In the eyes of this great warrior-level fierce beast, Ye Nan was already a dead person. After it killed Ye Nan, it was able to give Ye Nan's body to her girlfriend, which is great.

The other great warrior-level fierce beast that didn't take a shot on the side was naturally the girlfriend of this great martial-level fierce beast.

It also began to look forward to it, because it has never eaten humans since childhood!

Just when the great warrior-level beast was approaching Ye Nan, the great warrior-level beast opened its blood basin and mouth. After opening the blood basin, the great warrior-level beast naturally wanted to take a bite. Swallowed Ye Nan's head.

But what made this great warrior-level fierce beast never think of is that when it just opened its blood basin, it felt an unprecedented danger.

Feeling the danger, this big warrior-level fierce beast was terrified to the extreme.

Roar! ! !

Suddenly, the great warrior-level fierce beast that rushed towards Ye Nan began to mourn in pain, and after the wailing, the body of this great martial-level beast was already full of blood holes.

The remaining big martial artist-level fierce beast watched this scene, and a chill instantly rushed from its tail vertebra to the Tianling Gai, and it was as frightened as it was.

Immediately, this remaining Great Martial Artist-level fierce beast ran out one step at a time, reaching the fastest speed in history.

But even if this great warrior-level fierce beast has a hundred legs, what should it be? Being stared at by Ye Nan, only death will end.


After the sound of the piercing wind appeared, a shock wave of vitality swept towards the escaping Great Martial Artist-level beast.

Just when this great warrior-level fierce beast turned around to see if Ye Nan had pursued it, it saw this vitality shock wave.

what! ! !

Suddenly, the big warrior-level fierce beast that ran away also screamed, and after the screams, the life of the great martial-level beast disappeared into the world.

After Ye Nan recovered the two great warrior-level fierce beasts, he walked into the fierce beast gathering place. From the appearance, the fierce beast gathering place was quite large.

He also felt it with mental power, and found that there were many fierce beasts in this fierce beast gathering place.

When human beings enter the gathering place of beasts, of course they become a standout existence!

Numerous fierce beasts have surrounded Ye Nan Tuantuan.

Ye Nan looked at these fierce beasts, his face naturally did not have any fluctuations, in his eyes these fierce beasts were not scary at all.

There were a lot of fierce beasts surrounding him, and all of these fierce beasts stared at Ye Nan viciously, and would pounce on Ye Nan at any time.

Ye Nan's expression was indifferent, he didn't plan to let these fierce beasts live too much time.


Suddenly, the vitality of Ye Nan's whole body was shaken, and the power of hundreds of golden dragons swept out of his body and flew toward the fierce beasts that surrounded him.

These fierce beasts watched such a terrifying attack, they all fell into a horror, looking at the power of the golden dragon that swept across with extreme horror.


Ye Nan began to make violent explosions in all directions from top to bottom, the strong resentment began to overflow, and the **** smell of the fierce beast began to permeate the air.

All the fierce beasts that surrounded Ye Nan fell into a pool of blood, and their deaths were terrible.

Ye Nan collected these fierce beasts!

However, the Qinghong Sword still did not break through to the higher rank of the tenth-order Yuan Soldier.

Ye Nan thought there were so many fierce beasts, he didn't panic at all!

"Human, you dare to break into my wiredrawing lair, you are really looking for death!"

Suddenly, a fierce beast's rage sounded into Ye Nan's ears.

Ye Nan looked over at the sound and found that a humanoid beast appeared in the air. This medium humanoid beast had a pair of wings and had strange patterns all over it. It was a second-rank warlord-level beast.

At this time, this second-rank humanoid beast was staring at Ye Nan in mid-air.

Suddenly, the wings behind the second-rank warlord-level humanoid fierce beast began to wave violently, and a gust of wind surged after the wave. A few seconds later, the power of the wind condensed into a terrible attack, and the attack slammed towards Ye Nan.

Ye Nan watched the attack, his face was calm. Such an attack might be terrifying in front of others, but it seemed very ordinary in front of him.

After a burst of vitality was released from the inside and outside of the body, it hit the second-rank warlord-level humanoid fierce beast.


The vitality released from inside and outside Ye Nan collided with the attack released by this second-rank warlord-level humanoid beast.

After the collision, a violent explosion sounded!

But just an instant, the attack from this second-rank warlord-level humanoid beast disappeared instantly.

"how is this possible!?"

This second-rank warlord-level humanoid fierce beast looked at such a scene, and couldn't help but lose its color in shock, and it yelled.

The vitality Yuwei released from Ye Nan's body still swept out toward this second-rank warlord-like humanoid beast.

The second-rank warlord-level humanoid fierce beast was already in shock, and its pupils shrank fiercely, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, terrified!

"Hurry up, hide away!"

This second-rank warlord-level humanoid beast of course wanted to avoid such an attack, but it found that it was too late.

Just when the Yuwei of vitality was only a line away from this second-rank warlord-level humanoid beast, this second-rank warrior-level humanoid beast was desperate.

"My life is over!"

At the last moment of life, this second-rank warlord-level humanoid beast shouted loudly.

The sound falls, there is a boom!

This second-rank warlord-like humanoid beast has been pierced through its body.

Without much thought, Ye Nan recovered this second-rank warlord-level humanoid beast.

"Ding! The recovery was successful."

"One billion shi."

"400 million cultivation talent stone."

"400 million ability talent stones."

"100 million sword stones."

"100,000 yuan soldier upgrade stone."

"The first-order star soldier's original skill, slay dragons and draw swords!"

"Turn on ten million times crit!"

Looking at the sign-in reward he received, Ye Nan was a little stunned, because such a recycling reward was a bit too good.

First-order star soldier's original skill, slaying dragon and drawing sword?

Ye Nan thought to himself, could it be a Tier 1 Star Soldier on top of the Tenth Rank Yuan Soldier?

He felt that it must be the case, otherwise, why would there be a Tier 1 Star Soldier Elemental Skill.

Without thinking about it, he rewarded the recycling to Fusion.

He didn't expect from the beginning that it would be so easy to start a million times crit.

You know, this is a tens of thousands of times a crit!

However, Ye Nan knew that if he wanted to cultivate the first-order star soldier's primordial skill, he would definitely need to upgrade the Qinghong sword to the first-order star soldier to be able to practice.

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