God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1197 Old Board of vest

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When the first batch of the first batch to the origin store, when the customer came out, he suddenly sounded a mourning.

"Sure enough, I will provide, I know ..."

"There is no specific time, do you want to go to the origin of the mall every day? My family is far from nine city! "

"It's too cold outside, I don't want to go out, and I will notify me when I provide rock sugar. "

"You are afraid to dream, I heard that the total weight is not much, how many people are more ..."

The rock sugar is still shadow, and the customer is arguing, it seems that now is facing how to score.

Luochuan took the magical phone and opened the page of the script. Slightly recall the story of the movie and write it.

"What is the boss doing?" After Xia Ying came to the origin of the mall, he saw the scene of the magical phone after the counter.

"I heard that it seems to be written." Wei also grasped the hair, and he is naturally aware of the movie.

"Script, what is it?" Xia Ying couldn't solve it.

"How to say, just describe the story of the story in writing." Guard also answered some incredible answers.

Xia Ying wrinkled frowned. She feels that it doesn't know clearly, but I don't ask if I have a sense of half solution.

Over time, the origin store gradually became lively.

Xu is because of the desire to rock sugar, even if the snow is outside, the number of customers in the store is much more than yesterday.

"Or is the temperature in the boss, and even if there are so many people, there is no feeling of dullness." Ji no regrets came to the origin store, couldn't help but sigh.

The heating system of Jiuwei has been in operation. Each family is not intrudative, and the moisture in the air also drives a lot.

Of course, it will not have a shortcomings. For example, if you stay in the room for a long time, you will have a fainting in the room, and the air is dry.

Where the style is relatively high, it is not using the heating system, and the inscription of the straightness of the gas is a king.

The origin store does not belong to both, and there is a very comfortable feeling here.

"This snow is a bit big, and there are many places to assist in many places." Steps today is coming with Ji no regrets, now I am frowning to the store.

"The strength of the cultivator is stronger, when the strength of this heavens and the earth is still there, there is no difference between ordinary people." Ji no regrets lamented a sentence, then laughed, "Trumpet, this matter Give you. "

"Ha? Give it to me?" The steps did not respond for a while, and there was an unexpected look at the face of Confucian.

"After all, there is nothing." Ji said no regrets.

Since the fire of the fire of the fire, the two countries have successfully reached a clear understanding, and the war is naturally nonsense.

Because of this, lending the army and the Affei have nothing to do with the steps of the year.

Every day, it is homes, pouring flowers, teaching sons, and from time to time and the old and the origin is going shopping.

Simply put, it will step into the old-age life early.

"Okay, let me give it to me." Stephen sighed the sound, although some did not want, but still should come down.

Write the script this thing, it looks simple, but it is really hard to write, it is very complicated.

Luochuan put down the magical mobile phone, as you think in your heart.

Ok, he did not want to write.

Stretching the body, sitting for so long, the joints of the body seem to have rusty feelings.

Before the equipment sold, Ice cream, I chose a natural ice cream.

The pure cream flavor is a heart spleen, ice is cold.

Sure enough, winter is the best season for eating ice cream.

"Boss boss." Yue Ling came from next to it.

"Well? Is there?" Luochuan stopped.

"Nothing, just talk to you." The sound of the moon is now, I am afraid that I have heard it by others. "The things found in the ancient rules, and the existing civilization of Tianyi mainland is completely different! "

Luochuan took a sound, these he had long known: "Are you recently there?"

These days haven't seen the moon.

"Of course." Yue Ling nodded, his face was full of smiles, "but there is very boring, I still like the lively atmosphere of the origin store."

Luochuan is naturally not believed, in order to experiment, it will not come to the origin of the mall. How many days will this?

Luochuan is extremely perfunctory to respond, which is eating ice cream back to the original position.

"Boss, there is a customer to ask me to ask you a glory of the new role." The demon purple smoke slightly slightly toward Luochuan.

Some fans fall in his back, itch, can't smell the like, like empty valence.

Luochuan coughs under: "Forget to post post, for a while, you will help me send a post in the originating forum, ask for the opinions of customers."

Last night and the demon purple smoke said that Luochuan felt a lot easily, like the original heavy object in the heart suddenly been discarded.

As for the relationship between him and the demon smoke, naturally have a little very subtle change, it is difficult to describe the specific words.

"Good." The demon purple smoke did not think so much, smiled and should be under.

Soon, a post of a new role of glory was released by the demon purple smoke in the originating forum.

The popular smoke is popular on the magical phone, but it is necessary to be higher than the boss.

Mainly in the usual Luochuan never appeared on the magical phone, and the demon purple smoke is moving from time to time, and there is a bubble.

As for the dynamic content, most of them are all ordinary daily.

Occasionally, there will be a few photos, which will be extremely attractive to the food that is extremely good.

Most of the members of the customer are also similar. What is "tears can't live from the corner of the mouth", "I haven't eaten why I want to see this", "the food in front suddenly became a discourse."

Well, it is talent.

In fact, Luochuan is very active on the magical mobile phone, like a popular message, and the live-ranking scriptures, he has participated.

It's just that the vest is used, and the number of vests is very much.

After all, he is gone all day, often uses magical mobile phones to send time, and the identity of the boss will always cause some things, or the vest is relatively convenient.

At that time, the demon purple smoke knew this matter, he still had a better battle.

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