long as it can make us live better and longer, then that is the most correct choice." The aura on this figure grew stronger and stronger.

"Is it possible, you never think that the lower realm really has the opportunity and ability to defeat the upper realm and open the six reincarnations?"

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