God-level Store Manager

Chapter 1199 New Role Story

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The sky is gray, and the snow that has been raised.

The snow of the chaotic city is much smaller than the nine city, has lasted for two or three days.

There is no weird atmosphere in the air, and the freshness of the Qing Dynasty is dry, the eyes are all in the white.

The chaos in the snow appear to be particularly quiet, and the color is hidden, and the high and uneven buildings can see a little quiet atmosphere.

"The snow here is two or three days." Chu Yang took the magical phone, seeing from the surface, like it is self-speaking.

After that heard and Xie Meng dance talked, he had the idea of ​​leaving the chaos, but because of the rain, he stayed now.

A city, I want to see it in a short time, it is almost impossible.

Chu Yang naturally understood this, he just regard himself as a passer.

Things that have occurred in the chaos have nothing to do with him, he just use his eyes to watch.

Chu Yang looked at the white breath in the mouth, and the litter will disappeared from a distance: "Well, leave it today."

On the screen of the origin phone, many barcings appeared suddenly.

Well, now he is playing live.

Although every live broadcast is quite free, and the content is different, but the degree of popularity is unexpected.

I want to see if everyone wants to see, this life in the chaotic city of Tianyi mainland, what is the way.

Everything is almost the rules of Chu Yang.

If you want to leave, leave, don't need a reason.

In this regard, he and Luochuan are some similar places.

During the chaotic city, Xie Meng dance is busy clean up.

"This needs, there is this ..."

A small space ring seems to have an infinite space, and a piece of item is not in it.

"Dream dance sister, are you really ready to leave?" The faceful girl holds the chin, watching a busy Xie Dance, can't help but say.

"Of course." Xie Meng dance nodded, "I heard that the origin store is very magical, I am going to see it."

"But there is in the Central Plains, but it is very far away." The girl didn't know what thought of thinking, a little lost.

"Well, I know." Xie Meng Dance felt the girl's mock, smiled and walked over, smiling her hair wanted.

"Well," The girl has taken her hand in anger.

"During this time, the city of chaos will be given to you." Xie Meng dance did not care, just laughed.

In the small room, it was quiet again.

"Hey, Dream Dance, how can you suddenly want to leave?" The girl broke the silence atmosphere.

Xie Meng dance sat next to it and gently sighed: "I have a little thinking of the city."

"I am also." Refers to this topic, and the mood of the girl has become a bit lost.

"I have a feeling, maybe I can find the city owner in the origin store!" Xie Meng danced his fist.

The girl seems to be some speechless. I don't know what to say in a moment: "Okay, let's be happy."

"The city of chaos is given to you, don't wait for me to come back to make a mess." Xie Damo also didn't care about the girl's protest, and smashed her head.

"I know, I have said how many times I said, don't mess with my hair!" Slightly with your hurt, the protests, followed ...

Original Mall.

After lunch, Luochuan was reluctant to open the store door.

No way, business is still open.

However, it is really cold outside.

At the line of sight, it is a white.

There is no BGM in the heart of Luochuan.

"No - Snowflakes floating the northern style Xiao Xiao, heaven and earth ..."

The stage is placed.

Shake your head and throw these strange thoughts.

This turned and left.

The demon purple smoke saw the prompt information on the magical mobile phone and took it.

"Is there anything you give this afternoon? "

The news from the Miyue, followed by a special smile expression.

The demon salastic moon is laughter, then the words are simply replied to a "no".

"What?" Luochuan asked casually.

"I asked me if I have a rock sugar." The demon purple smoke finger the screen.

All in all, it is the afternoon of ordinary.

Customers who have come to the store to the store, more or less disappointed when they know that there is no rock sugar.

But they can't be, it is uncomfortable.

Luochuan looked at the post of the glory new role, and saw a meaningful message on it.

"The role is what I think, it is not the rumor of Tianyi mainland. "

Original story.

When I saw this sentence, Luochuan is coming.

Slightly sitting hard, continue to browse.

"The protagonist of the story is originally the child of the country, because the father is killed by the enemy, and has to inherit the position of the general.

The protagonist is weak, and there will be a sword on weekdays. Where can I be a good general?

There is an inexplicable appearance in front of him, and takes out the mask of gold.

"I put it, will realize any desires."

Under this confusing, the protagonist puts a mask ...

On the battlefield, he became the nightmare of the enemy, and the incarnation of the death of the harvesting life ...

Some people in the next day saw that the generals whispered to the mask, as if it had life ... "

Luochuan is very fast.

Although there is no detail, the content of the story is good.

If you add a point, you will not have a difficult thing for a few hundred words that you want to expand to more than ten thousand.

Cough, return to the topic.

In addition to the story, followed by the settings of the character's ability.

Over time, you can make a choice, what is wearing a mask or choose to give up.

After wearing, the mask has become dominated.

If you choose to give up, he has achieved sublimation.

Luochuan touched the Pakistan.

He said, it is a bit touching.

He thought of Kai Yin in the league, and Junmei unparalleled Lanling king.

Nice good, new roles use this.

Since there is an idea, Luochuan came to the game development space.

Below is a map of vast glory, surrounded by fifteen roles.

For this character, Luochuan has already ripped the light.

First, create a substantially outline.

White squares have gradually have human forms.

Then it is the appearance.

Luochuan is preparing to refer to Lanling King.

The legendary history of Lanling Wang Junmei is like a demon, and whenever it works, we must wear a gold mask.

As for the costume ... you can do it.

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