God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1198 proud of the system

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The demon purple smoke released on the magical mobile phone on the post on the new role of the glory, naturally received the enthusiastic response of customers.

After a long time, there were a lot of messages.

There is a lot of irrigation, and the recommended recommendation is to see a few.

Luochuan turned over and closed the post.

He is expected to have it.

Then, what is the next time?

Luochuan fell into entangled.

He is a little missing all kinds of online games, which are fascinating.

It is used to the modern life of Luochuan, which is naturally a feeling of feelings and in the Tianzhu mainland.

Because of this, he wants to change this world according to his preferences.

Well, maybe this is like alternative cultural invasion.

As for what consequences?

Luochuan has not considered it.

Moreover, it is too lazy to think about what these will happen in the future.

"Hey, you can't die, how can you die? If I am sure, it is more than you."

"The fourth layer of the tower of the trial of the trial? I remember that you can make a realm, this is the challenge of it!"

"Aircraft, no one, I have the last two cards left."

"I think you have been mistaken this step, you should be better in the location of the left."

"I said, this is my chess or you play chess, I am bored ..."

Rainwei blonded, the demon laughed and laughed.

The tiger is self-knowledge, laughing, laughing, came to the counter.

"Boss, I am watching the magic mobile phone, the new role is going to launch in the glory?" Tiger fell to the post on the magical mobile phone.

"Yes." Luochuan looked up and looked at it.

From the expression on the face of the tiger, it should be special for this.

The tiger smiled a few times, then refer to himself: "Boss, how do you see me?"

Luochuan: "Ha?"

The demon purple smoke.

"It is the role in the glory." Tiger mad first caught the hair first, and then revealed the outstanding look, "I feel very suitable."

Luochuan is sighted, for your own image, I still hold back, just nodded: "The idea is good, I will consider."

The tiger is happily happily.

"Boss, you are really ready to launch a new glory role according to the image of the tiger?" The demon purple smoke came over and asked whispered.

"Almost." Luochuan drank mouth coaches, "can be freely converted in two forms."

"Two forms?" The demon purple smoke, "Is there anything in glory?"

When Luochuan suddenly thought of the wolf girl in the glory: "It is also, then it is."

In the three words, the role of the tiger is abolished.

"Amount, boss, you determine the true grass rate." The demon purple smoke can't spit it.

Luochuan does not care, continue to watch the magical phone.

After so, the post can be seen in the post.

A brief background story and ability have written, can link "glory" in the origin of "glory".

When you say this, you have to mention this glory written by the demon purple smoke.

Now it has become the official background story of the game glory.

Each role has its own experiences and stories.

When the incarnation is for this role, it seems to have experienced another life.

If you sell the surroundings, there will definitely have a lot of customers to pay.

Among the customers of the origin store, there are many thousands of money.

It is like the group of happily salty fish that do nothing to do.

Luochuan feels that he is a little nothing to open.

After all, the product is the system, the store is the system, the customer is coming over ...

Attributing all things, the so-called boss is not a toolman.

Waiting for the customer to go door all day, then introduce the goods, selling goods.

It is all the things you do.

Originally, Luochuan also thought about making a point change while starting.

He doesn't want to be a toolman.

Very simple ideas, it is impossible to prove the value of yourself.

But after a while, Luochuan found that he was wrong.

Big wrong.

Is the toolman not fragrant?

Is it uncomfortable to die, etc.

He is this person, there is no big life goal.

Will not cross the world, bind a system, think ", I want to conquer the world", "I am the people of the selection" and the like.

His personality is a bit of peaceful.

If you come to the world, you have to die, you must return to the original world. It is so quiet in the city.

It's almost like this.

Then the next thing is a dead life such as mix.

The system will not see it, occasionally send a task.

Let the plain daily wave you like.

"System, is there a ready-made script?" Luochuan relied on the back of the chair and the daily summoning system.

Luochuan knows that he said this is totally nonsense.

The name is the universal system of the store, don't say the script, even if it is more outrageous.

"Yes, but not." The sound of the system still does not fluctuate.

Luochuan: ......

He has a subtle feeling, and the system seems to be proud.

"Forget it, don't give it, I will write it yourself." Thinking here, Luochuan is not good again.

The system is in the same way, and it will be silently.

At the end of the system conversation, Luochuan put down the magical mobile phone and hub yawned.

The morning business hours are near, and the customer leaves three or two.

"Hey, you can be cold outside, I really don't want to go out." Wei Liangzhu stood in front of the store door, tight tight.

It is just the barrier of the store, but the temperature of the two is very different, and the cold wind is drilled in the gap in the clothes, it is very uncomfortable.

"The snow is so big, I don't know when it can be stopped." Song Qiying sucks the nose and then put on the hat.

"Hey, go to Fengxian Tower today." Lin Haozhuang proposed.

"Okay, okay." The two sucked.

In the noisy, the figure disappeared in the wind.

When the customer left, Luochuan wanted some reluctant to close the store door.

Blossoming the sky is blocked.

Although the cold in the outside cannot invade the store, Luochuan is doing this.

"Boss, how do you check the store?" The demon salastic smoke has some intakes.

"Outside the cold." Luochuan said it would be reasonable.

The demon purple smoke blinks, she is a bit not to keep up with Luochuan.

But I didn't put it on my heart.

After all, many things made by the boss, the surface looks completely the heart of the heart.

"Okay." The demon purple smoke is a bit helpless, then laughs, "the boss, what do you want to eat at noon today?"

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