God-level Recovery, People in the Crypt, Violent Strikes Billions of Times

Chapter 115: Base No. 3, wreckage of space battleship

Immediately, the staff member gave Ye Nan the realm badge of the first-grade war king.

After Ye Nan received the realm badge, he put the realm badge in the storage ring, and he and Tu Qiu left the Dragon Palace.

After the staff saw Ye Nan and Tu Qiu leave, he didn't stay in place for a moment, and hurried to a place.

It didn't take long for the staff member to arrive at a place that looked extremely solemn.

Inside there is a middle-aged man who looks dignified. The middle-aged man is sitting on the seat and looking at a document. The atmosphere in the whole hall is very much expressed by the body of the middle-aged man on the seat. Dull.

"The hall, the hall master."

The staff member yelled at the middle-aged man in the seat. A look of horror appeared on his face, and a little cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

The middle-aged man in the seat is the Lord of the Dragon Palace. He listened to the staff member, put the documents in his hand on the desk, looked up at the staff member and asked:

"Is there a problem?"

The name of the lord of the Dragon Palace is Li Ke, a sixth-rank war king, and his strength is extremely terrifying.

The staff did not have any reservations, he told everything to the lord Li Ke.

Li Ke was a little stunned when he listened to the staff member's words. Of course, he didn't expect the staff member to say such words.

"The King of War? Came with Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan Pavilion?"

After Li Ke recovered, he looked at the staff in front of him in disbelief.

"Yes, the lord."

The staff quickly nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Li Ke was shocked, his pupils widened, what did he hear from this staff member?

He actually heard a Tier 1 War King who seemed to be only in his twenties! ! !

"Hall Master, in my opinion, that first-rank warlord should have cultivated some kind of primordial skill to rejuvenate the old and rejuvenate, so he is so young, otherwise it is impossible..."

"Okay, let you know everything, right?"

Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, glared at the staff. The staff member dared not speak immediately, and quickly closed his mouth.

After the staff left, Li Ke, the lord of the Dragon Palace, couldn't calm down for a long time.

Ye Nan and Tu Qiu, the master of Qinglong Wuguan, returned to Qinglong Wuguan.

A few days are fleeting!

Ye Nan arrived at the Tianheng mission agency again!

He came to the Tianheng mission organization for only one purpose, and that was to see if there were any good missions.

There is really no need for warlords of the Warlord level to come here to take up the task, but Ye Nan's system is a recovery system, of course he wants to take up the task.

"Have you heard that a space battleship fell down at Base No. 3?"

"Why haven't I heard, I also heard that the corpses in the space battleship look the same as ours."

"Oh my God, this is too interesting, but the area where the space battleship drops has been strictly controlled."

When Ye Nan entered the lobby of Tianheng Mission Agency, a group of warriors began to whisper.

"Space battleship dropped?"

Ye Nan naturally heard the conversation of these warriors, and a touch of surprise appeared on his face. Of course he had heard of the space battleship, and there was not just a space battleship falling on the Blue Star.

He hadn’t heard of Base No. 3 either.

"Where is the third base?"

Suddenly, Ye Nan asked a warrior who was participating in the discussion.

Several warriors listened to Ye Nan's words, they stopped discussing, looking at Ye Nan with a little astonishment, but never thought that Ye Nan didn't even know where the third base was.

"Base No. 3 is the grain producing area of ​​our imperial capital. You don't even know this, isn't it a person in the imperial capital?"

A warrior asked Ye Nan curiously.


Ye Nan only thanked the martial artist and left.

Several warriors looked at Ye Nan's back in surprise, "What a weird person."

Ye Nan left the Tianheng mission agency.

After returning to the Qinglong Martial Arts Hall, Ye Nan found the master Tu Qiu. When the master Tu Qiu saw that Ye Nan had found him, he was a little surprised and asked Ye Nan:

"King Ye Nan, you..."

"You should know something about Base 3, don't you?"

Before Tu Qiu's words were finished, Ye Nan spoke first.

Tu Qiu was stunned for a few seconds, "Zhan Wang Ye Nan, are you talking about the drop of the space battleship at Base No. 3?"

"Yes." Ye Nan nodded.

Immediately, Tu Qiu began to tell Ye Nan about the drop of the space battleship at the third base.

Ye Nan learned from Tu Qiu's mouth that the space battleship dropped five days ago, and it was sunny and sunny that day...

"King Ye Nan, do you want to go to the third base?"

After Tu Qiu thought of a possibility, he looked at Ye Nan in amazement.

"Is there anything weird about this?"

Ye Nan looked at Tu Qiu with some doubts.

Tu Qiu secretly thought that Ye Nan Zhan Wang deserves to be Ye Nan Zhan Wang, but the third base is only a space battleship dropped, there is nothing good at all, he thinks Ye Nan should have never seen a space battleship before, so I want to check it out.

Tu Qiu was indeed right. Ye Nan had never seen a space battleship before. This time he heard that a space battleship was dropped from Base No. 3. Of course he wanted to see it and would not miss this opportunity.

Immediately, Tu Qiu told Ye Nan the location of the third base.

"By the way, Ye Nan Zhan Wang, our Qinglong Martial Arts Hall has vitality-powered cars. Why don't you drive?"

Tu Qiu suddenly thought of something, he looked at Ye Nan tentatively.


Ye Nan nodded.

Tu Qiu took Ye Nan to a car powered by vitality. After getting in the car powered by vitality, Ye Nan drove towards the third base.

Base No. 3 is attached to the Imperial Capital Dragon City, which is the food producing area of ​​the Imperial Capital Dragon City.

In about two hours, Ye Nan arrived at the third base.

After arriving at Base No. 3, Ye Nan parked the car in a random spot.

After he explored with spiritual power, he soon found a place with a large number of martial artists, and he headed towards this place.

It didn't take long before Ye Nan saw a group of warriors, but he did not see the wreckage of the space battleship. He thought in his heart that these warriors should just guard the periphery, and the wreckage of the space warship was not here.

"Hello, where is the wreckage of the space battleship?"

Ye Nan asked dozens of warriors in front of him.

Most of the dozens of warriors were elite-level warriors, only a few great warriors. When they heard Ye Nan ask them this question, they couldn't help but feel a little dumbfounded.

"Why are you asking this?"

A seventh rank great martial artist stared at Ye Nan and asked.

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