God-level Recovery, People in the Crypt, Violent Strikes Billions of Times

Chapter 114: Dragon Hall of Temperance Imperial Capital Warriors

Ye Nan and Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Martial Art Hall, left the Qinglong Martial Art Hall, and they started walking on Longcheng Street in the Imperial Capital.

"Ye Nan Zhan Wang, actually I really want to know one thing."

Abruptly, Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, stopped, and he looked at Ye Nan.


Ye Nan wanted to know what Tu Qiu had.

"Do you have any shocking background?"

Tu Qiu asked Ye Nan.

Listening to Tu Qiu's words, Ye Nan couldn't help but smile, "I'm just an ordinary person, no background."

He is indeed an ordinary person, but he has a system.

When Tu Qiu saw Ye Nan's words like this, he naturally felt that Ye Nan didn't want to tell him the truth. Thinking of this, Tu Qiu didn't ask much.

"By the way, King Ye Nan, do you want to walk around, or where do you want me to go with you?"

Suddenly, Tu Qiu asked Ye Nan again.

"Go get the realm badge."

Ye Nan said slowly.

"Okay, I will take you there now."

Tu Qiu was a little delighted, he didn't expect that King Ye Nan hadn't received the realm badge.

At the side of Ye Nan and Tu Qiu, some ordinary people heard the conversation between the two, and they all sneered at them, because in their opinion, Ye Nan and Tu Qiu were a bit too funny, speaking as if they were really awesome. Forcing it to be the same, these ordinary people would naturally not think that sometimes a powerful presence would appear beside them, but they would not be able to find out.

Of course, sometimes they will be discovered, when these people will only exclaim again and again: "The strong are by my side!"

Ye Nan and Tu Qiu didn't pay attention to these ordinary people, they went to a place.

The place where the Emperor Dragon City receives the realm badge is called Dragon Hall!

The Dragon Palace is not only a place to receive realm badges, but also controls all the warriors of the Imperial Capital Dragon City, which is equivalent to the Jidao Alliance of Jiangnan Base City.

After a long time, Ye Nan and Tu Qiu went outside the Dragon Palace.

After arriving outside the Dragon Palace, some warriors finally recognized Tu Qiu, and their eyes opened wide. They never expected that the master of the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall would come to the Dragon Hall. This was a high-ranking warrior!

Ye Nan didn't stay too much outside the Dragon Palace. He walked into the Dragon Palace. As an organization that restrains the major warriors of the Emperor Dragon City, the appearance of the Dragon Palace building is naturally very good.

After Tu Qiu saw Ye Nan had entered, he also followed in.

After arriving in the hall, a staff member immediately greeted him. After seeing that it was General Tu Qiu, the staff member immediately changed his expression.

"War Commander Tu Qiu, I will notify..."

"no need."

Before the staff member had finished speaking, Tu Qiu waved his hand to the staff member and interrupted the staff member.

The staff was shocked secretly. He thought that General Tu Qiu was General Tu Qiu, and he was so unassuming. He once thought that if he was a strong man, he would raise his head and watch the sky walk, but now he knew he was wrong. The strong are so low-key.

"I want to receive a badge."

Suddenly, Ye Nan said to the staff member in front of him.


Naturally, this staff member did not dare to neglect, he thought that this was the person who came with General Tu Qiu, of course it was not simple.

"PLZ follow me."

Suddenly, this staff member took Ye Nan to a place.

"Wait, ordinary testing halls are not suitable."

When this staff member just started to take his footsteps, Tu Qiu spoke.

The staff was startled, of course he did not expect that General Tu Qiu would say such a thing. He looked at Ye Nan. Although he was shocked, he would never ask more. He had worked in the Dragon Palace for so long, and of course he knew how to observe his words.

Immediately, the staff took Ye Nan and Tu Qiu to the advanced inspection hall.

"Go to the top inspection hall next to it."

Tu Qiu slowly said to the staff member beside him.

The staff member listened to General Tu Qiu's words, and he was dumbfounded.

The top inspection hall is next to the advanced inspection hall, but the top inspection hall is at least a warrior-level warrior who can enter the inspection.

Is it possible...

This staff member suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, Ye Nan is a warrior!

"Let's go."

When the staff was sluggish, Tu Qiu went on to say to the staff.

After the staff member recovered, he quickly took Ye Nan and Tu Qiu to the top inspection hall.

There are rooms one after another in the top inspection hall. After becoming a powerful warrior, some powerful existences do not want others to know his realm. In order to keep secret, there are rooms one after another in the top inspection hall.

Ye Nan entered a room at random!

"Master Ye Nan, as long as you put your hand on this machine, you can detect your current state."

The staff member said.

Ye Nan looked at the machine in front of him, his face didn't fluctuate too much, and he stretched out his hand and walked towards the machine in front of him.

The staff beside Ye Nan had opened their eyes a little bit bigger than usual, and he wanted to know what level of warrior Ye Nan was.

After Ye Nan's hand stretched out on the machine, Ye Nan's data appeared on the machine instantly.

"Realm: First-Class War King (Power of Two Hundred Dragons.


The staff looked at the realm that appeared on the machine, he gasped, and his pupils shrank rapidly. In any case, he would not have thought that Ye Nan would be the King of War.

He had thought of Ye Nan as strong as possible and wanted to become a warrior at the general level, but what he didn't expect was that he still wanted to be so much lower.

Tu Qiu, the master of the Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion, already knew that Ye Nan was the King of War, and the realm data on the detection machine did not cause too many fluctuations on his face.

Immediately, the staff member was relieved, and he thought that Ye Nan must have cultivated some kind of primordial skill to rejuvenate his youth so young, otherwise, how could he become the King of War at such a young age.

Of course, this staff member thought so, just to comfort himself, after all, he didn't know if there was any elementary skill for rejuvenation on Blue Star.

"Is it all right?"

Ye Nan was stunned when he saw the staff member in front of him, and he said to the staff member.

The staff member listened to Ye Nan's words, and he came back to his senses, and quickly said to Ye Nan respectfully: "Yes, it's okay."

Immediately, this staff member took Ye Nan and Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion, and left the top-level inspection hall.

"Warlord Ye Nan, warriors of the warlord level must report to the palace master."

When the staff was preparing to give Ye Nan the realm badge, he suddenly thought of something and said to Ye Nan.


Ye Nan smiled secretly. That's what he thought. Only when the high-level knows about him, he has more opportunities to enter the crypt to recover the beast.

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