After merging the rewards of the second-rank warlord-level fierce beast, Ye Nan continued to slaughter the fierce beast in this fierce beast gathering place.

He knew that there were many fierce beasts in the gathering place of fierce beasts.

Not long after, another group of fierce beasts appeared in front of Ye Nan.

Ye Nan looked at these fierce beasts, he found that they were all elite-level fierce beasts, and among them there were also a few great warrior-level fierce beasts.

These fierce beasts, in his current realm, really looked down upon them.


Suddenly, these fierce beasts chose to take the initiative to attack Ye Nan. Although this choice was extremely wrong, everyone knew that even if they didn't choose the wrong one, what would happen?

Waiting for them is nothing but death!

In an instant, Ye Nan killed the group of fierce beasts.

After recovering the corpses of the so-called fierce beasts, Ye Nan didn't stay in place too much. He continued to slaughter the gathering places of these fierce beasts.

The gathering place for the beasts is too big!

A human entered the place where the beast was gathered, and of course he had been spotted by the beast in the place where the beast was gathered.

All of a sudden, the fierce beasts in the entire fierce beast gathering place were looking for Ye Nan. These fierce beasts vowed to make Ye Nan regret coming to this world if they found Ye Nan.

But what these fierce beasts would not have thought was that not only they were looking for Ye Nan, but Ye Nan was also looking for them.

"You said that human being is too ignorant. He actually dared to enter our vaulted fierce beast lair. It's really looking for death."

"Yeah, if I were to find that human being, I would definitely cut that humanity apart and let it know what real regret is."

"Oh, our vaulting beast lair is so big, maybe that human has already been killed by other tribesmen."

A group of fierce beasts began to talk.

But what this group of fierce beasts would not have thought was that Ye Nan was right behind them.

When a fierce beast turned around occasionally, when it saw Ye Nan, its pupils couldn't stop shrinking.

"Human, human!?"

This fierce beast was stunned. What it would never have thought was that it turned around and saw Ye Nan, which is incredible.

The other fierce beasts listened to this fierce beast's exclamation, they quickly turned around, and Ye Nan appeared in front of them.

This group of fierce beasts was shocked first, and then laughed.

"Hahahaha! I really can't find any place to break through the iron shoes, it is no effort to get it!"

In the eyes of this group of fierce beasts, Ye Nan was completely a cold corpse, and he dared to appear in front of them. This was not a death-seeking or something.

"Human, I..."

"Why are you talking to this human? We are not grandmaster-level fierce beasts. Even if we speak, this human being can't understand it."

This group of fierce beasts sneered, their eyes fixed on Ye Nan, but what they didn’t expect was that Ye Nan’s face didn’t show any fluctuations in fear, as if they didn’t treat them as the same thing. so.

There are more than a dozen fierce beasts, and they are all great martial artist-level fierce beasts.

Immediately, more than a dozen big warrior-level fierce beasts all became extremely angry. One of the big warrior-level fierce beasts pounced towards Ye Nan.

Ye Nan looked at the great warrior-level fierce beast that came. It was an eighth-rank great martial-level fierce beast, and its strength was very good, but in front of Ye Nan, it was really hitting the stone with a pebble.

When this eighth-rank great warrior-level fierce beast pounced, a piece of vitality was released from inside and outside of Ye Nan's body.

After the vitality was released, the eighth-rank great martial artist-level fierce beast fell to the ground, its eyes widened, and a huge blood hole had been pierced through its body, which looked really terrifying.


The rest of the great martial artist-level fierce beasts watched this scene, and they couldn’t help but gasp. In any case, they would not have thought that this human being was so strong that this is an eighth-rank great martial-level fierce beast. It was actually killed by a spike like this.

If these great warrior-level fierce beasts knew that the second-rank warlord-level fierce beast was also killed by Ye Nan, they would not be shocked.


Suddenly, the remaining Great Martial Artist-level fierce beasts all roared.

When the roar fell, these great warrior-level fierce beasts began to fly and flee.

It's a pity, how could Ye Nan let this group of great warrior-level fierce beasts escape?

This group of big warrior-level fierce beasts that are running away, they are all desperate. They originally wanted to find Ye Nan and then unload Ye Nan by eight, but now they finally know why Ye Nan dared to come to their fierce beasts gathering place alone. NS.

There is no doubt that this group of great warrior-level fierce beasts was recovered by Ye Nan.

at the same time!

The three-way army of the imperial capital is almost reaching the beast giant city, and after reaching the beast giant city, they will launch an attack on the beast giant city.

The mighty army of warriors has been destroyed along the way. I don't know how many fierce beasts gather. These fierce beasts gather in the face of such a warrior army, and there is no possibility of survival at all.

Ye Nan was also about to recycle the beasts in Qionglong's lair.

He broke through to the eighth-ranking champion!

For Ye Nan, a breakthrough is as simple as drinking water.

In the end, Ye Nan came to a forest outside.

These trees look really peculiar, they are all red in color, giving a feeling of depression.

This is the deepest part of Qionglong's beast's lair!

Ye Nan thought that as long as the beast inside was wiped out, then the gathering place for the beast would be gone.


What Ye Nan didn't expect was that it was so difficult to upgrade the Azure Rainbow Sword to Tier 1 Star Soldier. He had integrated so many upgrades, but the Azure Rainbow Sword still hadn't been upgraded to Tier 1 Star Soldier.

Ye Nan shook his head. He didn't plan to think any more, he walked in toward the red woods in front of him.

He did not hide his breath!

This is deliberate, in order to let the beast inside find out.

Sure enough, not long after Ye Nan walked in, a fierce beast spotted him.

This is a fierce beast of the third rank great master class!

This third-rank great master-level fierce beast was holding a huge stone axe in his hand, and it stared at Ye Nan coldly, as if it was about to eat Ye Nan.


I saw that this third-rank great master-level fierce beast licked its tongue, and it seemed that it was about to swallow Ye Nan.

"come over."

Ye Nan hooked his fingers at this third-rank great master-level fierce beast.

The Fierce Beast of the Third-Rank Grand Master was shocked. It would never have thought that Ye Nan would even dare to hook his finger. It couldn't help but become sluggish. It wondered now that this human should be thinking about how to escape?

"Human, do you know what kind of situation you are facing now!"

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